- Participants
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Price plans
- Go | Crowdfunding
- Go | Event Fundraising
- Go | Kom-In-Actie
- Basic (CF)
- Basic (P2P)
- Pro
- Expert
- Go | Kom-In-Actie PLUS
- Go | Crowdfunding PLUS
- Go | Event Fundraising PLUS
You can register as an individual through the sign-up flow and then you will have a separate fundraising page. You can add news items here and edit your fundraising page.You may also register as a team member. For that, you also create an fundraiser, but then the fundraiser is linked to the team and the revenues count for the team.Watch the video on managing fundraisers here, or read more about specific sections below.00:00 - Welcome00:27 - Download overview fundraisers01:40 - Adjust a page02:33 - Adjust my subscription03:14 - Manually adding a fundraise page04:58 - Change the owner of a page06:30 - Move fundraiser07:29 - Other optionsArticle contentFeatures fundraisersManagement of fundraisersMoving fundraisersManually adding fundraisersEmails to fundraisers Feature fundraisersAn fundraiser always has one ownerAn fundraiser is always linked to a user, which is the owner of the fundraiser. And they can also manage the fundraising page. However, a user may have several fundraisers.An fundraiser can close and reopen an fundraiser himselfThe latter can only be done if it is possible to start an fundraiser at that time.You can move or assign an fundraiser to someone else afterwardsThis can only be done by a site administrator. Management of fundraisersWhen an fundraiser logs in, he/she enters the dashboard directly to edit his/her fundraising page. If the fundraiser has multiple fundraisers, there is a drop-down menu in front of it to choose which fundraiser he/she wants to edit. As site administrator, you can edit an fundraiser by looking it up in the fundraiser overview. You then click on the pencil icon to enter the fundraiser management. There you have the following options:My pageMotivationChange fundraiser name, fundraiser title, description, fundraiser url and number of participations (only an administrator can change the number of participations)Photos and videosAdd photos and videos to be placed on the fundraising pageSponsor logosAdd sponsor logos that will appear with the fundraiser BlogHere, an fundraiser can post his or her own Blog about his or her fundraiser. People who have indicated that they want to be kept informed will receive a notification about this.AgendaHere, fundraisers can organise their own fun things and put them in the agenda. People can then also donate to itSettingsClose pageAn fundraiser (or a site administrator) can close the fundraiser here. A closed fundraiser can be reopened (provided it is currently possible to start an fundraiser at that level) by the fundraiser or site administrator. Once an fundraiser is closed, it can no longer be donated to. If an fundraiser hangs below a project and that project is closed, all underlying fundraisers are also closed at the same time.Target amountHere, an fundraiser can adjust his/her target amount. This cannot be later than the minimum target amount set at that level.Countdown dateHere you can change the countdown date for the fundraiser. You will only see this option if it is possible to set a countdown date for the fundraiser and if the level the fundraiser falls under does not have a countdown date set.PSP description (not visible to fundraisers)Here, administrators can change the PSP description of an fundraiser.Additional description (not visible to fundraisers)Here, administrators can change the additional description of an fundraiser.DonationsDonations overviewHere you can see the donations made to this fundraiser. An fundraiser will see less information if he clicks on the 'i' (example). Site administrators can also download all donations for this fundraiser hereManual donationsHere you can add a manual donation and it will be added to this fundraiser.AchievementsHere, an fundraiser can add achievements, link with Strava and set a target distance. You can read more about achievements here.My registrationHere is an overview of all data entered when registering. An fundraiser can possibly modify the activity if that functionality is enabled. Site administrators can modify the number of participations, the activity and the answers to additional questions here.Moving fundraisersSomeone may have created an fundraiser in the wrong place. You can then easily move the fundraiser back to the right place:You go to the fundraisers overview and click on the three dots and then on moveThen find the place you want to move the fundraiser to and click move.Manually adding fundraisersYou can also add fundraisers manually. You can do this by going to where you want to add the fundraiser and then going to fundraisers. Then click (top right) on add.Then select the owner. If it is already known, search for it in the search screen. Otherwise, click on Add account.You will then first create a new account, to which the fundraiser will be linkedYou then fill in the fundraiser details and the fundraiser is created.If an fundraiser is created via the dashboard, no e-mails are sent. You can still send a welcome e-mail yourself from the fundraiser overview by clicking on the three dots > Send welcome e-mail again. Also, no mail to set your password is sent to accounts created via the dashboard. You can send those manually via Accounts > Users > Send password. Or can be requested at the frontend via Forgot password. Emails to fundraisersThe following mails are linked to fundraisers:Welcome e-mail after creating fundraiserYou can set this based on the number of previous participations. You can also send this e-mail later by clicking on the three dots > Send welcome e-mail again from the fundraiser overview.Welcome e-mail after joining the teamThis is sent when you register as a team member. You can also set the mail based on the number of previous participations.Donation receivedThis is sent after a donation is made directly to the fundraiserTeam has received a donationThis is sent when donating directly to the team (i.e. not to a team member)Reminder after pledging donationThis is sent x days after pledging a donation. Committed donations are donations you can make on the mobile view by clicking 'pay later'. That functionality can be turned off. The mail can be copied and then the number of days can be adjusted.No donations receivedBy default, this mail is sent after 14 days, but that number can be adjusted. And is only sent if no donations have yet been received.Target amount of the fundraiser has been reachedThis mail is sent based on a percentage of the target amount. You can copy the mail and then set your own percentage. If you have set multiple mails to be achieved with a single donation, only the mail that meets the highest condition will go off. For example, if you have set an email at 30% and at 60% of your target amount, and a donation comes in which you raise 100% of your target amount all at once, only the email at 60% will go off.Tip e-mail after registrationThis mail is also copyable and will be sent x days after creating the fundraiser.The set countdown date will soon be reachedThis mail goes off x days before the countdown date is reached. You can copy the mail.Personalise your fundraiser with an imageThis mail is sent x days after creating the fundraiser if no fundraiser picture has been uploaded. You can copy this mail.Retrieved more than set amountThis mail is sent based on a set amount. You can copy the mail and then set your own amount. If you have set multiple mails to be achieved with a single donation, only the mail that meets the highest condition will go off.Team raised more than set amountThis mail is sent based on a set amount. When the team total reaches that, the mail goes off. You can copy the mail and then set your own number. If you have set multiple mails that are achieved with a single donation, only the mail that meets the highest condition will go off.Project is closed by project managerThis mail goes off when a project is closed. All underlying fundraisers are then informed of this (provided this mail is on). So pay attention to this before closing a project.News item addedIf you add a news item, you can choose to share it with all fundraisers directly below that level. They will then receive news of this.Performance goal of the fundraiser has been achievedThis mail is linked to the performance tracker. If this goal is achieved in its entirety, this mail goes off.
You can register as an individual, but you can also start a team or join an existing team. As a team, you have your own team page, where you can see more information about the team and who the team members are. Here, as team captain, you can add news items and edit the team page. Watch the video on managing teams here, or read more about specific sections below.00:00 - Welcome00:27 - Overview and download team01:23 - Adjust a team02:46 - Creating teams manually03:49 - Creating team members04:22 - Appoint a team captain 05:33 - Move teams06:01 - Other options Article contentTeam captainContentSettingsDonationsTeam membersManagement teamTeam captain changeAdding team members to a teamDelete team membersAdd a team via the dashboardStarting a team as an fundraiser after registrationCap on number of team members Team captainThe team captain is the one who created the team and thus the one who is in charge of the team. The team captain can do the following:ContentChange team name, profile picture, title and team description (Content > Motivation)Add image or video to team page (Content > Pictures and videos)Add sponsor logos (Content > Sponsor logos)Add news items (Content > Blog)SettingsAllow team members (Settings > Allow team members)Here the team captain can choose to allow unlimited members, allow a certain number of team members (note: if an activity must be chosen then this option is not there), or no longer allow team membersClose team (Settings > Close page)Set target amount team (Settings > Target amount)DonationsThe team captain can view all donations made on team members by clicking on the 'i' behind the donation.Team membersA team captain can remove activists from his or her team. This can be done on the team members overview page, by clicking on the three dots behind one of the team members and choosing 'Remove from team'. A team captain can also see more information about team members' fundraisers by clicking on the 'i' under the three dots. Management teamAs a site administrator, you can immediately see per fundraiser whether it is a member of a team or not. You can see this through the following icons:FundraiserTeam memberTeam starterChange team captainYou can change the owner of a team. You do this by going to teams and looking up the team. Then click on the three dots behind the team and choose 'assign user'. Then select the new owner of the team (if necessary, you can create a new user first).Adding team members to a teamIf someone has signed up and then finds out that he or she would have preferred to be in a team, that person cannot change that themselves, only a site administrator can do that.Adding an existing participant/fundraiser holder to a team is basically no more than moving this fundraiser to the team. First, you look up the fundraiser by going to 'Fundraisers'. Then click on the three dots and select move. You look up the team and click move. Then the fundraising page will appear under the team and that person has joined the team. Deleting team membersA team member is nothing more than an fundraising page linked to the team. If you delete a team member, the page is no longer linked to the team, but the deleted person's fundraising page remains in contact. You can delete a team member as follows: Find the team and press Manage. Then click on Team members. Then click on the three dots behind the team member you want to delete and selectDelete from team.Adding a team via the dashboardYou can also create a team via the backend. To do this, first go to where you want to create the team. For example, at site level (if your registrations are at website level), under a sub site or under a project. In case you want to add the team under a project, first find the project and manage it. Then go to teams and click on add team. A team always has a team captain, so you can link it to an existing account, or add a new account. After linking the team to an account, all you have to do is fill in the team name, team title and team description. Starting a team as an fundraiser after registrationAfter registering an fundraiser, you can also optionally start a team as an fundraiser. This can be done via the start team button:You can then create a team via the dashboard:After completing all the information (including, for example, additional questions to the team captain), the team is created. The fundraiser this team is created with then becomes team captain. No e-mails are sent after team creation.You will see the button to create the team only if:You don't have a team yetIt is possible to start a team (So via Settings > Sign-up flow > Sign-up options)It is possible to start an fundraiser. So the fundraiser start must not be blocked and there must still be free spacesOnly site administrators and the fundraiser himself can do this. The button is not visible to subsite and campaign administrators. Cap on number of team members If you have an event with a maximum number of team members, you can set this via Settings > Default team settings. All teams that are then created are allowed to have a maximum of that set number of members.You can set a maximum via Settings > Default team settings via Team members limit:If you choose "Yes, I want to specify a limit for teams under this page." there, you can set the maximum number of team members. The fundraiser who is a team captain himself also counts as an fundraiser.After activation, any limits set by the team captain are overwritten. However, if you reset them at a later time, then that previously set limit will also be reset.Existing teams that already have more members than your set maximum will remain intact. Suppose you have a team of six people, and you set a maximum across the whole project of four people per team, that team will still keep those six people. Therefore, make sure you have already set it up properly beforehand. A site administrator, sub site administrator and campaign administrator can do this.The 'allow team members' option disappears the moment you set a maximum number of team members over a certain level. So a team captain can no longer set the maximum himselfYou can set the cap at site level, sub site level and campaign level and there is no erving in it (so it is only for that level).
Application flow
To start an fundraiser, you need to go through the sign up flow. Below is more information on how this works and you can set it up yourself.
Article content:Videos
Sign up flow: the basics
Sign up flow: additional stepsOptions at Settings > Sign up flow
View sign up flow
Sign up options
Adjust order of steps in sign up flow
Change text left side
Other mattersSign up flow steps
Application options: How do you commit?
Profile details: Who are you?
Team page
Personal sponsorship page: individual
Starter donation
Overview page
Thank you pageSupplementary
Entry fee
Editions: retention at events
Date of fundraiser
Performance: Mileage target
Additional questions
Discount codes
Would you rather see a video with an explanation? You can! Then click on either film below:
Sign up flow: the basics00:00 - Welcome00:13 - Intro & table of content00:58 - Change text within sign up flow01:53 - Change sign up options02:14 - Moving steps within sign up flow02:28 - Change start fundraising button02:42 - Sign up flow step by step03:04 - GDPR Texts an menus03:46 - Create team page03:56 - Default contents and settings05:02 - Create fundraising page05:24 - Start donation05:57 - Overview page06:08P - ayment page06:22 - Thank you page
Sign up flow: additional steps00:00 - Welcome00:41 - Registration fees02:08 - Activities03:21 - Editions & badges05:26 - Countdown date05:50 - Achievement06:09 - Additional questions06:28 - Webshop07:15 - Coupons
Options at Settings > Sign up flow
Settings > Sign up flow takes you to the page to edit your sign up flow. Here you can see a number of settings.
View sign up flow
You can always use this button to enter the sign up flow to see what it looks like. The preview mode is only meant to view the sign up flow, you cannot create fundraisers in this mode.
Sign up flow options
Here you can choose which way people can register. You have the following options:Individual + team + team member
Individual only
Team + team member
Individual + team + team member + company
Individual + companyYou will only see the options based on the functionalities that are on. If you are not using the company functionality, then you will only see options 1, 2 and 3. If there are no teams either then you can only select individual here and the entire step in the sign up flow will be skipped.
Adjust order of steps in sign up flow
You can change the order of the first four steps. You do this by dragging them with the mouse until they are in the desired order. The other steps all have a fixed order.
Change text left side
You can change the texts listed on the left-hand side of the sign up flow. For example, if you click change behind 'Who are you'. You can then edit the text in the next screen:If you click 'Change default value' then you can edit the text and add a description if you want. You can always go back to how it was originally by clicking 'Restore default value' again afterwards. And you change the text on the left (in the green sidebar):
You can do this for all steps.
Other matters
There are a number of other things you can set on the Settings > Sign up flow page (see also screenshot below):You can change the text on the fundraiser start button (this can vary per campaign/sub site). The new text (e.g. come into fundraiser, swim along, etc.) can be a maximum of 15 characters and that includes spaces.
You can customise the texts on the selection screens. These are selection screens that you see when you click 'start fundraiser' and then have to make a choice:General selection screen "What do you want to take fundraiser for?". Here you choose what you want to start the fundraiser for, whether it is, for example, a general fundraiser or an fundraiser for a campaign
Sub site selection screen "For which sub site do you want to take fundraiser?". Here you choose for which sub site you want to start an fundraiser
Selection screen campaigns" For which campaign would you like to take fundraiser? Here you choose for which campaign you want to start an fundraiserSign up flow steps
The sign up flow that fundraisers see is shown based on settings. Think, for example, that you will see an extra step with registration fee, if you use that. Below, under 'Basic' you will see the steps that are normally always there and under 'Additional' the extra steps/options. Each step is described briefly below. More information on specific functionality can be found in the support articles linked to this page. You may find below a functionality that is not included in your package.
The following steps belong to the basics of the sign up flow
Sign up options: How do you commit?
Here you can see the sign up flow options and choose how you want to sign up. You can set this via Settings > Sign up flow > Registration options. You will not see this step if there is only one option, such as individual.Profile details: Who are you?
This is where you create an account for the platform. If you already have an account then you can log in and your already known data will be filled in automatically. The mandatory fields here are First name, Last name and e-mail address and agreeing to the general terms and conditions. We can optionally or compulsorily request the following additional fields here:Address (Street, House number, Suffix)
Phone number (an additional opt-in will automatically be added here in accordance with telecoms legislation)Team page
If you choose to create a team, you will be taken to the 'Your team page' page. Here you enter at least:The team name, the amount you want to raise, the title and the motivation. You can fill in the title and motivation beforehand via the standard settings. The amount raised can be set via Settings > Set target amount. If you chose individual or team member in the previous step, skip the team page step.Personal sponsorship page: individual
You then proceed to the page to create your individual fundraiser. Someone who creates a team in the sign up flow also creates a personal fundraiser. You can fill in the title and motivation beforehand via the standard settings. You can set the amount raised via Settings > Set target amounts. It is also possible to continue without creating an individual fundraiser if the sponsor page is optionally enabled.Starter donation
By default, this step is on, asking the fundraiser to make an initial donation in advance. This donation is optional, but we see that it is often done. You can adjust the amounts and possibly add a description via Settings > Set donation amounts. We can also turn off the initial donation if you wish.Overview page
Here you will see an overview of what you will order, or what you have selected. If necessary, you can choose to register another person. This way, you can create an fundraiser for several people at once and check them out.Thank you page
When payment has been made, you come back to the thank-you page. Here you can customise both the text on the left (which is standard) and the text and image on the right. You can use this to display an image that suits your site.Supplementary
Entry fee
You can add entry fees, if you ask for this for an event, for example. An fundraiser is required to choose an entry fee, but this could possibly be an entry fee of 0 euro.Activities
The activities module allows you to add a (mandatory) choice question in the sign up flow. For example, a list of distances from which the fundraiser must choose, or the question of what kind of fundraiser it concerns.Editions: retention at events
If you use retention (editions) and an edition is set at the level you sign up at, you will be asked if you have participated before. Based on the answer, you can add badges, add a different target amount or send other emails based on the number of participations.
Date of fundraiser
There is a site setting where it is mandatory for an fundraiser to specify an end date of the fundraiser. An fundraiser then gets the mandatory question "Until when does your fundraiser run". If a general countdown date is set at the level they are notified at then the question is not asked. All underlying fundraisers will then automatically get that date as the end date.
Performance: Mileage target
If achievements are possible at the level at which you create your fundraiser, you will be asked how many kilometres the fundraiser wants to cover. This is an optional question, and if filled in then this becomes the target distance for this fundraiser.You can also choose to leave that question away, by going to Settings > Achievements and unchecking the checkbox "Ask the participant's achievements goal in the registration flow":
Additional questions
We can add extra questions and this can be set per campaign, sub site, at the website level or across the whole site. We can ask the extra questions to fundraisers, but also specifically to team captains. With the extra questions, you can request additional information needed for your event. For example as in the example below that event participants are 18 years or older or have permission from their parent(s)/guardian(s). The answers to these extra questions are reflected in the export (of fundraisers and teams).Webshop
In the webshop, you can offer any additional items that can be bought. You set these up via Administration > Webshop. The webshop is only accessible in the sign up flow. You cannot therefore sell items via the platform outside the sign up flow.Discount codes
You can add discount codes and they only apply to the registration fee. That way, you can give early registrants a discount, for example, or let certain people register for free. If that functionality is on, you will see a place to enter a code at the overview screen.After clicking, you can enter the code
And if the code is correct, the discount code will be applied to the registration fee.
In this article, the following items:
Campaign features
Management of campaignsAdd campaign
Lights out
Copying campaignsWhat is all being copied?
The platform can consist of several layers. For a simple event where there are only actions and teams, you only need one layer and everyone signs up in the same place. However, you may also be working with campaigns, for example at a crowdfunding platform, where you raise money for multiple causes.
In that case, people will only be able to donate to such a campaign, but you also have website where you can also start actions. For example, if you have multiple events, or variants such as an event for adults and one for children. In such a case, you can work with multiple campaigns and the advantage of this is that each campaign can have its own settings. You can then also tailor the emails to the target group.
Campaign featuresA campaign always has its own subdomain The url of this is constructed as <siteurl>/project/<campaignurl> or <subsiteurl>.<siteurl>/project/<campaignurl>. You can set the >campaignurl> per campaign. You do this by managing an existing campaign and going to Content > Description and then adjusting the web address.
A campaign can have different settingsIn one campaign, you can allow action starting and not in another, and you can also choose, for example, whether people can create teams and change the mails. So there are several things you can set for each campaign.
You can close campaigns, set them to invisible or delete themIf you want to close a campaign, you can do so easily. All underlying actions and teams are then also immediately closed. You can remove closed campaigns from the counter via Settings > Campaign status (this setting is only visible when a campaign is closed). You can also set campaigns to invisible, after which they are no longer visible at the frontend of the site. If you no longer use a campaign, you can delete it if there are no actions, teams or donations under it.
A campaign can have its own bannerYou can set a banner for a campaign. However, a campaign does inherit the spot colour of a parent segment or website level.
A campaign can have its own administratorThe administrator can modify various texts and settings. See an overview of the rights of the campaign administrator here. You add a campaign administrator by managing the campaign and then going to Administrators and adding a new administrator.Management of campaigns
You can manage campaigns by going to Campaigns in the menu.
Add campaign
Here you can add a campaign by clicking 'Add'. Then enter:Campaign title*
Activities* (if used here)
Contact*After saving, the campaign is unpublished. You can then configure the campaign at your leisure before putting it live. If you click on the eye at the top, you can already see what the campaign will look like. If everything is correct, you can then put the campaign live. You can do this by managing the unpublished campaign and then clicking 'Publish' on the notification at the top. You can also do this by going to the overview of all campaigns, clicking on the 'Unpublished' tab and then clicking on the three dots behind the campaign you want to publish and then clicking on 'Publish'.
After publishing, the campaign appears in the overview of campaigns and you can manage it by going to campaigns by clicking on the pencil icon. Through the breadcrumb at the top, you can see that you are working at campaign level:
All changes you make then apply at campaign level, i.e. only to this campaign.
After creating a campaign, you can once again set the following things specifically for a campaign:You can change the url of a campaign via Content > Description > Web address
You can give a campaign its own banner via Content > Banners
You can create your own menu for a campaign. It does not appear at the top of the homepage (that is where the fixed menu is), but on the campaign page as an extra tab. You create it via Content > Menu
A campaign can have its own image. This image (or film) is then displayed in the overview pages and has a fixed ratio of 745x419. If you have uploaded an image, you can then crop it to that ratio. You do this via Content > Media -
In this article, the following items:
Characteristics Sub sites
Manage Sub sitesAdd Sub sites
The platform can consist of several layers. For a simple event where there are only Fundraisers and Teams, you only need ééone layer and everyone registers in the same place. However, you may also be working with Campaigns, for example with a crowdfunding platform, where you raise money for multiple causes.
You might not be able to get by with just Campaigns and need an extra layer. Then you can use the Sub sites layer, which is a layer above the Campaigns layer. The platform could then look like this, for example:
In the example above, you can see the website consists of a homepage, under which three Sub sites hang. Three sub sites and Campaigns and Teams hang below each Sub site. However, this does not have to be the case. You can also have Sub sites without Campaigns, or where you can start Campaigns directly at Sub site level. You can also choose to only donate on a Sub site, depending on how you want this to be configured.
Sub site featuresA Sub site always has its own subdomain The url of this is built as You can set the url (the piece before for each Sub site. You do this while creating a new sub site, or by managing an existing one and going to Content >Description.
A sub site can have its own designationsFor example, a campaign may be called 'campaign' on one sub site, while it is called 'event' or 'initiative' on another. Contact iRaiser to adjust these (provided the naming is available).
A sub site may have different SettingsOne sub site may allow Fundraisers and Teams and another may not. And you can also choose not to allow visitors to create their own Campaigns at a certain Sub site.
Sub sites are always visibleYou cannot set them to invisible. However, you can choose to highlight certain Sub sites on the homepage and not others. If you no longer use a sub site, you can delete it if there are no more Fundraisers, Teams, Campaigns and Donations.
A sub site can have its own brandingYou can set your own logo per Sub site, as well as adjust the spot colours via Settings > Design. You can also set separate button colours and fonts via the front-end design editor. And Sub sites can have their own banners.
A sub site can have its own administratorThe administrator can add new Campaigns and manage existing ones. See here an Overview of sub site administrator rights. You add a sub site administrator by managing the sub site and then going to Managers and adding a new administrator.
A Sub site can have its own menuYou can choose to keep the same menu as the one on the website's homepage. But you can also choose to create your own menu under the Sub site. You will then start with an empty menu.
The home button of a sub site can be customisedIf Sub sites are really seen as standalone sites then the general homepage is not relevant to go to. In that case, we can set that the home button and logo do not go to the general homepage of the website, but lead to the homepage of the Sub site.Manage sub sites
You can manage sub sites by going to Sub sites in the Menu.
Add Sub site
Here you can add a sub site by clicking 'Add'. Then enter:sub site name*
Title of the Sub site*
Target amount
Subdomain* (you can set the url here)
Activities (if used)
Contact person*After saving, the Sub site is published immediately. It appears in the Overview with Sub sites and can be managed by going to sub sties by clicking on the pencil icon. Via the breadcrumb at the top, you can see that you are working at sub site level:
All changes you make then apply at the sub site level. If you modify mails here, for example, they will also be automatically adopted as such at underlying Campaigns (unless they are set differently at that level).
You can spotlight Sub sites and it works the same way you can spotlight other items. From the Overview of Sub sites, you click on the three dots > highlight and then you can highlight them. Fundraisers, Campaigns and Campaigns can also be highlighted on a sub site page. You do this by managing the sub site, going to Fundraisers and clicking on spotlight. Then it will be highlighted at sub site level only. -
Registration flow for companies
Business registration allows one to reserve and checkout spots for an event in ééone time for several colleagues.The default options for signing up for an event are:-individual-team-team memberBut what if a company wants to sign up, reserving and paying for a number of places right away? And that no other people can sign up on their company page. For this, the special Sign up flow for Companies is available! This functionality can be turned on or off by iRaiser per website. Article content:Company packagesSpecific Number of EntriesCompany determines number of registrationsAdd company package to Sign up flowSign up flow companyMail after registrationManually create a companySign up flow actionsWorkflow in combination with activity moduleDashboardCompanies and Fundraisers See the video explaining how it works here:00:00 - Welcome00:27 - Start with the company's feature01:06 - Create a company package02:45 - Setup sign up flow for the use of companies03:08 - Walking through the sign up flow for companies05:30 - Add additional team members05:57 - Manually adding a company Company packagesThe Sign up flow for companies works on the basis of ééone or more Company packages. A company package can be a specific number of registration certificates, or it can be a number specified by the company itself. Items can be added to a package as desired, such as promotional items, t-shirts etc. For example, you can create a bronze, silver and gold package. In order to use the Sign up flow for companies, at least ééone company package has to be created. You go to the place in the platform where you want to add it (e.g. directly under the website, or at a certain Campaign) and go to Settings > Company packages. Then click on Add Company packages and you will come to this screen: You have two choices:Specific number of entriesCompany determines number of entriesSpecific number of tendersWith this choice, the content of the package is fixed. For example, a company package where you purchase 10 places. Here you enter the following:Title of the packageDescription of the contents of the packageNumber of registration placesTotal amount for the package (this amount can also be 0 euro)Company determines number of subscription spacesHere the price per spot is fixed, but the company decides how many spots they want to reserve and settle.You fill in the following per company package:Title of the packageDescription of the contents of the packageAmount to be paid per registration (this amount can also be 0 euro)Add company package to Sign up flowAfter the company package has been created, it is important to add the possibility of company registration to the sign up flow. You do this by going to Settings > Sign up flow (where you want to add this). You can then choose from these options here: Sign up flow companySign up flow looks like this:1. The 'How do you commit' drop-down screen has added the option to sign up as a company2. In the next step, choose a package. If it is a package where there is only an amount per subscription, you also need to enter the number here3. In the step after that, fill in all the company details4. Here you fill in the details of the contact person. This person will also be the manager of the company page5. Next, you create the company page. You upload a logo and fill in the title and motivation and target amount6. Additional questions (optional)You will only see this page if additional questions have been added at company level. Do you want these added? Please contact us at 7.On the summary page, check all the details entered and then go to the payment screen Mail-after-subscriptionAfter registration you will be sent an email: In that mail is a link that allows someone to sign up directly. One shares this link with colleagues who want to participate and then they can create an action fundraising page right away! This link can also be found in the admin dashboard.Manually create a companyYou can also add Companies manually from the dashboard. You do this by going to where you can add the company (e.g. on a particular Campaign). Then click Companies and then Add. If you don't see this option, please contact If so, the functionality still needs to be turned on.Next, fill in all the fields you would normally have had to fill in as well. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. After filling in and saving, the company is created. No emails are sent when creating the company via the dashboard.Sign up flow actions.The sign up flow for someone creating an action page with such a link looks like this:1. Start sign up flow. Here you can see what you are going to sign up for 2. We're curious to know who you are. This is where you create your profile3. Your personal page. Here you fill in your title and motivation and how much money you want to raise4. Overview page where you can check the data entered. As payment has already been made you can go straight to round up Now a colleague's Fundraising page has been created. A visitor can Donate to that Fundraising page or to the company.Working method in combination with activity moduleWhen the activity module is also used, the company's Sign up flow requests the desired activity. This activity is then applicable to all members within the team. DashboardA new menu item called Companies has been added to the dashboard. All registered companies are listed here. If you click on the 'i' you will see the company's details. Here you will also see the link where people can register. You can also download an Excel file from Overview. Here you can see an example of the output of this. Companies and Fundraisers.An action starter who has signed up through a link (I'll just call these 'Companies Fundraisers' below) can be seen as a regular action (i.e. not created under a company), but there are still a few differences. Here's a summary:You cannot move regular action starters to a Company. Conversely, you cannot move Company Campaigns to (for example) a Campaign. Company actions appear in the Overview of all action starters and also in the export (and api) of all action starters. You will then see some additional columns reflected in the Excel file. See here an example. Do you want to use this functionality? Then get in touch with us! If you have a customised design, the functionality needs to be built in here first.
e-Ticketing is a premium functionality that we can turn on upon request. For fundraisers and participants, you can generate tickets and have them automatically mailed to you. The tickets have a QR code and you can eventually scan it via your mobile, webcam or manually.
Article contentExplanatory video
Setting up E-ticketsUse e-tickets directly below this page
Share e-tickets with buyerScanning of tickets
Who all can scan?
ScannerAdd scanner
MailsManual scanning
Scanning via camera
See also here the explanation as given at the Kentaa Academy on 14 April 2022And the video about the update on 12 August (adding scanners):
You can set tickets per level, separately
Once tickets are shared, fundraisers can also find them in their dashboard under "my registration".
If you add multiple participants under the same email address, you will get in multiple tickets (Currently in multiple emails, but we will change that to an email with multiple PDFs)
You can choose to generate the tickets already, but not share them yet (and do so at a later date)
Setting up e-tickets
You can set up e-tickets by level. You can choose to do this at website level (for registrations that go directly below website level), for a specific sub site (for registrations that go directly at that level) or for registrations under a campaign. You do this by going to Settings > E-tickets. Here you have two options:
E-tickets use directly below this page.
If you use these then e-tickets will be generated. You will then only see the e-tickets via E-tickets > Overview. Nothing else happens and fundraisers don't see the tickets yet either. You cannot download pdf files yet, but you can already see the ticket numbers.
Share e-tickets with buyer
Only the moment you click "Share e-tickets with buyer." then fundraisers can see their tickets in the dashboard (example ticket). Existing fundraisers or participants at that level will immediately be sent the mail under Fundraisers > Send e-tickets. New participants, when creating an fundraiser, get their ticket sent directly. That mail looks like this by default, but you can customise it.
This screenshot was taken in the fourth template. To ensure that the logo is always visible, this template chose to always include a white frame for the logo. Otherwise, you might get the situation where the logo is all green and then disappears into the green background.
Scanning of tickets
You can scan e-tickets manually or via a camera. On the main level, if you go to E-tickets > Overview (manual) or to E-tickets > Scan. Then you will see all tickets from the entire site (including all underlying sub sites and campaigns), and you can scan them all as well. You can also go specifically to, say, a campaign and there you can only scan tickets that fall under that campaign.
Who can scan?
Site administratorsCan set up e-tickets, go to the overview and scan (and create exports). If, as a site administrator, you start scanning at the highest level, you also scan immediately for all underlying campaigns. You can think of it as a kind of 'super scanner'
Sub site managersCan go to the overview and scan (and create exports)
Campaign managersCan go to the overview and scan (and create exports)
Scanner (see next heading)Scanners can only scan tickets for the entities (website level, sub site, campaign) to which they have been added.
As a regular scanner, you can also be added at the website level. However, then you can only scan that level, not, for example, underlying sub sites or campaigns (unless you are specifically added to those as well).
Add scanner
You can add a scanner per level. This is linked to a user. You can have a user who can only scan. This will then not appear in the dashboard at all, but directly in a scan menu. Handy if you have some volunteers to help with scanning at an event, for instance!
You can add a scanner by going to E-tickets > ScannersYou add someone by creating an account here. If someone is not yet known, a new user is created and receives two e-mails: one to set their password and one to indicate that they have been added as a scanner.
The mail a scanner receives looks like this:You can customise it via E-mails > Overview Mails > Scanners > Welcome mail scanner:
You will see this mail only if e-tickets are used at that level!
You can also add someone who is already a user in the system as a scanner of a particular campaign (or sub site or website level). For example, an fundraiser who wants to help with scanning. You will then see this message:After saving, this fundraiser can then also scan tickets for that level. If someone who starts an fundraiser is also a scanner and logs in to the dashboard, he will enter the dashboard of his fundraiser. He can then go to scanning by clicking on this icon:
There are two ways to actually scan: manually and via a camera
Manual scanning
If you go to the overview of tickets via E-tickets > Overview, you can manually set people as present there. You do this by clicking on the three dots behind the fundraiser/participant and marking them as present.Each ticket comes with a Ticket Number. You can also search by that in the search field.
Should there be internet problems, you can also work with an offline variant by making a download of all tickets in advance. This will then state:Created on || E-ticket number || Name || Title || Scanned on || Scanned by
You can then manually search and tick off ticket numbers.
Scanning via camera
If you go to E-tickets > Scan, it will automatically try to connect to your webcam (computer) or your camera (mobile). After you give that permission, you can scan the QR code. If you scan a code that is invalid you will get a red notification.
The window for scanning looks like this: (with a scanner landing directly in here and thus not landing in a dashboard first)Here, you can select a camera and then scan a ticket. This could be a camera from your mobile, for example, or a webcam if you work on your PC.
A scanner can also manually enter a codeYou hold the QR code in front of the webcam
After a successful scan, you will immediately see the info (at the bottom you will see additional questions, activities, any webshop items and contact details)For an invalid QR code (with a wrong link), you will see this:
If a ticket has already been scanned, it looks like this: -
Automatic emails
We have created a wide selection of mails to make it easier for you. Once set up properly, this will save you a lot of communication time and add value to the platform.
Watch the video on managing teams here, or read more about specific sections below.00:00 - Welcome00:26 - Email overview02:16 - Email options03:25 - Tags04:31 - Copy function04:42 - Layers05:06 - Reply address05:23 - Signature
Trigger mailsWe only work with so-called 'trigger mails'. These are emails that you can set up in advance and that are sent after a certain event.
LevelsYou can set the mails by level and this works as follows:If you set a mail at the main level (i.e. at the website level), then it is automatically taken over that way at a lower level (e.g. a project). But if you change the mail at that project, then the changed mail will only be used for that project. This way, you can easily set your mails globally and make them more specific per level if required. Mails related to the edition are not automatically taken over at a lower level.
You can see the overview of emails in the dashboard under the heading Emails. Here you will see three options: Email overview, Configure signature and Reply address.
Email overview
When you open the overview of emails, you will immediately see a distinction between different categories we use in our platform. These are:Donors (people who make a donation on the platform)
Participants (fundraisers who do not have their own fundraising page)
Fundraisers (fundraisers who have their own fundraising page)
Team captain (fundraisers who have started their own team)
Site administrator (the administrators of the site)
Visitors (interested parties who have indicated on the site that they wish to be kept informed)
Users (these are not visible and contain the standard system emails like completed contact forms, password recovery, AVG emails etc.)You can unfold these categories and in them are all the mails sent to that category after a certain event.
Here is an overview of some of the emails that go to a donor:Explanation of symbols
This collapses the entire menu with this type of mail
This toggle allows you to toggle a mail on or off
This button allows you to copy a mail. This is done by selecting the condition at the bottom of the mail and saving the mail
If you have changed the mail then you can use this to restore it to the original mails as we set it up. A kind of 'go back to factory settings' button
Here you can edit the content of the mail
Here you can see a preview of the mail and have it sent to an e-mail address as a test
In the screenshot, you can see that behind the mail "Thank you mail after new donation" the arrow is black. This means that the original mail has been modified, and you can restore it if you wish. If you reset it to the original mail and click on the pen you will see this content of the mail:
TagsWhat immediately stands out are the so-called tags. This is information framed by percentage signs and looks like this: %tagname%.
If you click on 'Add tag' you will see which tags are available for that mail and what the tag stands for. The tag will be replaced in the final mail. In the case of the sentence Dear %donor_firstname%, this will eventually become Dear Jasper in the mail,
By mail, not all tags may be available. The mail 'Thank you mail after new donation' is used after a new donation has been made. This can be a donation at website level, but also, for example, a donation on an action. Because this mail is generic and is used in both cases, you cannot choose the %action_title% tag here. You can always see which tags are available under 'add tag'.
Configure signature
Via E-mails > Configure signature, you can set a default mail signature. This will then appear instead of the %signature% tag in the e-mails you send. Here you can, for example, choose to insert an image.
Reply address
The reply address is the e-mail address from whose name and e-mail address we send the automated e-mails. However, the emails are sent from We do not have access to your email account.Example:Suppose a donation is made on the platform, then the donor will receive thank you mail after a new donation(provided this mail is on). If you then press the sender you will see the following:
If the donor has a question about this and presses reply, it will come out to the e-mail address (the set reply address). It happens sporadically that someone copies the e-mail address manually and sends us the mail, instead of sending it to the reply address. In such a case, we will forward the mail to the reply address set on the platform.
Managers & users
This article explains the different users, administrators and permissions. We distinguish between two categories: administrators and users.
Administrators are present at the following levels: you have site administrators, sub site administrators and campaign administrators. All manage a particular level and have their own set of rights. We leave team captains and fundraisers out of this chapter.
Site administrators
Administrators with the most rights. The name says it all: as a site administrator, you have control over the entire website. Site administrators can only be created by other site administrators or iRaiser employees. A site administrator cannot delete itself. You can create, edit and delete site administrators (at website level) via Accounts ⟶ Administrators. See the overview under the heading Rights to see what rights the site administrator has.
Sub site managers
On a website with sub sites, it can be a lot of work to oversee and manage everything properly. It is therefore possible to appoint an administrator for each sub site, who is authorised to make changes on that sub site. To add a sub site manager, you first have to manage the sub site and then navigate to Managers. Then add a sub site administrator using the Add administrator button.
Check the overview under the heading Rights to see what rights the sub site administrator has.
Campaign managers
An administrator can also be designated on a campaign. This campaign administrator can help manage this specific campaign. View the overview under the heading Rights to see what rights the campaign administrator has.
We have prepared an overview of the rights that administrators have and which fundraisers they are allowed to perform (and which they are not). Download the overview here (PDF) or click on the image below to start the download.Users
Accounts ⟶ Users
Each fundraiser and administrator is given a user account when added. In this user account, or profile, the person's personal data is stored. The following data is retrievable/ stored:First name *
Surname *
Email address *
House number
Date of birth
Phone number
Language(not asked)By default, first name, surname and e-mail address are mandatory. However, it is possible to make several details mandatory. This then applies to both new fundraisers and new administrators. See also the Who are you step in the login flow. The iRaiser employee can add the data mandatory or optional. Please contact them by phone or via ticket.
Change user behind fundraiser
It sometimes happens that an fundraiser no longer feels like participating, or is physically unable to participate. In this case, another user may take over his fundraiser. The site administrator can arrange this for the fundraiser by searching for the relevant fundraiser under Fundraisers ⟶ ⟶ Assign user.
Forgotten password
It happens often enough: an fundraiser or administrator has forgotten the password to log in. As a site administrator, you can help these people by sending an e-mail to reset the password via Accounts ⟶ Users ⟶ ⟶ Resend password . -
New on the platform
Welcome to the iRaiser platform! Nice that you found your way to our support centre. This is the 'heart' of the dashboard with information on how it works as well as tips on how to use it.As you have seen, there are many ways to set up your platform and options to set up. To get you a bit more started, you can find some tips and interesting links and videos below.DashboardWhen you log in, you enter the dashboard. You immediately see an overview page with handy statistics in the middle. If you are in the middle of an event, you can quickly see the daily totals there.Want to know a bit more about navigating the dashboard? Then watch this video with more explanation. Support centreYou get to our Support Centre "SUMO" by clicking on "Need help". You can also get there by clicking the blue info button next to a menu item. Then you go directly to the support article about that page, handy!In our Support Centre, you can not only find help articles explaining more about certain functionalities. You can also find inspiration here. For instance, watch webinars, download a whitepaper or 'browse' SUMO. You can click on any of the categories to read more about them and see underlying articles. Want to see some frequently asked questions? Then click on the FAQ.TipsAre you new to the platform and in the process of getting the platform live? Then read more about connecting a new website.Visit our iRaiser Academy, where you will see all kinds of videos explaining more. We also give regular webinars online, about both the (new) functionalities and how to use your platform even better. To do so, follow the updates at the top left of your dashboard.Do you have a question? Ask it first in SUMO's search window. You will often find an answer to your question there. A good basic understanding of the iRaiser Dashboard will help you use the platform to its full potential. VideosIn the following videos, you will be able to delve into specific topics. To the right, timestamps are displayed, in case you want to go directly to a particular part of the video.Administrators of the platformNavigate the platform la dashboardHow to add contentes to the CFP?DonationsFundraising pagesTeamsEmail moduleSign up flowBasic informationsExtensions and optionsCompaniesAdministrators of the platformCFP dashboard offers several functions that simplify the management of the platform.Navigating the platform00:15 - Login00:24 - The Dashboard02:21 - The Layers Logic04:14 - Hot to get supportCoupons00:00 - Welcome00:25 - Where to find the Coupon feature00:42 - Let's create a coupon03:51 - How to use a couponHow do you fill your website00:00 - Welcome00:34 - Description01:38 - About us02:07 - Banner03:35 - Menu07:07 - News items08:46 - Homepage text / highlighted09:54 - GDPR text10:27 - SponsorDonations00:00 - Welcome00:11 - Overview00:35 - Info donation00:57 - Options donation01:59 - Search a donation02:40 - Download a donation03:01 - Adding a manual donationFundraising pages00:00 - Welcome00:27 - Download overview fundraisers01:40 - Adjust a page02:33 - Adjust my subscription03:14 - Manually adding a fundraising page04:58 - Change the owner of a page06:30 - Move fundraiser 07:29 - Other optionsTeams00:00 - Welcome 00:27 - Overview and download team01:23 - Adjust a team02:46 - Creating teams manually03:49 - Creating team members04:22 - Appoint a team captain05:33 - Move teams06:01- Other options Email moduleOne of the strengths of the Community Fundraising Platform is the automatic emailing module. Thanks to them, it is possible to build a customer journey for donors, participants and fundraisers. How do you set it up? Watch the video below.Emails00:00 - Welcome00:27 - Download overview fundraisers01:40 - Adjust a page02:33 - Adjust my subscription03:14 - Manual adding a fundraise page04:58 - Change the owner of a page06:30 - Move fundraiser 07:29 - Other options Sign up flowTo recruit fundraisers and participants, a good registration process is essential. In the videos below we explain how to set it up.Sign up flow00:00 - Welcome00:13 - Intro & table of content00:58 - Change text within sign up flow01:53 - Change sign up options02:14 - Moving steps within sign up flow02:28 - Change start fundraising button02:42 - Sign up flow step by step03:04 - GDPR Texts an menus03:46 - Create team page03:56 - Default contents and settings05:02 - Create fundraising page05:24 - Start donation05:57 - Overview page06:08 - Payment page06:22 - Thank you page Sign up flow extensions and options00:00 - Welcome00:41 - Registration fees02:08 - Activities 03:21 - Editions & badges05:26 - Countdown date05:50 - Achievement06:09 - Additional questions06:28 - Web shop07:15 - CouponsRegistration flow for companies00:00 - Welcome00:27 - Start with the company's feature 01:06 - Create a company package02:45 - Setup sign up flow for the use of companies03:08 - Walking thru the sign up flow for companies05:30 - Add additional team members05:57 - Manually adding a company
Through our notification centre, we report the most important News updates, such as new functionalities and invitations to webinars, via the gift and the little bell at the top left of your dashboard. However, not all updates appear there. We also have many small changes that do not make it to the notification centre. Below you can see per day the updates we have made that are relevant for our customers. These are mostly functionality updates or additions; they do not include bug fixes. You will see updates on:CFP (Community Fundraising Platform - former Kentaa Premium)DigicollectiRaiser FormsFlex Editorand onSUMO support centeriRaiser apiDigicollect apiiRaiser connectSalesforce DatePlatformUpdate09-12-2024CFPA honeypot has been added to the donation page. This provides extra protection against spam donations.09-12-2024CFPThe selected amount can be deselected during the initial donation in the sign-up flow.02-12-2024CFPA new feature has been added that allows you to use videos as backgrounds in the components.02-12-2024CFPA 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG) editor has been integrated into the CFP. It replaces the previous editor and offers more options for formatting a text page.November 202413-11-2024CFPWe have expanded the technical infrastructure to better handle more processes happening simultaneously. For example, with bulk emails, where many e-tickets are sent in a short period of time.11-11-2024DigicollectSite administrators can now also add manual donations.11-11-2024DigicollectTo prevent people from being unintentionally unsubscribed from emails, an additional step has been added to the unsubscribe process on the collection box page.04-11-2024iRaiser connectThe webhook action.update is now also sent when changing an activity04-11-2024CFPActivities within the signup flow for companies are no longer chosen by the person who creates the company, but by the company members themselvesOctober 202418-10-2024CFPThe name of the sender email address has been changed to Team CFP, so that the emails no longer end up in spam. This only has an impact on sites where it has not yet been set up.14-10-2024iRaiser apiThe language of the customer of the webshop item has been added08-10-2024CFPThe unwanted automatic unsubscribe from emails has been fixed. If you want to unsubscribe from non-functional emails, you have to unsubscribe again in an extra screen.07-10-2024CFPThe Everest theme is now also available in the preview mode of the flex-plate. You can now easily switch between both themes.September 202430-09-2024CFPChange in Strava. You will now only see new activities that are visible to everyone. And no more activities that are only visible to followers23-09-2024CFPThe admin dashboard has been given a makeover.23-09-2024DigicollectEmail address from which emails are sent changed from to no-reply@digicollect.nl23-09-2024CFPEmail address from which emails are sent changed from to no-reply@community-fundraising.com23-09-2024CFPRebranding: Kentaa adjusted to iRaiser. This is reflected in various places and the colours have also been adjusted to those of iRaiser10-09-2024Flex EditorThe tips on the standard tips page have been made customizable09-09-2024CFPThe chosen registration fee is now also visible on e-ticket03-09-2024CFPiDEAL 2.0 integrated for Mollie customers03-09-2024CFPIn German the standard has now become 'Du' instead of 'Sie'03-09-2024Flex EditorTestimonial component added August 2024 22-08-2024Flex EditorImprovements on fundraising, team and company pages. In particular, we made sure that the most important content is now directly in view.15-08-2024DigicollectThe email to collectors on a new donation now shows the amount without the transaction fee in it (to avoid confusion).14-08-2024Flex EditorWhen adding a link in the Flex Editor, you can now use mailto. For example, when linking to: . This can be useful when adding a contact button.08-08-2024CFPWe now support YouTube shorts in the platform08-08-2024CFP It is now possible to use tags in the choice screen of action start for a project. Allowing you to create customer choice screens. For example and various columns to the Excels: actions, teams, donations, companies, projects01-08-2024iRaiser apiAdded several api extensions, including company package details, e-tickets, number of team members, number of company members and submitter language.01-08-2024iRaiser apiAdded new webhook "users.update" that is sent when changing profile details July 2024 15-07-2024CFPAdded checkbox for newsletter signup to the signup flow. This is off by default for existing customers and can be turned on by request (contact support for this).15-07-2024CFPAdded new conditional email to action starters x days after countdown date ends (to thank them).05-07-2024CFPA chatbot has been added for site administrators under "Need help?" trained through the support center.02-07-2024CFPYou can now change company administrators in companies and add new ones June 2024 13-05-2024Flex EditorShare options on mobile improved to be more prominent and therefore more used.12-06-2024Flex EditorAdded parameter so that you can filter summary pages when linking to them. For example . This works for newest, oldest, most_collected, least_collected and for the pages segments, projects, companies, teams, actions and participants. May 2024 13-05-2024Flex EditorAdded media component that allows you to add an additional video.13-05-2024CFPAdded redirect on reserved urls in the login flow. In case of an incorrect url (e.g. you will now still get to the right place.01-05-2024DigicollectAdded a parameter so you can also add a QR-iDEAL code when creating a donation box via a special creation link. April 2024 24-04-2024Flex EditorAdded a custom component HTML/CSS block in which you can add your own code.22-04-2024DigicollectIn order to comply with Google Consent Mode V2 we added the necessary parameters22-04-2024DigicollectAdded a filter to filter news letter subscriptions on a specific period11-04-2024CFPIn order to comply with Google Consent Mode V2 we added the necessary parameters08-04-2024CFPAdded a feature to disable the option to backorder webshopitems08-04-2024CFPAdded the option to to a backorder for webshopitems01-04-2024CFPUpdated the reCaptcha on contact forms (to block more spam) March 2024 28-03-2024CFPAdded Icelandic as a language28-03-2024CFPWe removed Belgium as a language. Sites that were using this are changed to Dutch28-03-2024CFPAdded currencies: Icelandic Krona (ISK), Polish Zloty, Hongarish Forint.21-03-2024Flex EditorAdded a new image component21-03-2024CFPThe About us section can also be changed in multiple languages19-03-2024CFPVideo on homepage can be set in multiple langual as well05-03-2024CFPYou can now set a reply address in multiple languages.05-03-2024CFPThe social media follow channels have been made multi langual February 2024 27-02-2024CFPAdded the fonts Koulen, Bebas Neue and Fjalla One23-02-2024CFPThe number of available characters on the start fundraising/donate button has been increased from 20 to 2521-02-2024CFPChanges in the datalayer for the purchase event. The value of 'value' was changed to a number instead of a string21-02-2024CFPThe maximum target amount of a fundraiser/team/company was raised to €9.999.99915-02-2024iRaiser apiWe are now supporting creating fundraising pages through the api that have activities21-02-2024Flex EditorWe added a new component 'CTA button' in which you can add extra buttons 15-02-2024DigicollectNew template (number 5) has gone live!05-02-2024CFPPixels now have a new specific groups (marketing and analytical cookies) you can select for when they are being loaded05-02-2024CFPThe fonts ASAP en Bitter have been added5-2-2024DigicollectAdded the option to connect with a QR-code to CM. on the page of a collection box January 2024 29-01-2024CFPChanged the cookie bar (added an extra screen before the specific cookie choice)18-01-2024CFPAdded a new cookie bar. More information08-01-2024CFPExpanded the social sharing options with Instagram08-01-2024CFPAdded the font DM Sans to the available fonts December 2023 14-12-2023iRaiser apiYou are now able to upload avatars via the api November 2023 29-11-2023CFPReplaced Twitter by X20-11-2023DigicollectReplaced Twitter by X8-11-2023CFPDefault template: Added more space on mobile between the menu and searc icon October 2023 17-10-2023CFPExtra information text added to the e-ticket settings.17-10-2023CFPWhen copying a project, the business packages and registration flow options are now also copied.11-10-2023DigicollectPrefill-link for Digicollect expanded with phone number. Example September 15-9-2023DigicollectRemoved the grey background from all mails13-9-2023CFPRemoved the grey background from all mails August 30-8-2023CFPRemoved the question about the Chamber of Commerce number from the company sign up flow23-8-2023CFPWhen becoming a team member in sign up flow, teams are now sorted alphabetically8-8-2023CFPTexts on the left adapted at the steps: Who are you and Thank you page8-8-2023CFPNew mail added to site administrators/segment administrators/project administrators after a new company is created.1-8-2023CFPAdded new e-mail tag %activity% to use in e-mails to action starters.1-8-2023CFPTags %actionstarter_surname% made available in the emails 'donation received' and team member has received a donation'1-8-2023CFPClarification in Sign up flow window when e-mail address is already known and asked to log in. Here the focus is now more on account (instead of email address).1-8-2023DigicollectThe 'New collection box created' e-mail to site administrators is now included in the informative mails and includes an unsubscribe link to unsubscribe from this type of mails. This ensures fewer unnecessary mails, especially for large collections/collection weeks. July 21-7-2023CFP/iRaiser FormsSearch field added to Overview of Recurring Donations14-7-2023CFPVarious languages automatically translated via translation machine. Such as Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian and others.11-7-2023CFPEmail to team captains clarified. Via the tag %member_becoming_team_link%, a link to subscribe is shown under the team for easy sharing. June 21-6-2023CFPSite administrators can now unblock users whose accounts have been temporarily blocked after entering the wrong password multiple times via Accounts > Users > Three dots20-6-2023CFP'Share data with initiator' checkbox clarified in combination with showing donor's name. More info20-6-2023CFPGA Datalayer expanded with more parameters. More info May 16-5-2023CFPEmail address copying allowed in sign up flow (this allows easy use of keychains)16-5-2023CFPText rewritten in password forgotten screen5-5-2023DigicollectShare functionality adjusted so that initials are also used when sharing April 17-4-2023CFPEdition functionality released. You can now set your own editions by level. More info5-4-2023DigicollectSpam protection on canister creation improved to reduce the number of spam canisters. March 29-3-2023CFPIn Companies, you can now also reduce the number of reserved places.13-3-2023CFPPage to upload badges clarified.7-3-2023CFP, Digicollect, iRaiser FormsGA4 released. You can now set up your own G-ID via Integrations > Google Analytics. February 28-2-2023CFPFont size in sign up flow of texts on the left reduced so everything fits again23-2-2023CFPQuestion about target distance performance tracker turned off in sign up flow.20-2-2023DigicollectWhatsapp share image adjusted so it always looks nice.20-2-2023CFPYou can now create your own api-key via Integrations > API users. Make sure that if you share a key you do so securely!10-2-2023iRaiser apiWebshop items added to the api. More info8-2-2023Digicollect apiPool statistics can now also be found in the api. More info8-2-2023DigicollectIf collectors do not have a profile picture set and no default picture is set then an initial is now shown8-2-2023DigicollectYou can manage collectors and change the name and email address of them now January 2023 31-1-2023CFPIndexing of the www variant of segment pages excluded to avoid errors30-1-2023DigicollectAdded extra column to the Excel file where you can see if the bus was created via an import24-1-2023CFPAn action starter can now create a team from his/her dashboard as well24-1-2023CFPYou can set a maximum number of team members for teams per level12-1-2023CFPText at QR code clarified10-1-2023CFPCompanies added to Salesforce. More info10-1-2023CFPNews items made mobile responsive (this had already been done on other content pages)10-1-2023CFPNumber of participations added to "i" fundraisers.10-1-2023CFP, Digicollect, iRaiser FormsEnglish-language urls put live. More info4-1-2023CFPTotal distance travelled performance tracker company members added on company page2-1-2023CFP, Digicollect, iRaiser FormsBuckaroo rates adjusted following Buckaroo 5% price increase on transaction fees December 21-12-2022CFPQuestion goal distance achievement tracker in sign up flow changed to "What is your achievement goal? (km)"20-12-2022CFP, Digicollect, iRaiser FormsGA4 added in the product. Setting this is still done via Kentaa Support8-12-2022DigicollectForgot password title changed to request password5-12-2022DigicollectIn memoriam buses are no longer indexed in Google5-12-2022CFPRabo Omnikassa updated to Rabo Smart Pay November 29-11-2022CFPAdded level filter in donations overview that now allows you to show general donations as well21-11-2022CFPWebshop orders excel extended with segment and Sub site information21-11-2022CFPAmount retrieved now visible when scanning e-tickets21-11-2022CFPFor missing profile picture, we now show an initial (not for Donations)21-11-2022SUMO support centerVideo's and webinars and new on platform updated14-11-2022iRaiser apiWhen creating a user via the api, you can set a password send mail14-11-2022iRaiser apiAdded field for 'share data with initiator'14-11-2022iRaiser connectWebhooks added (create/update) for Companies10-11-2022CFPTrustly added as a payment method09-11-2022DigicollectIf the name of the donor is not filled in, then the Donor Name field will be left blank08-11-2022DigicollectThe collection week end date field can now only be set once per campaign October 24-10-2022DigicollectU-scope added where the collector/donor is addressed with you20-10-2022CFP, iRaiser Forms, DigicollectGDPR: All existing opt-ins have become soft opt-ins. More info20-10-2022CFP, DigicollectGDPR: As a donor, you can choose whether your contact information can be shared with the initiator. More info20-10-2022CFP, iRaiser Forms, DigicollectGDPR: The terms and conditions are no longer a separate opt-in, but you accept them when you make a donation/creating an action. More info20-10-2022iRaiser FormsAdded possibility to change template per form, yourself20-10-2022CFPA company's chosen activity is now shown on the company page20-10-2022CFPItalian and French added as languages in admin dashboard September 28-9-2022CFPSecond part of English-language urls put live. More info26-9-2022CFPQR share code added at site, Sub site, company, Campaign and team level20-9-2022DigicollectText on validity password link added to standard email19-09-2022DigicollectPool functionality added. More info01-09-2022CFPMandatory fields contact form are now marked with asterisks (*) August 28-8-2022Digicollect, CFP, iRaiser FormsOrder of payment methods adjustable per site23-8-2022CFPAdditional explanation text for quick donate and donate with additional options16-8-2022CFP, iRaiser FormsAdded ability to block donors via ip address (this is done via Kentaa support)11-8-2022CFPRole of scanner added for scanning e-tickets. More info July 29-7-2022CFPHyperlink colour setting added to the front-end design editor29-7-2022CFPDefault sorting team members adjusted to amount retrieved instead of last added12-7-2022CFPText on becoming a structural donor clarified12-7-2022CFPE-tickets Excel file extended with email address column June 29-6-2022SalesforceExpansion of Salesforce objects Action, Donation, Campaigns, Teams. Various counters added. More info (click on Description of the Kentaa Objects)20-6-2022CFPDonating to company enabled20-6-2022iRaiser apiCompanies added to api20-6-2022CFPYou can now also manually add companies via the dashboard20-6-2022CFPAdded ability to set additional questions when creating a company (via Kentaa support)20-6-2022DigicollectInvoice made downloadable via admin dashboard May 31-5-2022CFPFree company packages can now also be set up30-5-2022DigicollectInstead of the term collection box, you can now choose donation box (via Kentaa support)30-5-2022Digicollect apiAbility to update existing buses via the api24-5-2022iRaiser apiAbility to send the welcome e-mail when creating an action via the api10-5-2022DigicollectYou can now set the suggested donation amounts yourself10-5-2022DigicollectEnglish and German added as languages in the admin dashboard10-5-2022DigicollectEnglish and German can now also be set as additional languages for visitors2-5-2022Digicollect apiApi extended so you can now create buses via the api April 14-4-2022CFPtag 'email address action starter' made available in Emails The countdown date of an action will soon be reached and action starter has raised more than set amount7-4-2022CFPAddition e-ticketing March 29-3-2022CFPPoster creation only available for logged-in action starter (no longer for visitors)21-3-2022CFPNets added as new Payment provider (to use Swish) February 25-2-2022CFPCompanies with no more Fundraisers or Donations linked to them can be removed25-2-2022iRaiser ConnectWebhooks extended with Application (iRaiser/Digicollect) and site ID14-2-2022CFP, iRaiser Forms, DigicollectFor Donate by mandate, an additional confirmation screen has been added to check the data entered8-2-2022CFPFirst section of English-language urls put live. More info7-2-2022CFPBackground image sign up flow can now be set via Settings > Design Januari 2022 31-1-2022CFPThe consent texts when leaving a phone number have been made customisable31-1-2022CFPImprovements made in editor for use of columns and images31-1-2022DigicollectAdded specific requirements for setting a password25-1-2022DigicollectSocial sharing urls adjusted so they do not count in Analytics after sharing19-1-2022CFPText when setting favicon clarified11-1-2022SUMO support centerRenewed SUMO live!3-1-2022CFPA/B testing functionality added
View the video explaining this functionality here.
The Achievements Tracker allows campaigners to add sporting achievements to their Fundraising page. The distance covered is added up and displayed on the Fundraising page. A fundraiser can also link to a Strava account, after which new achievements are automatically added to the page!In addition, the total distance covered by all Fundraisers is added up and displayed on the homepage.
Article content:Achievements
Set target
Add Achievements (manual)Strava
Creating a Strava app
Link your Strava account to a Fundraising page
Link StravaUse Achievements
Achievements turn off
Excel file
Target distance reached email
Achievements in the spotlightAchievements
A fundraiser can add Achievements by logging into the dashboard and finding the 'Achievements' tab that looks like this:Set target
In addition to setting a target amount, a fundraiser can set a goal for their achievement. In this case, it is a certain number of kilometres. If achievements are turned on, the target distance is also (optionally) asked in the sign-up flow. You can see the new question at the bottom:
Add Achievements (manually)
The Add Achievements screen looks like this:First, you select a Sport. Here you can choose from Running, Hiking, Cycling, Swimming, Skating, Skeelering or Other (for all other sports).
Next, you give the Achievements a title. This will appear at the top of your Fundraising page.
Fill in the description of the achievement. This is optional; you can continue without filling it in.
Fill in the date and time.
Add your distance covered and click save.You can see that the fundraiser has been added, and the mileage has been updated. At 'source', there is an iRaiser icon indicating that it was added via the platform.
On the front end of the Fundraising page, it looks like this:
Here, 'Rondje Veluwezoom' is the Title, and the text below it is the Description.
On the homepage, the number of kilometres travelled over the entire platform has been added under the donation counter:Strava
You can also choose to link to Strava. Strava is an app that many athletes use to track their Achievements. To avoid having to enter sports Achievements in two places, we have linked to Strava.
Any activity added on Strava is forwarded to the participant's Fundraising page and filed away under the correct sport.
Before you can make use of this, a Strava app has to be created (once) for the platform:
Creating a Strava app
To connect Strava to your platform, a general link to the Strava app must be created. This can be your personal account and is purely used to establish the technical link with the platform. Nothing else happens to your information or account. The easiest way is to create a new Strava account is with a general company email address. You only need this to establish the link. No other emails will be sent to the email address (you can uncheck email updates in the sign-up process).
Once that app is installed properly, fundraisers can link to their own Strava account via the platform.
Below is a step-by-step guide to doing this.
1. Create an account at (this is a personal account)2. Go (once logged in) to in the following:Name of applicationHere, you fill in the desired name of the app, usually the name of the site or of your foundation
CategorySelect 'Charitable organisation'
ClubThis can be left blank
WebsiteFill in the URL of the website here (starting with https://)
Description of applicationHere, you can describe the application of the app
Authorisation of callback domainFill in hereClick agree and create to continue3. Next, upload your app icon
4. Then send the Client ID and Client secret to iRaiser support (you can create a new ticket for that). If we then add these to your platform, the connection is ready. Make sure you don't send a screenshot, but copy the ID and secret. Otherwise it's hard to take this over manually.
5. Increase number of athletes in appFor new apps, Strava puts a restriction on the number of athletes allowed to connect. They are by default set on 1, which practically means that only one fundraiser can connect to Strava. You need to make sure that this number is increased to 999. To increase this, they have a contact form that you can fill out. Click here for an example of how to fill out this form and here for a sample screenshot you can attach. After filling it out, Strava support will check the application. They do not provide feedback that it has been accepted, so in this case it is a matter of logging in and checking for yourself if the limit has been upped to 999.
6. Periodic reviewsStrava may periodically review apps. In such a case, they email to the email address used to create the app. It is then important to do that check, otherwise they may disable/add restrictions to the app at some point.
Linking your personal Strava account to a Fundraising page
Now that the Strava app is linked to the platform, a Strava icon will appear:
Click connect and give the app permission. Then, newly added achievements within Strava will automatically appear on the Fundraising page (this can take up to 10 minutes). Below is an example of an achievement added via the link (also note the Strava icon):On the front end of the Fundraising page, it looks like this:
The Achievement above (25.23 km) was manually entered into Strava; therefore, no map is displayed. If a route map is available, then you will see a map of this with the Achievements. An example of this:
Photos taken during the recording of the Achievements in Strava will also be included. For example, see this hike:
Disconnect Strava
The owner of the Fundraiser page has the option to unlink Strava. This can be done from their Strava account and the Fundraiser dashboard within iRaiser. To do so, on the Achievements tab, click on the Strava disconnect cross (bottom right of the screenshot):A site administrator cannot undo individual Strava links (unless it owns the Fundraiser page). However, a site administrator can choose to turn off Achievements at a level (e.g. for a Campaign). If that happens, all Achievements will be deleted, and links to Strava will be broken. To do this, see Turn off Achievements.
Use Achievements
You can specify per level whether you want to use Achievements. You can turn it on or off at the Website level and per Sub site or Campaign. You can also specify whether you want to see the number of kilometres travelled on the counter. You can set this at Sub site or Website level via Settings > Achievements.
Turn off Achievements
If no Achievements have been added under a Campaign, then you can turn Achievements on or off with no consequences. If Achievements have already been added, when you turn them off (by unchecking that Achievements may be used), you will get a notification indicating how many Strava links and achievements will be removed.Turning off Achievements can be useful for resetting mileage back to zero, for example, in a challenge that lasts a month and has a certain start date. However, in such a case, it is important to inform the fundraisers. Their previous Achievements and target mileage will be removed, so they need to reconnect with Strava.
If you turn off the 'Show the number of kilometres travelled on the page' button, no total kilometres will be shown with the donation counter. This can be useful if you don't want to show the final result of the challenge yet, or if the total number of kilometres is irrelevant at that location. You can only set this at Website and Sub site level.
Excel file
If you create an export of all Fundraiser pages and use the performance tracker, the export will have four related columns. The columns are Target Distance, Distance Traveled (km), Distance Traveled (%) and Achievements Source.
Distance travelled (%) shows the percentage to which the target distance was achieved. At Achievements Source you can see in what way(s) achievements have been added.Target distance reached email
If you have achieved the target distance, an automatic email will be sent (provided it is on). This looks as follows:You can customise the mail as you wish via Emails > Email overview > Fundraisers > Performance goal of the fundraiser has been reached.
Achievements in the spotlight
Fundraisers can only find Achievements when they log in to their personal dashboard. It is not shown during the creation of a Fundraising page, so it is important to bring it to their attention. Below are several ways you could do this:
News releaseIf several Fundraising pages have already been created and you want to reach out to the fundraisers, you can do this through a news release. You can create and publish a news release and you can choose to share the message with the existing fundraisers. That way, you can make them aware of the new functionality!
Menu page explaining AchievementsYou can also create a Menu page explaining how Achievements work and how you use the functionality. You could also refer to this in the automatic emails or in a news item. Do you get questions from fundraisers about Achievements? Then include these in a frequently asked questions block!
Automatic email The best way to make new fundraisers aware of the Achievements is via an email that every fundraiser receives. In it, point them to the possibilities of adding Achievements.
You can choose to include Achievements in the email sent to fundraisers after they create their page, but also, for example, the email sent three days after creating a fundraising page.
Would you like an example text for an automatic mail or Menu page? Then click here for a PDF file with texts and screenshots you could use! You can also create a news item based on this.
We can turn on Achievements directly for all our generic templates. If you would like to have this feature turned on, please create a new support ticket and we will enable the functionality. If you also send us the Client ID and Client Secret, we can link to Strava directly.
Banners give the website a nice entrance and clear impression of the website.
Add banners
Content ⟶ Banners
When you have chosen to use banners on the website, click the checkbox for Show banners on the website. This will display the option to add banners, see below.
Per design, the format of the banner(s) may vary. Some designs have a page-wide banner while others have a framed banner. A few characteristics about banners:It is advised to upload the banner in JPG or JPEG format because of the small file size
There is a maximum of 5 banners per page to upload
The carousel 'rotates' at 4-second intervals
The minimum size of each banner is 1170 pixels wide. There is no minimum or maximum height (The first banner uploaded determines the size for subsequent banners to be uploaded)
We recommend a format of 1920 x 600 pixels
Banners appear on every page
A different banner, or other banners, can be added per segment or campaign.Click Add banner to add a new banner.
Upload the banner photo (the size we recommend is approximately 1920x600 pixels and jpeg format).
Evt.: do you want the banner to be clickable? Then you can add a link in the URL field. Optional: under Open in , specify whether the link should open in the same window or in a new window.
Click Save and the banner has been added.Please note that the first banner uploaded determines the size for subsequent banners to be uploaded.
Change/remove banners
Content ⟶ Banners ⟶ ModifyClick Edit behind the relevant banner to make adjustments
Click on SaveContent ⟶ Banners ⟶ Remove
Click Delete behind the relevant banner to remove it
Click Ok if you are sure -
Sponsor logos
Sponsor logos can be added to indicate which organisations support your campaign, event, cause or action. By adding these images, you also give Companies a nice incentive to Donate.
Add sponsor logo
Content ⟶ Sponsor logosClick Add Sponsor to add a new sponsor logo.
Upload your photo.
Evt: do you want the sponsor logo to be clickable? Then you can add the website (e.g. of the sponsor) in the URL field. Optional: indicate under Open in whether the link should open in the same window or in a new window.
Click Save. The sponsor logo has been added.Change/delete sponsor logo
Content ⟶ Sponsor logos ⟶ ChangeClick Modify behind the relevant sponsor logo to make adjustments
Click on SaveContent ⟶ Sponsor logos ⟶ Remove
Click Remove behind the relevant sponsor logo to remove it
Click Ok if you are sure
Show sponsor logos from above levels
By default, each segment or Campaign adopts the sponsor logos set at a higher level (website or Sub site). You can choose to adopt these, or upload your own logos. In the latter case, press change default and choose 'No, do not show sponsor logos from above levels'. -
Design & styling
Do you want your iRaiser website to seamlessly match your corporate identity or purpose? By customising the page design, people will immediately see that this site is yours. You can customise the design of your website using colours, a logo and a background image. You can find these via Settings > Design. If you are using the Flex Editor, you will find the color settings in the theme settings menu of the Flex Editor.
Article content:Colour & contrast colour
Background imageColour & contrast colour
Choose the colour of your house style under Primary colour. You can do this by moving the mouse over the pallet or by entering the HEX code.
Choose a contrasting colour under Contrast colour. This can be white or black.
Click onSaveLogo
Press the Upload logo button and choose from your files the file you want for your logo
Optional: Select Display logo to show/not show the logo on the homepage
Optional.: Give the logo extra white space at the top and bottom so that it does not 'stick' to the menu bar and top of the website
Click on SaveFavicon
The favicon gives that extra bit of recognition to a website. All browsers support the favicon in their own way; in most cases, the favicon is displayed in the tab with the title of the website.Press the button Upload favicon and choose the desired file from your files (recommended 16x16 pixels)
Click on SaveWant to get the favicon from another website? To do so, use Google's handy tool: Enter behind domain= the website URL.
Background image
You can upload a background image for in the sign up flow. Make sure it is at least 1280 pixels wide.
Front end design editor
At the front end of the website (on the site's homepage and Sub site if present), you can set various other things such as button colours, font, hyperlinks and instantly see the changes. Read more about this in the support article. -
By far the most information can be found in the menu structure. There is a menu structure at both the top and bottom of the page. The menu at the top of the page is used for most information and may contain submenus, in order to group information more closely. The menu used at the bottom of the page contains by default the pages Privacy, General terms and conditions and Cookies. This menu is also expandable for information, but cannot contain submenus.
Both top and bottom menu structures can be customised. The procedure explained in this article is the same for both structures. This article focuses mainly on the menu structure at the top of the page.
Content:Add menu item
Change menu item
Move menu item
Delete menu item
Menu on sub site page
Menu on campaign pageContent ⟶ Menu
1. Add menu item
The Add menu item button adds a new menu item. Below is an overview of the form:
Menu item nameThis is the name as the item is displayed in the menu bar.
VisibilityAdjust the visibility of the menu item. By default, the item is shown in the menu. You can choose to hide it in the menu and make the item accessible only via direct URL.
AccessMake the menu item visible and accessible only to logged-in visitors.
Menu typeYou have a choice of 4 types for your menu item:Content page
Link to page
Contact page
Customised formBelow we treat all variants.
1.1 Content page
TitleThis title will appear at the top of the page.
URLDefine the URL of page yourself, for example This is the part after the forward slash.
ContentThe actual content seen on the page. Think here of paragraphs of text, bullet points, links, images and videos.
DownloadsOffer files as downloads. Think of participant rules, files to share via social media, etc. After adding a file, you can see the download in the menu item (at the 'front'). If you open the file and copy the link behind it, you can link to it.
You could even create a separate page of downloads and hide it in the menu, so it is not visible to visitors. Then you can use the direct url to see the downloads and be able to copy direct links to them. Within our platform, this is the way to upload files yourself!
You can also choose to request the data when uploading a download. In this case, someone has to leave a name and email address. This can generate potential leads!
Frequently asked questionsAdd frequently asked questions to the content page to catch any questions already. You do this by adding a question and answer.
1.2 Link to page
Would you like to link to an internal or external page in the menu? You can do so with this menu type. An internal page, e.g. the login flow can be called with /join. Within the Kentaa platform there are a number of static pages that can be linked to:/updates
/tipsYou can also enter external websites, e.g.: Make sure to include http:// or https:// in the link. If you do not do this, it will try to find this page internally and generate an error message.
1.3 Contact page
It is possible to include a contact form in the menu, using the menu type Contact page. Once you choose this type, the following fields will appear:
Contact e-mail
The e-mail address to which the contact form will be sent.
The content is displayed above the form. A great place for e.g. address details, Chamber of Commerce number and VAT number or an introduction of the contact person.1.4 Customised form (invisible)
The last option is the Customised Form. Is the contact form not quite to your taste, or do you want to ask people to leave their details for a survey or a pre-registration? This is all possible with the customised form. As this functionality is somewhat technical, for now it is only possible for the Kentaa employee to set this up.
So be sure to get in touch if you want a customised form created in the menu.
Add submenu item
To group information, it is possible to add a submenu under an existing menu item. This sets up the menu bar in a compact and clear way.
Create a submenu item by clicking ⟶ Add subitem .
You can create an unlimited number of sub-menu items, although it is advised to limit this to a maximum of 5 items. A sub-submenu cannot be created.
2. Move menu item
The menu items can be changed using drag and drop.
3. Delete menu item
Behind a menu item, click ⟶ Remove to delete the menu item.Note: deleted menu items cannot be recovered!
4. Menu at the bottom of the page
Kentaa always delivers a Kentaa website with a default text for these pages. The content of these pages can still be modified via the Kentaa Dashboard. Due to space limitations, it is not possible to create submenu items in this menu.
The responsibility and liability lies with you for correctly using the standard texts provided by Kentaa and correctly requesting permission for data processing from web visitors. Kentaa takes care of asking permission to place cookies and whether or not to place the cookies based on the web visitor's cookie settings. The mandatory pages are provided with version control. Once a change is made to these pages, it is saved as a new version. This is important for storing the website visitor's "consent". The consent always stores the then current version number. The version number is displayed on the pages (visible to visitors).
5. Menu on sub site page
A menu can also be created at the top of the page on the sub site page. By default, the menu from the website level is adopted, but this can be overwritten. See the demonstration below to switch at sub site level from the menu from website level to your own (newly built) menu structure.6. Menu on campaign page
The menu on the campaign page works slightly differently. Here it is not the menu at the top or bottom of the page, but its own menu structure on the campaign page (see image).For each campaign/event page, there are a number of menu items that are added automatically and a bunch of configurable menu items.
Automatically added menu items:Campaign or Event (shows the description of the campaign)
NewsDonors and News are only visible if a donation or news item has been made under the campaign.
Three menu items can be added per campaign and one menu item specifically for contact details.
Content ⟶ News
You can keep your visitors informed about new developments with the news function. At every level (website, sub site, campaign, team and fundraiser) it is possible to add news items.Add news item
News item display(s)
Change news item
Delete news item
Add news itemClick on Add news item
Make up a good, catchy Title or use the title of the post as a tag: %news_title%
Type your message
Optionally, use Tags to categorise your news item(s) (you can filter by these later)
Share your message directly with your supporters (see below for explanation)
Make a choice to publish the message immediately, publish it at a specific date and time or save it as a draft
Click on Save
After saving, you can still add Media (images and/or videos) to the news item
Tip: share your post!Share news item via social media
After posting, you'll want to let everyone know about the news! This can of course be done via the social media share buttons found with the posted news item:Share news release with supporters
When adding a news item, you get the chance to share the news item with the constituency. This happens only after you set the status to published (you don't have to actually publish the post yet to see this):This means that the following people will receive an e-mail notification:
Fundraisers under the relevant page (campaign, sub site or site level)
Donors who have indicated that they wish to be kept informed of news on the relevant page
Visitors who used the Keep me informed function on the relevant pageNews item display(s)
Posted news items are always viewable on the page on which they are posted. Per template/design, the placement and display of the message may differ. An overview of all news messages can always be seen at /news.
By default, only news items posted at website level appear on the homepage. However, there is the option to also show sub site- and campaign-level news items here. Would you like this setting changed? If so, feel free to contact iRaiser support, or chat with us!
Order of news releases
The news items will appear in order of publication date. However, if you want to move an old post up the list, you can change its publication date. Conversely, you can also move the publication date of a news item further into the past, so that it appears at the bottom.
Change news item
You can edit a news item at any time, especially useful for unpublished posts to create the perfect news item. Click the Modify button behind the relevant post to make changes. Don't forget to save the changes.
Delete news item
Not entirely happy with a news item after all, or should the information no longer appear on the website after a while? Then delete the message with the Delete button behind the news item concerned. -
Every iRaiser website includes the newsletter module by default. Visitors can leave an e-mail address here to appear on the newsletter subscriptions list. Visitors can subscribe at four different times: In the sign up flow (on the account step), while donating, when filling in a contact form and at the bottom of each page.
Within the iRaiser system, all opt-ins are stored to prove consent given if necessary. As no newsletters are sent from iRaiser it is your own responsibility to provide clear opt-out options in the newsletters sent by you.Set up newsletter module (textual)
View Newsletter subscriptions
Export Newsletter subscriptions
Newsletter subscriptions among donors
Newsletter subscriptions among fundraisers
APISetup newsletter module (textual)
Content ⟶ GDPR texts
Under GDPR Texts under the heading Newsletter subscriptions you will find the texts that will be displayed at the different newsletter moments. You can't change the label of the question, but you can change to consent text. And set if it need to be on or off by default.Click on Change default value to enter your own text
Click on SaveView Newsletter subscriptions
Administration ⟶ Newsletter subscriptions
On this page you can view all Newsletter subscriptions. Use the search bar to find a specific person. The Delete button allows you to permanently remove e-mail addresses from the list. Use the headings (E-mail address, Subscription date and Language) to sort the list.
Newsletter subscriptions export
Administration ⟶ Newsletter subscriptions
The most prominent way is to export the newsletter subscriptions using the Create Excel file button on this page. The exported Excel file contains more information than initially visible in the dashboard, namely the columns:Time
First name
Initial prefix
Language - the set language(code) of the registrant
Site-url - the URL where the registrant was currently located
Sub site - the subscription segment, if any
Campaign - the Campaigns project, if anyNewsletter subscriptions among donors
Donations ⟶ Donations overview
Do you prefer to see specifically which donor subscribed to the newsletter while Donating? To do so download the donors' Excel file via the Create Excel file button.
Newsletter subscriptions among fundraisers
Do you rather see which fundraiser signed up for the newsletter? Then you can download the Excel file via the button Download. In this file a column with the news letter subscription has been added.
Newsletter subscriptions can also be exported via the API.
More information about the iRaiser API see this article. -
Registration fee
When registering a participant/fundraiser, it is possible to charge a registration fee, so registering for the event and creating the personal fundraising page is one integrated process.
The registration fee must always be paid when creating an fundraiser, regardless of whether you sign up as a member of a team or as an individual participant. Registration fees can be added at multiple levels and 'inherit down'. When registration fees are added at the website level, any sub sites and campaigns receive this same registration fee. It is then possible to override the registration fee if there is a different value at the relevant level. It is possible to add multiple registration fee options (with different amounts).
Participants can decide how they want to be registered. This can be useful, for example, for:Different distances with different starting rates;
Age groups where children pay a reduced rate;
In addition to the regular registration rate, offer a 2nd rate where a T-shirt of the event is offered.Content:
Add registration fee
Change registration fee
View chosen registration feeAdd registration fee
Settings ⟶ registration fee
The Add registration fee button allows you to add the option(s), asking for a title and amount. Next to this, it asks whether the paid registration fee should be included in the counter position on the website. Usually, the registration fee is meant to cover expenses and is not included (as donation money) in the counter position, but this can of course vary.Change registration fee
Settings ⟶ Registration fee
By clicking the Edit button, it is possible to edit the title and amount of the option. This can be useful when offering an early bird option, where the amount is increased over time.
View chosen registration fee
- The campaigner himself and the site administrator can see what registration fee the campaigner has paid by managing the campaign under My Entry. In addition, the registration fee choice can be viewed in the participants' exports.
- On the fundraising page, the chosen registration fee is always displayed. This is a fixed element of the page and cannot be hidden.
- Registration fees are reflected in the Excel export of all fundraisers and donations. -
Would you like to offer a T-shirt, medal or other goodie to everyone who starts an action on your website? You can do so with the webshop function within the platform. This feature makes it possible to offer products and even services to anyone who creates an action on the website.
The webshop is not on by default on the website, it can be turned on by a support person on the website. To do this, contact iRaiser. After this, the products must be added to the catalogue. Once the products are put in the catalogue, the action starter can see this right away and order directly in the action start flow!
But what if these products only apply to a specific Sub site or Campaigns? No problem! In fact, it is possible to set up a catalogue at segment or project level. This catalogue will then only be visible to the campaigners at this level. Conversely, it is also possible to set up a catalogue on the main level, after which you disable it on a lower Sub site or Campaigns.
Webshop items add
Administration ⟶ Webshop catalogClick Yes, there is a webshop catalogue to add webshop items
Click Product add
Fill in a title (mandatory)
Fill in an amount (mandatory)
Evt: upload an image of the product
Evt. add multiple variants (e.g. S, M, L, XL, XXL)
Click SavePlease note: Unticking Yes, there is a Webshop catalogue disables the webshop but does not remove the products.
View webshop orders
Administration ⟶ Webshop orders
This page shows an Overview of all Webshop ordersClick on the blue eye icon to see details of an order
Discount codes
Settings ⟶ Coupons
Sometimes you have that special sponsor, ten employees of a particular organisation or someone who also committed last year, who deserves a discount on their registration. Coupons have been created for this purpose. With this feature, it is possible to create one or more discount code(s) that allow one to pay less registration fee.00:00 - Welcome00:25 - Where to find the Coupon feature00:42 - Let's create a coupon03:51 - How to use a coupon
Add Coupons
Use coupons use couponsAdd Coupons
Click Add Coupons add
Fill in a descriptionOn the left at 'Discount' you can set the type of code and the discount
Select One-time code or Reusable codeA One-time code is a code that is used only ééonce. Choose this one if you want to use several codes s. For example, when handing out codes in person at an event.
A Reusable code is a generic code, which can be used several times. This code is generated and can then be used a set number of times (or infinitely).Select the type of discount
With Percentage (%) a certain discount percentage is given on the Registration fee.
At Fixed amount (€), a fixed discount is given on the registration fee. However, this can never be lower than 0.On the right-hand side you can now set how you wish the code to be generatedChoose Generate automatically or Define the text yourself
In the case of Generate automatically the text of the coupon code is randomly determined
In the case ofDetermine text you can specify your own text of the discount code (at the bottom). This can be useful, for example, if you use the discount code for promotional purposes. You can only use the capital letters A-Z, 0-9 and dashes, and no spaces, when entering your own Coupons.Fill in the number of codes (max 500 per batch in the case of a One-off code)
You can then choose to attach an End date and Time to the code. If you don't want to specify an end date, you can leave this field blank.
Click Save
Then you return to the Overview and you can view discount code(s) under the blue eye ()
Download an export of the Coupons using Make Excel fileCoupons in use
As soon as an action starter has used a Once usable discount code it is crossed out (under the blue eye). The exact time when the coupon code was used and by which action starter is indicated. You can also use the button View to see which campaign starter it concerns. The code cannot be used after this.
In case a Reusable code is used, the eyelet shows when and by whom this code was used. AnExcel file of this is also available for download.
In the Donations Overview (under menu item Donations), it is indicated whether a coupon code has been used by the following icon:
In the Donations export, the column Discount shows how much discount the action starter received on the Registration fee. The column Coupon shows the code used.
On the My Entry page that each action starter has, it also states whether a Coupons was used and what effect it had on the entry. -
Match funding is a tool that can be used in both crowdfunding and peer-to-peer fundraising. It allows Companies and Funds to support Fundraisers and campaigns on the iRaiser platform.
Content articleGeneral
Type Match fundingStart donation
Multiply DonationOutput
Two forms of Match funding are supported within the iRaiser framework:
1. Starter donation2. Multiply Donations
With the first variant, each new action, Campaign or Fundraiser receives an initial donation of a fixed amount from the company or fund. This could be interesting at a fundraising event (each participant is sponsored with xx euros by company X) or on a crowdfunding platform (each campaign receives an initial donation of €xx from company X).
For the second variant, each donation is doubled (or far x-fold) by the company or fund doing the match funding. In both variants, the maximum amount available for the match funding can be set.
The donation counter graphically displays the ‘match funding’contribution. Thereby, it can be referred to a page within the platform with more information. Match funding contributions are not subject to variable licence fees charged by iRaiser.Use
On request, we can turn on Matchfunding functionality. You can find it then in the dashboard under Menu item 'Settings -> Match funding'. You can enable this at site, Sub site or project level by going to this level, managing it and going to Settings > Match funding and clicking on 'Yes, I want to use Match funding'.Following this, you can fill in the various fields:By organisation (mandatory field)Here you fill in the name of the organisation doing the match funding sponsoring
Colour You can choose a colour here and this colour will be reflected in the donation counter.
Donations message Fill in a message here. This will be displayed with the donation. Suppose you enter "Match funding - Sustainability Fund" here it will look like this at the front end:More info URLTo provide more information about how your crowdfunding and Match funding works, you can create a Menu item (at site or segment level). You can put the url of this behind it. Once an url has been entered, an i will appear next to it where the user can click to read more information.
Type Match funding
1. Start donation
With this type of Match funding, the organisation donates the first part of target amount when an action is created, i.e. not when making a donation. After the action is created, a (manual) donation is made directly on this action. You set its amount under Amount. You can optionally set a Maximum amount. Once that amount is reached, no more match funding will be done.
An example of this type of match funding can be seen here
2. Multiply Donations
This type of Match funding focuses on Donations, and here the organisation multiplies every donation. After a donation is made, it is multiplied immediately. At Number, you can set how often you want to double the donation. Suppose 100 euros is donatedIf you set once, the organisation will add 100 euros.If you set twice, the organisation will add 200 euros.If you set 3x, the organisation will add 300 euros.If you set 4x, the organisation will add 400 euros.
You can also set limits. A limit indicates what the maximum doubling can be. If you have set 4x as the number and a limit of 400 euros, and someone donates 200 euros then the amount the organisation contributes is 400 euros.
Also here you can set a maximum amount. If that is reached then the pot is 'used up' and no more Match funding is done.
An example of this type of match funding can be seen here
If you have this type of match funding active and you make a manual donation, you have to choose whether to matchfund the manual donation or not:
A donation made through Match funding is a manual automatic donation. It looks as follows:Match funding is linked to the original donation. If you delete it then the matchfunding donation will also be deleted. If you move the original donation then the match funding moves with it too.
The Excel file adds a new type of Payment Method: Match funding. Here see an example of an Excel file with match funding in which the columns not used by matchfunding have been omitted for convenience.
Interested in this functionality on your platform? Then contact us. -
Default action and team settings
Settings ⟶ Default fundraising page settings
Creativity is not given to everyone. And not everyone has the patience to come up with their own texts or upload their own photo in the submission flow either. Give the user a hand by already filling in a title, description or photo! Participants who just want to join in don't have to face unnecessary barriers, which improves conversion. But participants who want to actively manage their own fundraiser can still fill in their own picture, title and description.
Changing default fundraiser settingsChange fundraiser picture
Click on Upload fundraiser photo
Select the location of the photoIf an activist has not uploaded a photo then this photo will be shown by default
Change default fundraiser title
Enter the fundraiser title you want to use
Press saveThis title appears prefilled in the login flow and can still be modified by the user.
Change default fundraiser description
Enter the description you want to use
Press saveThis description appears prefilled in the login flow and can still be modified by the user.
Settings ⟶ Default team settings
Changing default team settings
Texts can also already be entered before creating a team. The default team settings involve the default team title and description. All of this is to speed through the sign-up flow, and the user can then choose to keep this text or give it their own interpretation.
We have now made this option available for teams too! You can enter a default team title and description.Change default team title
Enter the team title you want to use
Press saveThis title appears prefilled in the login flow and can still be modified by the user.
Change default team description
Enter the description you want to use
Press saveThis description appears prefilled in the login flow and can still be modified by the user.
Cap on number of team members
If you have an event where you have a maximum number of team members, you can set this via Settings > Default fundraising page settings. All teams that are then created may have a maximum of that set number of members.
You can set a maximum via Team members limit via Settings > Default team settings
If you choose "Yes, I want to specify a limit for teams under this page." then you can set the maximum number of team members there. The fundraiser who is himself a team captain also counts as an fundraiser.After activation, any limits set by the team captain will be overwritten. However, if you reset it at a later time, the previously set limit will also be reset.
Existing teams that already have more members than your set maximum will remain intact. Suppose you have a team of 6 people, and you set a maximum of 4 people per team over the entire campaign, then that team will keep those six people. Therefore, make sure that you have set it up properly beforehand. This can be done by a site administrator, sub site administrator, and campaign administrator.
The option 'allow team members' disappears the moment you set a maximum number of team members over a certain level. A team captain can therefore no longer set the maximum himself
You can set the cap at site level, sub site level and campaign level and there is no inheritance in it (so it is only for that level).
Can't figure it out? please contact us! -
In this article, you will read more about how the donation counter is built up and how to reset it for a new edition.The following is covered:
Donation counter
Reconciliation of donation amount
Reset counter to zero
Fundraiser, donation and team archiving roadmap
Donation counter
The donation counter is a sum of the following components:
Donation amountsAll donations that have paid status
All manual donations
One-off authorisations and payments via invoice that have pending statusEntry fee
Only if set to be counted in the donation counter
Any discount (via discount codes) will be deducted from the registration fee, unless configured differently for the websiteWhat's not in the donation counter:
Contribution transaction costs
Donations falling under closed campaigns where it was chosen not to include them in the numerator count
Credit card payments with 'pending' status
Committed donations
Reconciliation of donation amount
To check all this, you should download an Excel file at website level at donations > overview donations > Create Excel file
*You may have campaigns whose donations have been removed from the counter (by closing the campaign, and then via Settings > Campaign status removing the amount from the counter). You can recognise these by the exclamation mark in the overview of campaign:In that case, you need to exclude donations on these campaigns first. You do this by going to the 'Campaign title' column and filtering out the campaigns that do not count.Steps to calculate the counter:
Select all columns and turn on the filter
In the 'Payment status' column, turn on the following statuses: N/A and Paid
Go to the 'Donation amount' column and write down the total accumulated amount of the column (A)
Remove filters (apart from any campaign title filters)
In column 'Payment method', select Authorisation and Payment by invoice status
In the 'Payment status' column, select Pending status
Go to the 'Donation amount' column and write down the total accumulated amount of the column (B)
Remove filters (apart from any campaign title filters)
In the 'Payment status' column, turn on the following statuses: N/A and Paid
In the 'Show in donation counter' column, select Yes status
Go to the 'Entry fee' column write down the total accumulated amount of the column (C)
The amount on the counter is (A) + (B) + (C)
Reset counter to zero
There are many sites that work with donation years (e.g. 2019) or have recurring events. For these, it is useful to reset the counter to zero so that it is ready for the next edition.
There are several options for setting the counter to zero, depending on how your platform is set up.
1. Close campaignThe best option is to group the entire overview of donations and fundraisers into a campaign, e.g. '2019'. You can then close this campaign and change the campaign status. You can then indicate that you don't want to count the amount in the counter status. That way, the money goes out of the counter status and you have total proceeds and donations from the previous edition clearly displayed in your dashboard. Here you can see a step-by-step plan to do this. Tip: Copy your campaign if you want to create a new edition.Don't have any campaigns and still want to reset the counter via this method? Then contact us, we can print a script for this.
+ All donations are clearly archived in a campaign+ Returning participants keep their login details and are recognised for a next edition
2. Negative manual donationThe quickest way to reset the counter is via a negative manual donation. You do this by making a manual donation with a minus sign (-) in front of it.
+ A lightning-fast way to reset the counter position instantly- All fundraisers, teams and donors remain in the same place. This can cause possible problems with a new editionYou can close the old site, archive it and create a new site. That way, you start with a clean slate. The disadvantage is that you have to rebuild the new site and users have to create an account again. There are also costs associated with this.
+ You start with a clean slate and can set up the site for the new edition as you wish- There are costs associated with creating a new site. Please contact your sales consultant for this- Users must create a new account on the new site
Fundraisers, donation and team archiving roadmap
The option to close a campaign and not have the stand counted towards the tally is the nicest one. But what if not all fundraisers and donations hang under a campaign? This way, you can then still archive it:Choose a campaign you want to hang all fundraisers and donations under (or create a new one). For example, edition-2019
Move all teams created at site level to the newly created campaign*
Move all site-level fundraisers to the newly created campaign*
Move all donations to the newly created campaign*.For manual donations, you cannot move them. In that case, it is best to remove the donation and create a new donation at campaign level
Close the campaign (Tip: check whether you have automatic mail on or off before closing the campaign)
Set the campaign status via Settings > Campaign status to 'No, do not show the statistics of this campaign in the total counter status on upper levels'.*There may be so many donations, teams or fundraisers that moving them manually is impossible. In that case, please contact us. Also if you want advice on how best to prepare the site for next year.
Content ⟶ Featured
Do you want to highlight parts of the website? Then you can highlight them on the homepage. You can do this with sub sites, campaigns, fundraisers and teams. You can use this function to highlight current campaigns or participants, for example.Highlighting items on the homepage
Customise order of featured items
Highlighted campaign marked as recommended
Undo recommendation
Change texts above highlighted fundraisers and teams on the homepageHighlighting items on the homepage
Scroll to the level from which you want to highlight something on the homepage (fundraisers, teams, campaigns, sub sites). The example uses fundraisers.
Click on 'Add fundraising page'.
You get to the overview. Next to the item, click the cog icon and choose 'Highlight on homepage'. The item is now highlighted.Customise order of featured items
Scroll to the desired level.
Click and drag the items to change the order.Unblocking
Choose the items you no longer want to highlight and click 'Remove from list'.
Highlighted campaign marked as recommended
Scroll down to the highlighted campaigns.
Choose the desired campaign and click 'Mark as recommended'.Undo recommendation
Click on 'Marked as recommended' to undo the marking.
Change texts above highlighted fundraisers and teams on the homepage
Content ⟶ Texts on homepageIf default values are used, click 'Change default value'.
Customise the title and description.
Click 'Save' to save the modified texts.Note: do you have a multilingual website? If so, don't forget to adjust the other languages as well.
Start action blocking
You can specify per level (website/Sub site/Campaigns)
whether Fundraisers may be started. By default it is on that actions may be started, but via Settings > Disable creation of fundraising pages you can turn this on or off per level.
Now Fundraisers can be started:Now it is not possible to start Fundraisers:
Rewards (crowdfunding)
Settings ⟶ Rewards (Crowdfunding)
Do you want to give Users extra motivation to Donate? Then maybe rewards are right for your website. With rewards, you can link a goal or consideration to a specific amount you choose.
For each reward, you can indicate whether the donor's address should be requested so that you can send the reward afterwards. You can also indicate how many of these rewards are available, and the availability is automatically updated as soon as the donor chooses this reward.
Also, you can indicate how many of these rewards are available and the availability is automatically updated as soon as the donor chooses this reward.
Add rewardsSelect Yes under the heading Rewards on Donations
Enter the donation amount under Amount (tip: start with an amount higher than € 5,-)
Enter a Title in
Enter a Description
Select at Reward payout whether it is a physical reward to be sent
Indicate the availability of the reward at Number available (Optional)
Tick I want to send the reward.. at (Optional)
Label the reward as recommended with the button Mark as recommended (Optional)
Click Save or select Add another reward to make multiple rewards availableRewards
After a contributor has chosen a reward, the data (title, description, etc.) of this reward cannot be modified by the Managers. This requires contacting the iRaiser support team (chat, email or phone) to do so. This measure is in place to prevent fraud.
The main level administrator (site administrator) can enable an automatic Emails in order to be informed of the chosen (physical) rewards. This e-mail is fully customisable and can be found under: Emails > Emails to site administrator > Receive Donations linked to a physical reward
A reward that has already been sent and thus completed can be marked as such by the site administrator. By clicking on the gift icon behind the donation in question, the details screen appears, where at the bottom the reward can be ‘ticked’; off. Here the processing time appears. This time is also shown in the Excel export. -
Manual donation
Add manual donations
Donations ⟶ Manual donationsFirst go to the level at which you want to add a manual donation. This can in fact be done at all levels of the iRaiser website (Main level, on a Sub site, to a Campaign, a team or an Action).
Then go to the Menu item Donations and click on Manual donations.
Click on Add Manual donations.A new window opens.
Fill in the date and time the donation was made. By default, the current date and time are entered here.
Fill in the Amount the donation amount.
Fill in a First name and Surname as well. The remaining fields are optional.
Optional: tick Anonymous if the donor's name should not be shown at the front of the website.
Click on Save
The manual donation has been added and will be counted in the donation counter(s).Please note! It is also possible to enter a negative manual donation, for example, to reduce the total amount on the meter. Simply insert a minus-dash (-) before the amount. A negative Donations will not be displayed on the website.
In case you are working with Match funding and it is active where you add a manual donation, you have to choose whether the manual donation should also be Matchfunded or not. -
Social Sharing
Settings ⟶ Social sharing
An important part of the iRaiser platform is the ability to share pages via social media. This can easily be done via the share icons found in several places of the platform. These consist of:A button to share via Facebook
A button to share via Twitter
A button to share via WhatsApp
A button to share on LinkedIn
A button to share via Emails
A widget to embed a Donations or subscribe button on an external site
A button to download a QR code that leads to Donate on that page
A button to indicate that you would like to be kept up to date with news updates around that page.Article content
Customise sharing texts
Caching at Facebook and LinkedIn
Tip: Add Whatsap link to iRaiser button
Customise sharing texts
Some of the texts that appear on social media can be customised.Click to edit the default texts at Modify default.
Please note: In the E-mail text, %url% must always be present, as this will be replaced by the link being shared.
Customise the text and click Save. The text has been modified.The standard texts contain generic texts. We recommend adapting them to your event/action/purpose. Sharing via socials is a powerful tool to get potentialële donors to the platform, so make sure there are activating texts that link well to the site.
The widget can be recognised by this icon:The widget allows you to embed a Donations or sign-up button on an external site. Completing the subscription or Donations will always take place on the iRaiser platform, but it is a great way to link the corporate site to the iRaiser platform.
Action and team captains can also use the widget, and thus easily share their own action on an external site.
Donation button
The donation button can be on the left or on the right. You can choose the variant via 'Customise'. You can then retrieve the html code via 'Embed'. You can insert this code in the <head> of the external website, after which the donation button will be shown.
The widget contains several elements. At the bottom, one of the icons can be clicked to switch to the amount raised, Donations and About us text. You cannot change the default of these, it is always on the Fundraisers Description first, to give some context.
You can adjust the width of the widget via 'adjust'. If it is set correctly, you can find out the code via Embed. Again, you can then add it in the <head> of the external website.
If you put this code on the external site the widget will appear:
Caching at Facebook and LinkedIn
It sometimes happens that you have replaced a photo on the site and share it via Facebook, but you still see the old photo there. Sharing via LinkedIn or Facebook always retrieves the image from the page, however, it often happens that LinkedIn/Facebook has not yet processed a new image across all their servers. As a result, you then see the old cached version still coming back (or in some cases no image). There are tools to manually update this in the case of old information.
For LinkedIn, this is the post inspector. This lets you 'scrape' the new information so it will show this when sharing. You copy the link you wanted to share on LinkedIn and it will refresh it.
For Facebook, this is the debugger. Again, you run the link to the collection box through the scraper and then pdatet the photo. If you share the site afterwards you do see the good photo.
Share via Instagram
It is not possible to share via an external site directly on Instagram. Instagram does not allow that. However, action starters, for example, could share their fundraising page on their own via Instagram. This can be done in two ways:
Share Fundraising page via Instagram story
You can add the link via a story. You do this by:Copy the link to the Fundraising page. For example
Go to new post in Instagram and add a nice photo
Then type some text about your action, e.g. 'I'm going cycling for charity. Will you support my action?'
Then add a link and copy the link to your Fundraising page (or possibly directly to Donate to your action)You can also share any archived story again on Instagram.
Go to the archive and click on the old story
Click Highlight to share it again and choose a good text
Add fundraising page to Instagram bio
You can add a link in your bio. You do this as follows:Click your profile icon and then Edit profile
Click on Add links and choose Add external link
Copy the url (e.g., add a title and click done
Tip: Add Whatsap link to iRaiser button
Here is a nice practical example from one of our clients. Perhaps this would also be a nice addition for your site? Or for in one of your emails?
Our platform already includes a button for sharing a site via social media, such as Facebook and Whatsapp. However, it is always in a standard place (under the drop-down menu 'share this page').
For the zero percentforals campaign, ALS created its own share button to give it a more prominent place within the platform. They put this in a Content page (in Content > Description) as follows:
If you press the (bottom) button you will automatically share the page via Whatsapp. You can set the text you want to add to that.
Kentaa buttonThe button you see is a 'iRaiser button'. You create it in the editor as follows. You click on Insert/Edit hyperlinkThere you enter text (which will appear on the button) and the URL. In addition, choose Knowledge button under type.
URLThe basic structure of the link is as follows. You need to remove <Text> and <URL> here and replace them with your own text and URL.<Text>%20https%3a%2f%2f<URL>This url can be replaced with your own text. It is separated as follows: %20 (space)%3a (:) %2f (/)
ExampleThe entire URL that is behind the button at zero-percentage-forward is the following:!%20In%20January%20don'
The first part of the link is standard code that links it to Whatsapp: second part is the text, which consists of:I%20dare%20you%20out! %20In%20January%20don't%20drink%20alcohol%20and%20support%20the%20fight%20against%20ALS%20.And the last part is the url. Which consists of the front section https:// :%20https%3a%2f%2fAnd the link
And as always, if you have any questions, please contact us! -
With the activities module, a (mandatory) choice question can be added in the registration flow. For example, a list of distances or registration options from which the fundraiser must choose, or the question of what kind of fundraiser it concerns.
Content:Add activities
Selecting and using activities
Showing/not showing selected activity1. Add activities
Settings ⟶ Activity list
Before you start, you will first need to add activities to the overall list of activities. Think of this as a kind of library where all activities are listed and you can choose which of them you want to use per site, sub site or campaign.2. Selecting and using activities
At site level, per sub site and per campaign, you can configure activities for use. This configuration consists of 2 parts: selecting activities and using activities.
2.1 Selecting activities
Settings ⟶ Activities
The first part consists of choosing the activities from which the fundraiser can choose. At site level, this allows you to choose from the full list of activities. At sub site and campaign level, a thinned list may be visible, depending on the configuration below. A maximum number of participants can also be specified for each selected activity.2.2 Using activities
Settings ⟶ Activities
Under the Use activities heading, you determine how the activities are deployed. First, you determine how the activities should behave on This page. Then you determine it for Underlying levels.
Example: at the site level, one can start a general fundraiser and no activity needs to be selected, then on This page"No, there is no need to select.... " is selected. If on underlying campaigns one does need to select an activity, one of the "Yes" options is selected at Underlying levels. Both Yes options determine that an activity must be chosen on these underlying campaigns and can still be chosen which set of activities is shown to the fundraiser.Here you determine whether fundraisers below the current level should choose an activity.
You can choose to tick that Fundraisers can edit their activity themselves. They can then modify it under my registration. This is only possible if there is space available at the new activity. The moment the activity is modified, the old activity is released again.You then choose here what fundraisers get to see on the underlying levels (sub sites and/or campaigns).
Example scenario - You include the Dam tot Damloop event in the website and people can register for this at 2 distances: the half and full marathon. You include these 2 distances as activities in the Activities list (at website level). Then manage the Dam tot Damloop, go to Settings > Activities and tick the 2 distances. You indicate that all fundraisers directly below this page must choose an activity. You indicate that fundraisers may change their activity themselves. Two weeks before the event, turn off the option that people may change their activity themselves.
3. Showing/not showing selected activity
The selected activity is displayed in several places. You can choose whether this is desirable or not. These are the following places:
On the team page / in the registration flow
Once a team captain has chosen an activity himself, it is displayed on the team page. It is also displayed in the sign-up flow once an fundraiser wants to join the team. At the step to choose the activity, it is displayed which activity was chosen by the team captain to make the choice easier.
This option can be turned off when setting up activities, via Settings > Activities.On the fundraiser page
Individual fundraisers also automatically show on their fundraising page which activity they have chosen. Is this not entirely applicable? Let a iRaiser staff member know and we will make this choice invisible across the entire website on the fundraising page.
Action starters can get badges in the iRaiser platform to reward them and give them extra motivation. There are two types of badges:
Achievements badges. These are badges that one can earn by actively recruiting. These badges ("medals") are greyed out on the Fundraising page and are coloured in when the respective goal is achieved.
Retention badges. This badge is linked to the number of participations. This badge ("ribbon") appears on the participant's action picture and shows how many times someone has already participated in the event.Badges for achieved goals (Achievements badges)
These badges are aimed at motivating action starters to get started with their Fundraising page and reach various goals.
For example, someone gets a badge for the first Donations and for posting a blog post. There are also badges for the amount of money raised (250, 500 and 1000 euros) and badges for the number of supporters (10, 25 and 50 donations).
When this functionality is on, the following badges automatically appear on each Fundraising page:These badges are greyed out when not yet achieved and coloured in when achieved. The green colour you see above in the badge is the spot colour set on the site. This way, the badges are nicely integrated into your style.
Badges are automatically coloured when the condition is achieved. When the functionality is turned on, all badges of existing action starters are also awarded retroactively.
There are no emails associated with the badges. Although you could copyëren the email "More raised than set amount". You can then indicate in the mail when they reach 250, 500 and 1000 euros that they have earned a badge. Hooray!The badges have a fixed layout and also fixed conditions, and you can only choose to put all eight of them on them. You cannot make your own adjustments to this at the moment. We do want to make this adjustable in due course.
Interested? Then send a message to iRaiser and we can turn it on for you!
Badges for number of participations (retention badges)
You have the option of displaying a badge (image) on participants' fundraising page depending on the number of times they have participated.
These Badges are part of the retention functionality, which consists of:The edition of your event -> This feature must be enabled to use the badges and retention functionality.
A conditional welcome email based on number of participations
Able to set target amounts for action starters based on number of participationsThe aim is to make participants feel welcome and encourage them to participate more often. For a complete description, read the article on retention functionality.
You can upload an image per participation. We have created four designs for you, see the downloads below. But you can also choose to design your own badges. This image has specific requirements: it must be a png image with transparency, the image must be 745x419 Pixels in size. So a landscape image. The badge is being placed over the existing image, so make sure the badge is not too large and is in one of the corners.You can only add retention badges if an edition is set. Please contact us for this.
Download below your set of badges for returning participants. -
Setting donation amounts
One of the most important pages within the platform is the donation page. In the donation form, the donor can decide how much to donate, or choose one of the suggested donation amounts. By default, these amounts are set at €15, €25, €50 and €100.
Suggested donation amounts adjustable
In the Dashboard, these amounts are customisable via Settings/ Set donation amounts, allowing you to experiment with the right amounts based on average donation amounts or linked to impact.
Show text at donation amount
An explanation or encouragement can be added to each suggested donation amount. This explanation appears when the donor hovers over the amount. You can use this explanation to make the proposed donation amount concrete or as an encouragement, for example:Donation form in registration flow (self-donation)
Not only on the donation form are donation amounts customisable. The sign-up flow also includes a donation form. Of course, these amounts are also adjustable, and it is possible to display a text with each amount. -
Analytics & tracking
It is possible to track visitor behaviour on the iRaiser website, through Google Analytics. You can also have tracking pixels added by a support person upon request.
Via Integrations > Google Analytics you can add a G-ID. From then on, measurements will come in to the linked GA4 property. You can find out the G-ID as follows:
Click on Data streams:
Then click on the url:On the top right you will see the ID:
Visual ID:
Add the G-ID.
In GA, we have added a data layer. Here you can see examples of the datalayer after a Donations on an action page and in the Sign up flow:
Example of the datalayer after donation on an action page:
{"transaction_id": "T_0168de416b8d87cb47af12270e6a2a6cd6243c1f","affiliation": "iRaiser","value": "60. 0","currency": "CHF","payment_type": "ideal","items":"{"item_id": "D_0168de416b8d87cb47af12270e6a270a6cd6243c1f","item_name": "Donation on action by Henk Vries","item_brand": "iRaiser","item_category": "Fundraisers","item_category_2": "henk-vries-2","item_category_3": "Private","price": "60. 0","quantity": 1},{"item_id": "TC_0168de416b8d87cb47af12270e6a2a6cd6243c1f","item_name": "Transaction costs","price": "2.0","quantity": 1}]}
&&">"item_category_3": "private","price": "60.
And after the Sign up flow:
{"transaction_id": "T_6a52a2e56689d38fc0dd3416869060e3367f57e3","affiliation": "iRaiser","value": "65. 0","currency": "EUR","payment_type": "ideal","coupon": "Discount code (as used)""items":[{"item_id": "D_57ef9a1aed94fe3129f995492a4b97f0b7bcfdb8","item_name": "Start donation","item_brand": "iRaiser","item_category": "Action","item_category_2": "john-doe","price": "15. 0","quantity": "1"},{"item_id": "RF_57ef9a1aed94fe3129f995492a4b97f0b7bcfdb8","item_name": "Registration fee","item_variant": "This is Registration fee","price": "50. 0","quantity": "1"}, {item_id: "WI_Webshop item name",item_name: "Webshop item title",item_variant: "Item variant (as present)",price: "15.0",quantity: "1"}]}
Setting donation choices
When you click 'Donate', you will be given the choice of who you want to donate to. Depending on how your website is structured, you may be given the following options:
Donate to:Person
Sub site (one level above Campaign)
Sub site
General Donations (website level)In some cases, it may not be desirable for people to be able to Donate directly to a Campaign or Sub site. And sometimes a general donation is also undesirable. For this reason, this option can be turned off. On Fundraisers and Teams by the way, donations can always be made.
You can also donate to a company, but this option is not in the selection screen. To do so, you have to go to the company page first and then click Donate.
Turn off donation option
To turn off the Donations option aa a project page, segment page or general Donations, first go to that level within the dashboard. General Donation hangs under website level, so there you can go directly to Settings > Donate. If you want to turn off the option to donate on a specific Campaign page or Sub site, you first have to manage that Campaign or Sub site and then go to Settings > Donate. You will then see the following:If you uncheck the box then it is still possible to Donate on Campaign and Team pages under that Campaign/segment/general donation. However, you will then no longer be able to Donate on that page itself. So if you set this at the website level, you will no longer be able to make a general donation.
If you leave the checkmark on, it is again possible to donate on that page. -
Additional questions
It is possible within the platform to request additional information. For example, requesting a shirt size, explicit parental consent, agreeing to the additional participant regulations, etc. But also, for example, requesting extra information when making a Donations to apply for tax certificates or a special opt-in to be called.
There are three places where we can add additional questions for you. In the sign up flow, the donation form and in a customised form. You cannot add the extra questions yourself. Should you wish to do so, please contact us and we will add them.
Content of article
Sorts of additional questionsInsert fields
Text field
CheckboxExtra text
Where can additional questions be added?
Sign up flow
Donation form
Customised formOn which levels can additional questions be added?
Where can I see the completed answers to the additional questions?
Types of extra questions
Input fieldsWe have two types of input fields, a textarea and a textarea. The two are distinguished by the size of rows displayed. If you expect a short answer then you choose a textarea. In it you ask a question (which has a maximum of 40 characters) a the user fills in an answer:
If you expect a longer answer you can work with a textarea:
PlaceholderFor a text field or -area, you can specify a placeholder. This will then appear when the question is completed. This can be useful if you want to receive the information in a particular way, for example "enter the date dd-mm-yyyy here".Validation typesYou can have a specific form of an answer specified. For example, if you ask for a specific date or a bank account number. If information is then specified that does not meet those specific validation requirements, the answer will not be accepted. These are the validation types we have:
Numbers only
Only letters, dashes and dots
Numbers, letters, dashes and dots only
Valid e-mail address
Valid phone number
Valid IBAN number
Valid zip code
Valid date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy)
Valid date (dd-mm-yyyy)
Valid date in the future (dd-mm-yyyy)
Valid date in the past (dd-mm-yyyy)Multiple-choice options
We have three options for multiple-choice options, and with all three you may also optionally choose to display only one option. These are the dropdown, radio and checkbox:
At the dropdown you ask a question after which the user has to click on the answer option to expand it. There they can then select one of the choices.
For radio, the first response option is selected by default. Users can then choose to select another option instead.Checkbox
This allows you to tick one or more answer options yourself.For all the questions above (except radio), you can indicate whether that question is mandatory or optional.
Extra text
To introduce the questions, or give some extra information, we can insert titles and info text. A title has a slightly larger font than the infotext.
Where can additional questions be added?
There are three places where we can add additional questions. In the sign up flow, on the donation form and in a customised form.
Sign up flow
The additional questions are asked in the sign up flow after creating the sponsor page (or team page/company page) and before the webshop/startup donation/overview page (depending on which steps there are in the sign up flow):Donation form
The addition of additional questions to the donation form works the same and you will then see these below the personal data. The only difference is that no special personal data should be asked in this place.
Customised form
We can create a customised form. This is in the form of a Menu item and in it you can request information (separate from the sign-up and donation flow).
You enter an e-mail address and the completed forms are one on one forwarded to that e-mail address. These come in as separate emails and you cannot download an Excel file from this.
Optionally, you can set another destination url where the user, after filling in the form, is automatically redirected.
Below are some examples of applications of custom forms:
Customised form of the Giro di Muscoli for participants in the family stageHere they ask participants to fill in the names.
Customised Night of Refugee form to order t-shirts separately
Customised form from the Metakids Foundation for a participant action.An action starter sells shells and these can be ordered using this form. This action starter receives the submitted emails and can match the orders to the payment reference.
On which levels can additional questions be set?"
Customised forms always appear as Menu items, but additional questions for the sign-up or donation flow can be set at different levels. Below you can see which ones:Everywhere on the website
On the homepage only
On the homepage of a Sub site
On a specific CampaignIn addition, you can choose between whether the additional questions should be asked to a campaigner, a team captain or a company starter.
Where do I see the completed answers to the additional questions?
For the Donations form you will see these in your dashboard near the donation itself if you click on the 'eye'. In addition, you can find it in the Donations Excel file. An extra tab has been added there where the completed answers to the extra questions are listed.
In the Sign up flow, you can see the extra questions in the actions/participants when you click on the 'eye'. In addition, you can find them in the Fundraisers Excel file. There too, an extra tab has been added where the completed answers to the extra questions can be found. For Teams and Companies it works in the same way (click on eyelet, and in the export of Teams and Companies respectively)
In the case of a adjusted form, the completed results are emailed to the email address provided.
Do you want additional questions added? Then contact us. -
Content pages
Content pages are pages that you can customise yourself and add content to. There are the following content pages:
Description (Content > Description)
Motivation (Manage campaigner/team > My (team) page > Motivation)
Menu item (Content > Menu)
News (Content > News)
E-mails (E-mails > Overview e-mails)Key to a content page is the ability to format the text via the text editor. Below is an overview of the various options in the text editor.
The editor usually looks like this:Symbols
MultilingualismThis flag is only shown if you have multiple languages. You can then select the language you are changing the content for here.
Step backUndoes the last change.
Step forwardReturns the last change.
BoldMake selected text bold (bold)
ItalicSet selected text in italics
ElignAligns the selected text.
Options (in order):align left
right align
align justify (fill out)
TableSelect Insert Table and then choose ééone of the other options to add or remove rows or columns
ListUnordered list: bulleted enumerationordered list: bulleted enumeration
InspringThis allows you to increase or decrease the indentation
HyperlinkIncludes a hyperlink. A pop-up window appears. Enter here:
URL: paste here the URL of the (external) page to which the link should pointLink text: this is the visible text of the linkTitle: give the link a title. This title is visible (in certain browsers) when you move the mouse over the text. Purpose: Choose whether the link should open in a new window or notType: Here you can choose whether the link should be a normal link or a Kentaa button. A Kentaa button is a special button that has the same style as the donation button.
Click the other button if you want to delete an existing link.
Insert imageThis allows you to insert an image into the content
Add videoHere you can load a video with the url. For example, a Youtube or Vimeo link
Add tagThis option you will see only in emails. Here you can choose a tag that will be replaced in the mail with the information belonging to the tag
UndoUndo the last change.
RewReturns the last change.
CutDeletes the selection, but you can paste it somewhere else afterwards
PastePaste the copied or cut selection
Paste as textIf you choose this option then when you paste, no formatting is pasted along, just the text. This until this option is switched offSelect allThis allows you to select everything on the content page
FormattingHere you can see different formatting choices.Bold
FormattingHeadingsYou can select different headings here
InlineHere you can also add code if you wish, in addition to the options mentioned earlier
BlockYou can choose a paragraph, a section, a quote or pre-formatted text hereAlignHere you can align the text left, right or centre
Delete FormattingThis removes the formatting of your selection
Table Here you can insert a table of a desired size. The options for this are self-explanatory
Tool > Source codeYou can edit the source code. This can be useful if you want to remove certain html elements. You can also embed content from other sites this way.
Be careful when using images in tablesTables are a nice way on the desktop to display information. However, they are static and unsuitable for mobile. If you view the mobile version of the page, it may then be askew or a completely different size. Therefore, try to avoid tables if you want to display photos and information bundled together. It is better to align the photo and put the information next to it.
Embedding maps and other media via the source codeMany sites allow you to embed iframes. On Google Maps, you do so via Menu > Share or embed map > Embed a map. There you can copy and paste a code into a content page via Tools > Source code. For example, below you can see the code to add a map of Kentaa headquarters
Code:<iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d698.3510205308737!2d5. 910319305500621!3d51.984724443692194!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x47c7a5b409a273d1%3A0x3c475c3d0d2d00a!2 sKentaa!5e0!3m2!1snl!2snl!4v1595428915402!5m2!1snl!2snl" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" aria-hidden="false" tabindex="0"></iframe>
Please be careful with pastingIf there is formatting in the text then you may be pasting it along. All kinds of html can then be pasted in as well, which can cause undesirable situations. You can avoid this by turning on the 'paste as text' button. Alternatively, you can remove the formatting beforehand by first pasting it into Notepad and then copyingëren from there
Menu item: Add downloads and FAQsSee also the support article on menu items.
iRaiser button!A iRaiser button is a great way to give a hyperlink extra attention. It takes the same form as the donation button on your site. You add it by creating a hyperlink and choosing 'iRaiser Button' as its type. If you want, you can also have a button linked to Whatsapp. In this article you will see explained how to do this. -
Within the platform, there are various options for viewing statistics. For example, you can export Donations, Fundraisers, Teams, Campaigns and Sub sites, as well as view Monthly reports. We also have ready-made overviews of relevant overall statistics and more on this in this support article.
The key figures can be found at the website level under Analytics > Download statistics. Here you can select a certain period for which you want to see the key figures and then click 'Create Excel file'. This will give you an Overview of the relevant key figures (the content may vary based on the content of your platform). These key figures can be useful to analyse the data on the platform and make adjustments if necessary. Specifically, you will see key figures in the following categoriesën (if present on the platform): PaymentsDonorsDonations by deviceDonations by payment method Average donation amountNumber of donationsPay Later Actions (including closed and invisible)TeamsProjectsSegmentsTransactions
At each level you will see Analytics. These are graphically displayed statistics on the following components:
Number of DonationsAverage donatedNumber of FundraisersSmile of participants
And if used on the platform:Selected ActivitiesSelected Registration fees Returning participants
You can select a period you want to see the Analytics from at the top and you can optionally choose to download the statistics as a pdf.
If you hover over the Analytics itself, you will see more information about it. Under 'Number of Donations', for example, you can see how many donations have been made.
Statistics from underlying levelsBy default, statistics from underlying levels are turned on. This means that all statistics are shown. If you turn this off then you only get the statistics of that level. Concretely, for example, this looks like this:You are at the website level and also have Campaigns. If you don't choose to show statistics from underlying levels then you will only see statistics done at the website level. For example, general Donations. You won't see a donation made on a Campaign then.
On each level you will also see general statistics:
For example, you can immediately see the average donation amount, how many Donations there are and the amount raised. These statistics appear at every level. For example, for a Campaign specifically, you can immediately see all relevant information. In addition, action starters, for example, also see relevant statistics for them.
Also here you see that toggle 'Also show statistics of underlying levels' and it works in the same way. With this, you differentiate between all statistics, and statistics that are directly below that level (which you are currently on).
Statistics with this icon are clickable. This shows you graphs that are also clickable.
Monthly report
What is included in the Monthly reports?
Directly after the end of a calendar month, a financialële Monthly report is available within the iRaiser Dashboard. The financialële Monthly reports contain a sum of all income and expenses in the month in question. It includes the following transactions:transactions that have been given the status 'paid' in the month in question
only transactions settled via the online checkout
successful PayPal and Tikkie transactions are also included in the statisticsThe Monthly reports can be viewed by month and downloaded by the site administrator in an excel file.
What do the columns mean?
All black amounts are income and all red amounts are expenses.
This includes donation income. Both regular donations and any start-up donations. It is a sum of the donation amounts. This does not include contributions to transaction fees, registration fees and webshop revenue.
Registration fee
This includes receipts from paid registration fees.
This includes receipts from webshop items purchased at registration.
Total refunded/refunded
The total amounts refunded by the site administrator and the total refunded by an end user, respectively.
Transaction fees including VAT
This is the cost of the payment service provider including VAT. PLEASE NOTE: this is an eo good indication of these costs. The costs may differ slightly from the actual payment service provider costs. For the actual payment service provider costs, please refer to the statement of these costs by the relevant payment service provider that can be seen in the payment service provider's dashboard. These transaction fees are automatically deducted from payouts by the payment service provider.
iRaiser fees incl. VAT
This refers to iRaiser's variable licence fees including VAT. These are calculated automatically per transaction based on the applicable agreements. In case of a volume tier this is automatically taken into account. The corresponding invoice of these costs can be downloaded via the download button. These variable iRaiser licence fees are automatically deducted from the payouts by the payment service provider. unless other agreements have been made.
Split by Sub site and Campaign
At th top of the report are the totals for the entire website. A breakdown is then given on that:All transactions directly below the website homepage, broken down by Campaigns. Below that are the income from transactions on Fundraisers and Team pages created directly under the homepage and therefore not covered by a Campaign. Finally, general Donations made directly on the website's homepage. At the bottom there is a subtotal of all transactions directly under homepage, i.e. not under a Sub site or Campaigns.
In case of using the iRaiser Sub site module: all transactions per Sub site. For each Sub site, a breakdown of transactions per Campaigns is also given. Below that are the income from transactions on campaign and team pages that were created directly under the Sub site page and thus do not fall under a campaign. Finally, general Donations made directly on the website's Sub site page. At the bottom is a subtotal of all transactions directly under the relevant Sub site. -
Front-end design editor
As a site and Sub site administrator, you can now very easily customise the colours, font and buttons of your iRaiser template yourself!
When you are logged in, a black block with "Customise design" appears on the homepage (and if you have a iRaiser Expert platform also on the Sub site homepage).When you click on this, a design editor appears. It consists of three sections:
Theme colour
ButtonsImportant: iRaiser offers a choice of four standard templates. The structure per template is fixed. It is therefore not possible to move elements around. See the examples of the standard templates here. Support can change this template free of charge and directly for you. Contact us via chat, phone or e-mail.
Theme colour
Among the theme colours, four things can be adjusted:Primary colour: This is the spot colour of your website.
Contrast colour: This is used for text on buttons, certain text areas and icons.
Page title colour: This is the colour of the H1 title on each page.
Hyperlink colour: This is the colour of hyperlinks on each page.The colours can be adjusted by entering the HEX code of the desired colour or with the colour palette sliding out.
The chosen colours are immediately visible. The "Restore" button resets the settings. Only when you click "Save" will the chosen settings be implemented. They can then no longer be restored. Tip: Make a note of the existing colour codes so that you can always "go back to square one".
Two fonts can be set per site: one for headings and one for texts.The desired font can be selected from the dropdown menu. The selected font can be seen immediately. The "Restore" button resets the settings. Only when you click "Save" will the chosen settings be implemented. The font originally belonging to the template can be recognised in the list because a title 'default' appears above it.
Note: Because fonts vary in width and size, texts may not fit as well on buttons. We cannot adjust the size of buttons per font. So check the site carefully yourself (including on mobile) whether this font does indeed display nicely on your website.
Is your desired font not listed? Then check to see if it is available as a free Google web font. If so, please let us know. Send an e-mail to iRaiser so we can investigate whether this font is suitable for the design editor.
Depending on your iRaiser package and the settings on your platform, three types of buttons can be customised:The donation buttons
The start action buttons (if you have the action module)
The project registration button (if you have the project module and projects can be created via the frontend)For each button type, the font, text colour and background colour can be changed. All independent of each other and independent of the choices at the tabs for theme colours and fonts.
The desired font can be selected from the dropdown menu. The selected font can be seen immediately. The font originally belonging to the template can be recognised in the list by the heading 'standard'.
The colours can be adjusted by entering the HEX code of the desired colour or with the colour palette sliding out. The chosen colours are immediately visible. The "Restore" button resets the settings. Only when you click "Save" will the chosen settings be implemented.
Is the editor in the way? Collapse it again with this icon: or move it with this icon:
Once moved, the editor is saved in that location, including for a next time. -
AVG - General Data Protection Regulation
The iRaiser platform complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) for storing personal data. Managers can use the dashboard to manage, for example, all consent texts displayed in forms that require Users to grant permission by checking a box. Below is general information on how to comply with the GDPR within iRaiser and some general explanation of what the GDPR is.
Content of article:Introduction
Controller versus Processor
What is personal data?
What is a special personal data?
When is there processing of personal data?
General rules for processing personal data
Overview Personal data
Exporting personal data: transfer
What are the rights of data subjects?
Expressive consent
Rights of data subjectsRight of access
Right to rectification and completion and/or restriction of processing
Right to erasureAt the request of the data subject (end user)
On termination of contractRight to data portability
To safeguard the data of our customers and their Users, we have established privacy and data protection policies within iRaiser.
Privacy protection & personal data; General Data Protection Regulation
Privacy protection is regulated by various laws and treaties. The most important is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force from 25 May 2018. This is a European regulation (i.e. with direct effect) that standardises the rules for the processing of personal data by private companies and public authorities throughout the European Union. In addition, the Telecommunications Act provides rules on mailings, spam and cookies.
Processor versus Processor
The GDPR makes a clear distinction between the duties and responsibilities of a so-called Controller and a Processor. iRaiser's customer owns the website and the data acquired with the website. They are the Controller. iRaiser carries out the technical operation of the website and does not do anything with the data without the consent of the customer. iRaiser is in GDPR terms a processor. The powers, duties and responsibilities of us as a Processor in terms of processing personal data are agreed in the so-called Processor Agreement that we conclude with our customers.
What is a personal data?
Personal data is any data by which a person can beïdentified. A person can be identified if the person using the personal data can identify the person without making a special effort. This could include name and address data. E-mail addresses, passport photos, fingerprints and, for example, IP addresses are also considered personal data. And data that give a rating about a person, for example someone's IQ.
What is a special-personal data?
In addition to ordinary personal data, the law also recognises special personal data. These are data that are so sensitive that processing them could seriously affect someone's privacy. Such data may therefore only be processed under very strict conditions. Special or sensitive personal data include, for example, data that says something about someone's race, religion, health, criminal past or sexual life. Trade union membership and the citizen service number (BSN) are also special personal data.
Special personal data is data about someone's:race or ethnic origin
political opinions
religion or belief
membership of a trade union
genetic or biometric data for the purpose of unique identification
sexual life
criminal historyAn organisation may not use special personal data unless there is an exception for this in the law. There must be a need to request this data.
When is personal data processing?"
Processing means any operation involving personal data. The law lists as examples of processing: the collection, recording, organisation, storage, updating, modification, retrieval, consultation, use, provision by means of forwarding, dissemination or any other form of making available, bringing together, linking, blocking, erasing and destroying of data. From this enumeration, it is clear that the processing of personal data is readily apparent. One could argue that everything one does with personal data do falls under processing.
General rules for processing personal data
Main rule is that personal data shall only be processed in accordance with the law and in a proper and careful manner. In addition, personal data may only be collected if a precise purpose is given for it. Moreover, the law states that personal data may only be processed insofar as they are adequate, relevant and not excessive.An example from practice is the making of a copy passport.An important obligation arising from the law is the notification that the processor must make to the Personal Data Authority AP. This notification is intended to promote transparency: all notifications made to the AP are included in a public register. Some processing operations do not need to be notified under the law, such as the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the GDPR includes a large number of processing operations that are exempt from notification. For such exempted processing operations, the other requirements of the GDPR simply remain in force. In addition to the general rules mentioned above, a justification ground must be present for any processing of personal data. This is explained below.
Conditions for processing personal data: justifications
In addition to the general rules mentioned above, the GDPR requires that at least ééone of the justifications listed in the law must apply to any processing of personal data. The GDPR has the following bases:ConsentThe data subject (this is the person whose data is being processed) has given his unambiguous consent to the processing. This explicit consent is also called informed consent or informed consent
. The processing of personal data of a child under 13 requires the consent of a parent or legal representative. An organisation must make a reasonable effort to verify that consent.Execution of contractData processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party.
Legal obligationData processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.
Vital interestData processing is necessary to counter a serious threat to the health of the data subject.
Public law taskThe data processing is necessary for the proper performance of a public law task.
Justified interestData processing is necessary for the fulfilment of a legitimate interest of the data controller (or of a third party to whom the data are disclosed). This means that the person processing the data must weigh his own interest against the interest and rights of the person concerned. The processor must also check beforehand whether the same result cannot be achieved with less data.
Overview Personal data
In the dashboard, via Administration > Overview Personal data, you can see a complete and current overview of all data processed by iRaiser for the website. This is governed by the concluded Collaboration Agreement or the General Terms and Conditions for the protection of personal data.
A distinction is made between the personal data that iRaiser processes by default and the, for this website, specific personal data from set-up forms. You can have an Excel file generated from these via the Download button. This is sent by e-mail to the e-mail address of the site administrator requesting the download and can be retrieved there via a link. If desired, you can also filter the data by:All data
The additional form data (additional questions)
The default data (without the extra questions)Exporting personal data: transfer
Exporting personal data, also known as transmission, is a form of processing personal data. The conditions described above apply to it in full. In addition, depending on the country to which the data is transferred, additional conditions apply.
What are the rights of data subjects?
The GDPR also grants rights to individuals whose data is processed:Right of inspectionThis right allows everyone to check whether, and in what way, their data are processed.
Right of rectification and supplementation and/or restriction of processingWhen someone has used their right of inspection and comes to the conclusion that their data needs to be corrected, they can submit a request to that effect to the data controller.
Right to oblivionThe data subject may object to certain forms of data processing, as a result of which the processing of his personal data may have to be stopped.
Right to data portabilityThis is the ability to take data from one platform to another platform.
The Controller (read: our client) must ensure that these rights are met. We as iRaiser only fill a role in this after consultation and approval from our customer. Thus, we have built functionalities within the iRaiser framework that largely automate the processes for the above rights. This is described in the agreement we enter into with a client.
Express consent
When and Users give permission (consent) for the storage of personal data anywhere within the iRaiser platform, a number of things are stored in the database to be able to resolve any dispute later. This explicit consent is also called informed consent or informed consent.
This explicit consent is also called informed consent.
The following data will be storedid of the user (to retrieve the information)
consent text (which can be managed in the dashboard)
version number of the general terms and conditions
version number of the cookie statement
version number of the privacy settingsdata subjects' rights
Every person whose personal data is stored has a number of different rights under the GDPR legislation to view or delete his/her data. Below we explain how we handle the different rights within iRaiser and what you or the Users can/should do to make use of these rights.
Users with an account can log in via the dashboard itself to exercise these rights. One does this by going to Accounts > Data protection when logged in:
Following this, they enter the dashboard where everything is explained about their rights and they can request different downloads for each right:
Right of accessThis right allows everyone to control whether, and how, their data is processed.
Procedure Users
Users can use the dashboard (see image above) to download their own archive containing all their data. After clicking on the button Download my archive , the user receives a message "Archive is being created now. You will soon receive an e-mail containing a link to download your archive." The link in the e-mail is valid for 24 hours.
Procedure Clients
When a customer addresses you and does not want to or cannot log into the dashboard himself, you (customer) can do so.
To do so, go to Accounts > Users and click on the three dots behind the relevant user and go to Data Protection:If a contributor asks this question then a request must be sent by you (customer) in writing on behalf of the requestor(consumer) to iRaiser via iRaiser's support desk.
After receiving the request, iRaiser will contact the customer to verify the request. In doing so, iRaiser asks for identification of the customer which is recorded in a logging.
After verification of the request, iRaiser will, within 5 working days, collect all the data of the requester (consumer) and bundle it in a password-protected zip file.
The password-protected zip file will be sent by iRaiser to the customer by secure WeTransfer.
We will send the corresponding password to open the zip file by SMS.
Right to rectification and completion and/or restriction of processing
When someone has used their right of inspection and comes to the conclusion that their data needs to be corrected, they can submit a request to that effect to the person responsible for data processing; the Controller (read: you as iRaiser's customer of iRaiser). You can already adjust a lot of data yourself via the dashboard at fer the user's request.
Should you not be able to change the data via the dashboard please contact support via a written request on behalf of the applicant(consumer). After receiving the request, iRaiser will contact you as customer to verify the request. In doing so, iRaiser will ask for identification of the customer which will be logged. After verifying the request, iRaiser will change the data within 5 working days and notify the customer accordingly.
Right to erasureUsers with accounts can request the deletion of their personal data themselves. After clicking the "Delete personal data" button, they will receive an email about this and can still withdraw the request within a week. After that, all data will be irrevocably deleted.
You as a customer can also trigger this customer request via the dashboard:
To do so, go to Accounts > Users and click on the three dots behind the user in question and go to Data Protection.
If a user cannot log in themselves or does not have an account, we can do so at the klnat's request.
At the request of Data Subject (End User):
There are three possibilities for this:The data subject/end user addresses the request to the customer. Customer orders deletion to iRaiser;
The affected/end user uses the option for deletion of his/her personal data via the iRaiser Dashboard (option: Data Protection).
The affected/end user addresses the request directly to us.iRaiser deletes Personal Data on dedicated servers and any hosted servers and from (internal) mailboxes, and other systems completely and irrevocably within 14 working days after being ordered to do so by customer. Within 30 days, Personal Data will be deleted from backup copyëns and from backup files.
Upon termination of contract:
If it is established after the end of the contract that the customer possesses all acquired Personal Data, iRaiser will completely and irrevocably delete all Personal Data on dedicated servers and any hosted servers and from (internal) mailboxes within 14 working days of being ordered to do so by the customer. Within 30 days, Personal Data will be removed from backup copyëns and from backup files.
Netherly 3 months after termination of the agreement, iRaiser will completely and irrevocably anonymise all acquired Personal Data, whether or not it has received an order to do so from the customer. iRaiser will inform Customer two weeks prior thereto.
The account manager (sales consultant) of the relevant customer is responsible within iRaiser for initiating this procedure.
Right to data portability
When a user wants to take their data with them, they can do so by downloading a file containing their data. This works exactly the same as with the Right of Inspection.
Procedure Clients
If a customer contacts you and does not want to or cannot log into the dashboard themselves, you (customer) can do so.
To do so, go to Accounts > Users and click on the three dots behind the relevant user and go to Data Protection.
If a contributor asks this question then a request must be sent by you (customer) in writing on behalf of the requestor(consumer) to iRaiser.
After receiving the request, iRaiser will contact the customer to verify the request. In doing so, iRaiser will ask for identification of the customer which will be recorded in a logging.
After verification of the request, iRaiser will, within 5 working days, collect all data of the requester (consumer) and bundle it into a password-protected zip file.
The password-protected zip file will be sent by iRaiser to the customer via secure WeTransferPlus.
The corresponding password to open the zip file will be sent in a separate email.
After verification of the request, iRaiser will contact the customer to collect and bundle all data of the requester (consumer) into a password-protected zip file.
Do you still have questions about the GDPR within iRaiser after reading this information? Then send an email to iRaiser -
This page shows an overview of all donations (including manual and matchfunding) that fall under the level you are currently working on. You can look up specific donations here, see more information about a particular donation and move donations around. You can also make a download of all donations.
Article content:Options
Donations search
Management optionsManage
Donations search
In the search bar (top right), you can search by a name, e-mail address or transaction id. The transaction id is the number that usually starts with T2023 and is a unique number. Through that number, you can quickly trace a donation.
You can choose to show only donations from a certain period. If you have many donations, or are only interested in recent or older donations, this may come in handy. You select a period by clicking on 'Period'.Then select the desired period:
To make navigating the dashboard easier, we save the period selection in the browser, so the next view you view will also have this period pre-selected.
There are several columns belonging to the donations:The columns Date, Amount, Payment status and Payment method are clickable. You can filter with these. If you click it again, it will filter in reverse.
At the 'Donation on' column, you can hover over it with the mouse. You will then see the level at which the donation was made appear.
In the column 'Amount' you will see icons when web shop items, discount codes or rewards are involved. You can recognise donations with a web shop item by the shopping cart. For donations where a discount code was used, you will see a ticket icon and for donations where a reward was chosen, you will see a gift behind the donation.
You can use the 'Download' button to create a Download of all donations under where you are at the moment. After clicking the button, an Excel file is generated and its link is sent to the e-mail address you are logged in with. If you click on the link (and are logged in) then you can open the Excel file. If you have made a selection you will only see the donations made in that period. The second tab of the Excel file shows the answers to the additional questions.
Clicking on the i's will show you all the information about the donation:If there is a donation with a reward you will also see this. Here, you can click on the box to indicate that the reward has been processed:
Management options
If you click on the three dots you will see the options you have with a donation. These are Manage, Move, Anonymise and DeleteManage
By managing a donation, you can change a donor's name, or change a message accompanying the donation (for example, if a donor wants to correct a spelling mistake). You can also hide or make visible the name attached to a donation.Move
It can happen that a donation has ended up in the wrong place, for example on a team instead of a team member. You can then move it by clicking on the three dots and move and find the place where the donation should go. If there is a registration fee attached to the donation, you cannot move it. You cannot move manual donations either. If you want to move them, you can delete them in one place and add them in another. Finally, you cannot move donations made via matchfunding. You can only do that after the matchfunding donation (which is listed as a manual donation) has been removed.Anonymise
This option allows you to completely anonymise a donation. The account number information will be removed and you will see 'Anonymous Anonymous (Name Shielded)' as a donor.
You can only delete donations made with a test checkout. You can delete them via this option. Real donations are always saved. -
Sponsor page Optional
It may happen that people want to register, for example for an event, but do not want to create a separate Fundraising page for this purpose. In such a case, you can set the sponsor page to be optional. You set this up by going to the level where you want to set this up and then going to Settings > Fundraising page optional and choosing to make Fundraising page optional there.
In the Sign up flow, the step where you create the Fundraising page will have a slider:
If you create the action page, the slider will appear at the step where you create the action page.
If you then click this slider you can continue without creating a Fundraising page:After completing the registration, the participant will receive the 'Welcome email after signing up participant'. If he/she has joined a team then he/she will receive the 'Welcome email after joining team'. If E-tickets are used then the participant will also receive the e-tickets.
A participant will appear as 'registration' in the action overview after completing the registration:A participant can still create a sponsorship page if desired, by going to 'My Registration' and clicking on 'Create a sponsorship page'.
On the platform, you can see the participants by going to the Overview of Participants. That defaults to /participants.
Structural donors
It is only possible to make one-off Donations in this product. However, you may have another place where you can receive periodic Donations. In that case, you can add a link (in the place where you want to add this) via Settings > Recurring donations.
You can set the following here:The URL that people are directed to in order to structurally Donate on.
The title and content to go with it
If you want the link to be off temporarily but keep the content, you can click 'Yes, I want to ask the donor to become a structural donor'After making a Donations, you first come to the Thank You screen, where you can leave a message with the donation. Then you come to a screen where you can share your donation with your friends. Clicking on 'Become a recurring donor' will take you to the screen where you are asked if you want to become a structural donor:
Our product iRaiser Forms does support recurring payments. Interested? Then click here for more information.
Contact details
At each level (website, sub site, campaign), you can set contact details that apply to that level. You enter the name and e-mail address via Settings > Contact details:
The data appear in the following places:
Tip page
This is a regular page of ours that is completely styled and always on the url /tips. You cannot change anything on this page, its content is the same across all our platforms. If the tips are not so relevant to you, you can choose to create your own tips page.There is a block at the bottom which also contains the contact e-mail address entered under settings > contact details.Dashboard action starter
When an action starter goes to 'My registration' he/she will see an overview of the data entered. It is possible that something went wrong here and they want something changed, for instance an extra question. The e-mail address entered under Settings > Contact details will appear at the top.For campaigns and sub sites, if you click on the i's you can see more information about that campaign or sub sites. This also shows the contact details entered:
AVG Texts
On this page you can manage the texts that are displayed in various places within the iRaiser platform. It is important to clearly state what website visitors are going to sign up for or agree to when giving a consent. All information related to the email opt-in and the use of data should be concrete, transparent and understandable using clear and simple language.
You can specifically customise the GDPR texts per level (website, Sub site, Campaigns) via Content > GDPR texts. The set texts will automatically roll over to a lower level. For example, if you adjust the Newsletter subscriptions text at website level, this will also be carried over to all underlying Sub sites and Campaigns (if any), unless they are set separately at that lower level.
You can adjust the texts (by language) by pressing 'change default' and setting. This can be done for the following items:
Newsletter subscriptions
(see also the support article about the newsletter)
The newsletter can be turned on or off in three places:Bottom of the page
When making a donation on the Donations form
On the contact form, when someone fills it out (usually found under /contact)Keep me up to date
The asterisk in the social sharing bar. This allows someone to indicate they want to be kept up to date with News updates. This then relates to where that person is at the time. For example, if someone looks at a Fundraising page and clicks on the asterisk there and leaves their details, they will be kept up to date with news around that action from then on.Sign up flow
To create an action, personal data is requested. We recommend keeping the amount of data you ask to a minimum. You can ask for additional data through additional questions (via iRaiser Support). Clearly explain what you will use this data for and how long it will be stored. If the additional questions contain special personal data, a different consent text will be displayed.
If a phone number is entered, the compulsory opt-in "Contact for tips" will automatically appear. You can change the content of this (see screenshot below), but the opt-in is mandatory. You cannot customise the title "Approach for tips".
We also have the option to turn on a second opt-in to the phone number, called "Marketing purposes". This is aimed at allowing them to use the phone number for things outside the platform. So, for example, to ask them to become a structural donor, approach them for other campaigns, send news messages, etc.
This opt-in is always optional. You can't change the title for this either, but you can change the corresponding consent text. If you would like to have this on, please contact.Submitting a campaign
To register a Campaigns personal data will be requested. We recommend keeping the amount of data you ask to a minimum. You can ask for additional data through additional questions (via iRaiser Support). Clearly explain what you will use this data for and how long it will be stored. If the additional questions contain special personal data, another consent text will be displayed.Download extra data
For Menu pages, you can add downloads. When offering a ‘download’ you can choose to request personal data. This data can possibly be used to contact this person. The download can only be obtained if the visitor gives explicit permission to store the personal data.
For more information on the GDPR within iRaiser, please see this article. For the latest changes to the platform, see this article. -
PSP description
Any transaction that is done has a description. If there is no PSP description filled in then it will say Donations <sitename> or Registration fee <sitename>, depending on whether it is a regular donation or one to which registration fee is linked.
You can add extra text to the PSP description. This will then appear with the description and either for Donations <sitename> or for Registration fee <sitename>.
Here is the PSP description "PSP description with attribute" enteredIn the Buckaroo dashboard (this works the same with other payment providers), this looks like this:
A donor will also see this on their bank statement or banking app. Depending on the number of characters filled in, the PSP description will be shown and therefore visible to a donor.
You can set the PSP description per level, and in Buckaroo's (or another payment provider's) dashboard you can then search for all donations with that attribute. -
Additional description
Settings > Extra description
In the Extra description, you can enter an extra attribute. You can add this attribute at all levels. So at website- Sub site, campaign level. This can be useful to earmark money or give a label to certain Fundraisers, for example.
The donor or fundraiser does not see anything about this attribute, but it is added to the overviews you can create by clicking 'download'. For example, in an Overview of Donations or Fundraisers. You will then find it in the Excel file in the column headed 'Characteristic'.
Via the api, it also returns. The additional attribute there is called:external_reference
External reference for this site.
For more information about the api, please visit our Developer Portal -
Retention of participants
The retention functionality involves asking the action starter/participant how many times he or she has participated before. Based on this, you can set a different target amount, send other emails based on the number of participations and add a badge on the campaign page. This is particularly useful for events organised annually, for example.
Content of articleSet Editions
Default target amount depending on number of participations
Welcome email - Welcome back!
Badges - Make it visible to everyone
Set Editions
Via Settings > Editions you can set the edition for each level (website, Sub site, Campaigns). You first set the edition:Here is no erving. If you set the 7th Edition at the website level, this will not be transferred to an underlying Campaign. So there you still have to set it manually.
After setting this, an additional mandatory question will appear in the Sign up flow:Then, based on the given number of previous participations, other functions can be triggered:
Default target amount depending on number of participations
Depending on the number chosen, the proposed target amount may varyëren. Example: If you join for the first time, the minimum target amount is €300. If you are participating in this event for the second time or more, the minimum target amount is €250.
This can be set at the level where people can register, under Settings > Target amounts. There you can choose a target amount depending on the number of entries. This way, you can allow participants who have already raised a very high amount once to raise a lower minimum amount next time. In practice, you then often see that they still raise a nice amount, while the threshold to participate again and ask for an amount is lower.
Welcome email - Welcome back!
A different welcome e-mail can be sent based on the number of participants. This allows you to address the participant with a different tone if he has participated before or if he has participated in all Editions.Badges - Make it visible to everyone
In the media (image/video) on the Fundraising page, you can display a badge for x participations. So you can overlay an image over the media, for example a crown or medal. This makes it visible to everyone on the site that someone has already participated several times! See also the support article Badges for some examples.Would you like to use the retention functionality? Just contact us, and we'll be happy to turn it on for you and then you can set the Editions for each level yourself.
API gebruikers en koppelingen
Through an API key you can retrieve information (automatically) on the platform. There are several parties that have established links to systems such as Salesforce, Collectekracht, Microsoft Dynamics.
Content of articleAPI-key
Use API key
generate API key
API key sharingLink with CRM
Based on downloads
Automatic linking (not real-time)
Coupling via iRaiser Connect (real-time)
Salesforce linkage (real-time via iRaiser objects)Famous integrators
iRaiser Connect couplers
STB Eudonet
Ifunds (Engage)
Cisis (Converse/Collect force)
CivicoopSalesforce links (via our Salesforce link)
Xebia (former Gcompany)
Outbirds (formerly examples
You can generate and use an API key yourself at no cost. An API key allows you to make API calls and retrieve information from the database associated with the platform. An API key is linked to a site and so it only allows you to retrieve information about that site.
There is a default limit of 100 requests per minute and 500 requests per hour. This is also sufficient to retrieve the data. If you want to increase this number you can contact iRaiser.
Use API key
In our developer portal you can find all the technical information about using the API key. So you can see exactly what information you can retrieve. For example, there you can see the iRaiser API, the Digicollect API and the technical information about iRaiser Connect.
API key generation
Via Integrations > API users you will arrive at the overview page with API users. Here you can generate a new key as follows:Click Add and enter the user's name there. You can then choose whether the user can only read information, or also modify it (via write permissions). In this Menu you can also deactivate the user at a later time.
When you click save, the API users have been created. Click on the i to see the key
You will also see information there about the known ip addresses this key has been used by and what calls have been made.
API key sharing
An API key basically gives you access to all data found on the site. Therefore, make sure you share a key in a secure way. For example, if an integrator needs it to establish the link, we recommend that you send it via a password-protected file and share the password by text message, for example.
Link with CRM
You can get data from the iRaiser platform into your own CRM in several ways. In this we offer a fixed form where you can get the data from the platform and then you have to process it yourself and get it into your CRM. Often there is still a conversion needed to make sure that the data is converted to the format of data in the CRM and needs to be linked properly. Therefore, to set up that process, an integrator is often used.
Based on downloads
From the iRaiser dashboard you can create downloads, for example of Fundraisers, Teams and Donations. There are customers of ours who periodically do an import into a CRM based on these downloads. Often there is still some editing to do to make the data suitable for import, or the import is aligned with the Excel file you can generate from iRaiser. We usually announce changes to the columns, to ensure that this does not disrupt the customer process.
Automatic linking (not real-time)
Using the api key, you can periodically retrieve data from the iRaiser platform. For example, if you retrieve the data once an hour or a day and process it in the CRM. Creating such a link does require technical knowledge and usually you need an integrator for this.
Coupling via iRaiser Connect (realtime)
You can also establish a real-time link via iRaiser Connect. This works on the basis of webhooks. We are given an endpoint to send a message to when a certain event occurs and based on that, you can use the api key to retrieve all the corresponding data and then process it yourself. We can optionally set at which events such a message is sent. Creating such a link does require technical knowledge and usually you need an integrator for this. Installing the link also involves costs on our side. If you want to know more about this, please contact your account manager.
Salesforce link (real-time via iRaiser objects)
You can interface with Salesforce based on iRaiser Connect. However, we have also established a standard link with Salesforce. The difference with the link via iRaiser Connect is that in Salesforce we put all the information in ready-made iRaiser objects (a kind of packages with all the data in it) directly into Salesforce. It then has to be retrieved by you and put into Salesforce. However, you do need technical knowledge to ensure that the data is then processed in Salesforce. For example, you need to see exactly what data you want and you may need to convert the data to another format so that it matches your data. To automate this, customers of ours often use an integrator. You can find the technical information on this page under the heading Salesforce. Installing the link on our side also involves costs. If you want to know more about this you can contact your account manager.
Famous integrators
iRaiser Connect couplers
CM offers links to their CDP (Customer Data Platform) where all the information comes in. From here you can set up mails, but especially mobile journeys during events, for example. They can also link with Digicollect for during a collection. More information.
STB Eudonet
STB Eudonet has built a link to its CRM for both iRaiser and Digicollect. In real time, a Donations or Fundraisers is also immediately visible in Eudonet's CRM. More information.
Ifunds (Engage)
Via Ifunds, iRaiser can be paired with Engage 365. All campaigners, donors and donations and Newsletter subscriptions that are recruited automatically land in Engage 365. More information.
Cisis (Converse/Collective Force)
Cisis can link an iRaiser platform to Converse and Digicollect platforms link to Collectekracht. More information.
Xapti offers an online CRM solution in which everything around the giving process can be recorded. Data from iRaiser can be linked to this. More information.
Civicoop (automatic link, not real-time)
Civicoop has linked to CiviCRM. CiviCRM is an open source CRM aimed at non-profits and CiviCooP has been active in the Dutch speaking CiviCRM world for quite a few years. In doing so, they are mostly in Flanders.
The extension that has been developed is open source and can therefore be used by more organizations that work with CiviCRM and would like to retrieve data from iRaiser. The existence can be found here.
Salesforce links (via our Salesforce link)
Xebia (formerly Gcompany)
Xebia as an integrator has already helped many customers establish Salesforce links and ensures that data from iRaiser is processed in your own Salesforce environment. More information.
Cobra also works with the standard Salesforce link and helps streamline customer processes with Salesforce. More information.
Bluedesk integrates data from the iRaiser platform into Salesforce via the iRaiser link. More information
Outbirds (formerly
Outbirds provides a customized link between the iRaiser platform and Salesforce. More information.
Customer examples
The api can also be used in other ways, such as during events. Here are some examples:
Maarten van der Weijden Foundation - streaming
The Maarten van der Weijden Foundation themselves linked to their stream via the api. In doing so, they periodically collected recent Donations and displayed them on the stream:They also created a library for this purpose, which other customers (with technical knowledge) can also use. They did not use an iRaiser Connect link, but kept in mind any limits during data retrieval.
Dutch gaming marathon - streaming
The Dutch Gaming Marathon used iRaiser Connect in 2020 to show real-time Donations and related messages on the stream. You can read more about this in this article.
KNRM - Auction Site
Kikz has linked to the KNRM via the api. They have a special auction site where action starters can log in with their iRaiser account (this is checked via the api if the data is correct) and auction their own items. After the auction the amount is added to the right place in the iRaiser platform via a manual donation.
Erasmus MC Foundation - link to Eroutes
After starting an action for the Tour Against Cancer, action starters received an invitation from eRoutes. Based on your own chosen distance and your GPS location, the app suggests routes to run. -
Connection of a new website (Kentaa Premium)
Welcome to iRaiser and nice that we re able to help you with your new site! But what all is involved in creating it?
Article content:Global step-by-step plan
1. Agreement for a new website
2. Creating demo site
3. Adjust domainHosting
SSL4. Going live
Global step-by-step plan
This is roughly the roadmap for creating a iRaiser Premium site:Agreement for new websiteThere s agreement to create the site
Create demo siteiRaiser creates a demo site and adds you as site administrator and you can start filling it immediately
Set up domainThe domain where the site is to be located is set and technically configured and the platform is set up on the new domain
LivegangWhen everything is ready, the checkout can be linked to the website and you can go live!In addition to these technical steps, there are a few practical ones:
Viewing dashboard training and explanation in support centre
Kick-off: going through site settings and current connection status
Checklist: have you thought about this before going liveWe will go into each step in detail and specifically what is involved.
1. Agreement for new website
Before we can start, an agreement must be given on the creation of the site. This is done in collaboration with the account manager (iRaiser Sales Team). If you are a new customer, an agreement is signed for the use of the platform. If you are an existing customer, simply agreeing to the cost of an additional website is enough. Then the account manager sends a signal to support and the connection starts.
2. Create demo site
After agreement, we will create a demo site for you. The site is then temporarily on a iRaiser domain, e.g. and we will add you as administrator. From then on, you can already start filling and modifying the site. On the demo site there is a test checkout, with which you can make test payments. So you can create Fundraisers, Teams, Campaigns and make test payments to go through the flows. When going live, we ll be able to remove all test data for you, but then you can already see what the site will look like when it is already filled.
Any changes you make on the demo site will also go with it when we eventually put the site on the domain. You will then also receive a connection e-mail from us with an Overview of all the steps and how to carry them out.
3. Setting up domain
An important part of any website is the domain name. A domain name is a unique name on the internet on which the platform will reside. For more information about the domain name, see
Every iRaiser website should have its own domain name. Here we distinguish between top-level domains and subdomains.
Some examples of top-level domains
support.iRaiser.euNaturally, these are just examples and can also be chosen to be completely customised.
Note! When using the Sub sites module, it must be a top-level domain, i.e. not a subdomain. This is required because each Sub site will have a subdomain.
All iRaiser websites are stored on and served from Amazon Web Services servers in Ireland. We work with 1 codebase on which all websites run and it is not possible to host the website on our own servers.
We can hold and manage the desired domain for you. Then we will also immediately set everything up properly technically so that the platform can be transferred. If you also want to attach mailboxes to the domain, it's best to do the hosting yourself, because we don't do that. In that case, we will ask you to set up some DNS data, which we will forward to you.
A domain name is a unique name on the internet. A domain name has a long number as its address: the IP address. Because such’a number is difficult to remember, domain names were invented. The domain name system translates the IP address into a domain name and serves as a mask for the IP address. The IP address leads to iRaiser's servers where the website physically resides. The domain is usually owned by you and does not necessarily have to be sémanaged by iRaiser. To link the domain to our servers, so that the domain knows where to point, we use DNS.
Setting up DNS requires some technical knowledge and is usually outsourced to a web hosting company or arranged by an in-house IT person. We ask for this contact during the connection process to make setting up the DNS go as smoothly as possible and not to bore you with technical details.
If we manage the domain, we will set up the DNS data ourselves. If you manage the domain yourselves, we will send you the DNS data to be set. With the DNS configuration, we ll supply an A record (for the domain) and a CNAME record for the www part and/or subdomain. For the website to work correctly, it is important that this is copied exactly as it is. In addition, we supply one or more _acme-challenge records. We use these to request the SSL certificate. Are you having trouble setting this up? Then please contact us and send a screenshot of the Settings.
We use automatic scaling of servers within Amazon and within this process IP addresses can be changed. The CNAME record ensures that the correct IP addresses are always found behind the domain.
After setting the DNS, depending on the TTL (time to live), it can take from 5 minutes to up to 24 hours for the change to be made and visible to everyone.
securing data is our top priority. Therefore, all our websites are equipped with a secure connection by means of an SSL certificate as standard. This can be recognised on the site by the closed padlock and the https:// indication in the browser's address bar.A Users can see from the SSL certificate (by clicking on the lock) by whom the certificate was issued.
The installation of an SSL certificate on the (sub)domain is done by iRaiser. Through the _acme-challenge records, we can periodically renew the certificate automatically.
4. Going live
When the site is on domain and the checkout is linked, you are ready to go live! Your account manager will then also contact you to dot the i's and give you some final tips.
A/B testing
An A/B test is a form of split testing in which you can test multiple variants against each other to see which variant has the best conversion rate. The aim is to use the test to measure which suggested donation amounts yield the most and therefore increase conversion.
Content articleBaseline
Suggested donation amounts
Information about baselineA/B test
Setup A/B test
Results A/B testSee here also the explanation as given at the iRaiser Academy on 20 January 2022
Suggested donation amounts
You can A/B test on the donation flow within the Kentaplatform. Via Settings > Set donation amounts you can set different suggested donation amounts. The currently set amount is your baseline. The baseline is the basis from which you measure and compare split tests.
When someone makes a donation you will see the suggested donation amounts:
This can also include text to give more interpretation of what you are doing with the amount. For example:
When adjusting donation amounts, at the bottom you have to indicate whether you want to keep the current baseline or create a new one.
If you create a new baseline it will start measuring from that point on. You can see all its results via Settings > A/B testing. If you keep the current baseline, the adjustments are taken into account, but the baseline in terms of measurement remains intact. This is useful if, for example, you have made a typo and want to adjust it.
Information about baseline
If you go to Settings >A/B testing you will always see the huige baseline at the top:
You can see here:Active sinceThe moment when the chosen amounts were set
Chosen amountsThe chosen donation amounts. If you move over them you will also see the description
Number of visitsThe number of visitors who came to the donation form
Number of DonationsThe number of times the donation has been completed
ConversionThe percentage of visitors who completed the donation
Average donation amount The average amount made per donation
Days activeThe number of days these donation amounts are like this
AchievementsYou can see here whether that is the baseline or a split test groupYou can click on the gear icon and then view details to see more specific information about the Donations:
That's all information about the current baseline.
A/B test
Set test
You start an A/B test by clicking on "start A/B test". All currently set data will then be filled in automatically:In the A/B test, variants can be specified for:
the amounts
the order of the amounts
the mouse-over textYou can do two types of A/B test:
Test against current baselineWhere you change only Group A or Group B, testing against the current baseline
Test two separate groupsWhere you change both Group A and B, testing two new groups against each other.From then on, donors randomly see the suggested amounts belonging to Group A or B. Suppose you have set these amounts:
And you click save then the test starts:From then on, visitors who go to the donation form will either see the donation amounts as set at A, or from B. You'll see these randomly. You can't change the suggested donation amounts while an A/B test is running.
Results test
You can abort a test yourself by going to the cog above the test and choosing 'Abort'. And otherwise it is automatically stopped when 100 Donations have been made to both groups. Because you can get a group randomly, it may be that, for example, 130 Donations have been made to one group and 100 to the other.
If the test is stopped then the results will appear in the history, as for example in the case of this test that was manually aborted:Interpreting the results is also important. It may seem that one group has better results, but if there is a very high Donations in one group it distorts the picture. We recommend looking at these critically and you can choose to set one of the groups that has a better conversion rate as a new baseline via Settings > Suggested donation amounts.
Target urls in the platform
General target urls
Our flows for starting fundraisers and donating largely follow a fixed sequence. In order to measure things even better, for instance in your own Google Analytics, the flow for starting an fundraiser and donating is described below.
Below you need to replace <Mainurl> with the url of your platform.
Good to know is that the url may be different. If your site uses sub sites (i.e. an extra layer above campaigns) then the main url will also be different. It will look like this: <sub site name.Mainurl> and replaces <Headurl> in the flow below, if you want to measure the flow at sub site level.
If you want to set up a measurement in analytics, you can replace the ID and fundraiser url with .*Example:*/donate/.*/thanksHere you replace <fundraiser-url> and <ID> with .* to capture this.
Click on the link below to go directly to the relevant flow
1. Start fundraiserStarting general fundraiser at site level
Create a team
Team memberStarting fundraiser for a campaigns
Create a team
Team member2. Donate
General donation
Donate to a campaign
Donate to an fundraiser
Donate to a team
Donating to a sub site1. Start fundraiser
https://<Hoofdurl>/come-in-fundraiser/choose--> choice page for which you want to start an fundraiser. This can be at website level, for a sub site or for campaign (or a combination of these)
a. Start general fundraiser at site level
https://<Hoofdurl>/subscribing is redirected to https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/how-to-participate -> choose between participating as an individual, team or team memberWherever mandatory is indicated, this step always returns in the registration flow. If it is optional, this step may not appear in your application flow, depending on the configuration.
i. IndividualSubscribe
https://<Mainurl>/participate/how-to-participate --> choice page individual, team, team member (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/who-are-you --> enter personal data (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/registration --> choose registration fee (optional)
https://<Headurl>/participate/choose-activity --> choose activity (optional)The above steps can be changed in terms of order in the dashboard under settings > login flow, so they may be different for you.
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/fundraising-page --> create personal page (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/participate/extra-questions --> additional questions (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/webshop --> webshop (optional)
https://<Headurl>/participate/start-donation --> make start-donation? (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/summary --> overview page with your total order (mandatory)Add another person (optional)Here you enter the flow again but with /2 after the url, for example:https://<Headurl>/participate/who-are-you/2
Rounding up:
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/complete --> how would you like to pay? (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/done --> payment succeeded (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/action/fundraiserurl--> then return to the fundraising page you just created (replace fundraiserurl with the url of the page, optional)ii. Create team
This flow has the same structure. However, there is an extra step in it, which is in bold.Subscribe
https://<Mainurl>/participate/how-to-participate --> choice page individual, team, team member (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/who-are-you --> enter personal data (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/registration --> choose registration fee (optional)
https://<Headurl>/participate/choose-activity --> choose activity (optional)The above steps can be changed in terms of order in the dashboard under settings > login flow, so they may be different for you.
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/team-page --> create team page (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/fundraising-page --> create personal page (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/participate/extra-questions --> additional questions (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/webshop --> webshop (optional)
https://<Headurl>/participate/start-donation --> make start-donation? (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/summary --> overview page with your total order (mandatory)Add another person (optional)Here you enter the flow again but with /2 after the url, for example:https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/who-are-you/2
Rounding up:
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/complete --> how would you like to pay? (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/done --> payment succeeded (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/team/teamurl --> then return to the team page you just created (replace team-url with the url of the page, optional)iii. Team member
There is also an extra step here, which is in boldSubscribe
https://<Headurl>/participate/how-to-participate--> choice page individual, team, team member (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/join/team-member --> select team you want to join (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/who-are-you --> enter personal data (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/registration --> choose registration fee (optional)
https://<Mainurl>/participate/choose-activity --> choose activity (optional)The above steps can be changed in terms of order in the dashboard under settings > login flow, so they may be different for you.
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/fundraising-page --> create personal page (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/participate/extra-questions --> additional questions (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/webshop --> webshop (optional)
https://<Headurl>/participate/start-donation --> make start-donation? (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/summary --> overview page with your total order (mandatory)Add another person (optional)Here you enter the flow again but with /2 after the url, for example:https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/who-are-you/2
Rounding up:
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/complete --> how would you like to pay? (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/participate/done --> payment succeeded (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/action/fundraiserurl--> then return to the fundraising page you just created (replace fundraiserurlwith the url of the page, optional)
B. Starting fundraiser for a campaign
i. IndividualSubscribe
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/how-to-participate --> choice page individual, team, team member (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/who-are-you--> enter personal data (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/registration --> choose registration fee (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/choose-activity --> choose activity (optional)The above steps can be changed in terms of order in the dashboard under settings > submission flow, so they may be different for you
https://<Mainurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/fundraising-page --> create personal page (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/extra-questions --> additional questions (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/webshop --> webshop (optional)
https://<Headurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/start-donation --> make start-donation? (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/summary --> overview page with your total order (mandatory)Add another person (optional)Here you enter the flow again but with /2 after the url, for example:https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/who-are-you/2
Rounding up:
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/complete --> how would you like to pay? (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/done --> payment was successful (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/action/fundraiserurl--> then return to the fundraising page you just created (replace fundraiserurl with the url of the page, optional)ii. Create team
This flow has the same structure. However, there is an extra step in it, which is in bold.Subscribe
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/how-to-participate --> choice page individual, team, team member (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/who-are-you --> enter personal data (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/registration --> choose registration fee (optional)
https://<Mainurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/choose-activity --> choose activity (optional)The above steps can be changed in order in the dashboard under settings > login flow, so they may be different for you.
https://<Hoofdurl>/projects/<Campaign name>/participate/team-page --> create team page (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/fundraising-page --> create personal page (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/extra-questions --> additional questions (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/webshop --> webshop (optional)
https://<Headurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/start-donation --> make start-donation? (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/summary --> overview page with your total order (mandatory)Add another person (optional)Here you enter the flow again but with /2 after the url, for example:https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/who-are-you/2
Rounding up:
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/complete --> how would you like to pay? (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/done --> payment was successful (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/team/teamurl --> then return to the team page you just created (replace team-url with the url of the page, optional)iii. Team member
There is also an extra step here, which is in boldSubscribe
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/how-to-participate --> choice page individual, team, team member (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/team-member --> select team you want to join (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/who-are-you --> enter personal data (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/registration --> choose registration fee (optional)
https://<Mainurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/choose-activity --> choose activity (optional)The above steps can be changed in order in the dashboard under settings > login flow, so they may be different for you.
https://<Mainurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/fundraising-page --> create personal page (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/extra-questions --> additional questions (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/webshop --> webshop (optional)
https://<Headurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/start-donation --> make start-donation? (optional)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/summary --> overview page with your total order (mandatory)Add another person (optional)Here you enter the flow again but with /2 after the url, for example:https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/who-are-you/2
Rounding up:
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/complete --> how would you like to pay? (mandatory)
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign name>/participate/done --> payment was successful (mandatory)
https://<Mainurl>/action/fundraiserurl--> then return to the fundraising page you just created (replace fundraiserurl with the url of the page, optional)2. Donate
If you click donate then, if there is a choice, you will be taken to the following url:https://<Mainurl>/donate/choose --> If there is a choice then choose here what you want to donate to
Here you have a choice between a general donation, a donation to a campaign, a donation to an fundraiser, a donation to a team and possibly a donation to a sub site. The choice depends on the settings of the platform.
If you donate to an fundraiser, team or campaign on a sub site then the main url below should read as <sub site.mainurl>
a. General donationhttps://<Hoofdurl>/donate --> choose amount and enter personal data
https://<Headurl>/donate/<ID>/thanks --> thanks page you return to after paying.
https://<Hoofdurl>/donate/<ID>/share --> page where you can share that you donated.
https://<Hoofdurl>/donate/<ID>/periodic-donation --> page where you can indicate to become a structural donor (optional)b. Donate to campaign
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign-url>/donate --> choose amount and enter personal data
https://<Mainurl>/project/<Campaign-url>/donate/<ID>/thanks --> thanks page you return to after paying.
https://<Mainurl>/project/<Campaign-url>donate/<ID>/share --> page where you can share that you donated.
https://<Hoofdurl>/project/<Campaign-url>/donate/<ID>/periodic-donation --> page where you can indicate to become a structural donor (optional)c. Donating to an fundraiser
https://<Mainurl>/action/<fundraiserurl>/donate --> choose amount and enter personal data
https://<Mainurl>/action/<fundraiserurl>/donate/<ID>/thanks --> thanks page you return to after paying.
https://<Mainurl>/action/<fundraiserurl>/donate/<ID>/share --> page where you can share that you donated.
https://<Mainurl>/action/<fundraiserurl>/donate/<ID>/periodic-donation --> page where you can indicate to become a structural donor (optional)d. Donating to a team
https://<headurl>/team/<team-url>/donate --> choose amount and enter personal details
https://<Mainurl>/team/<team-url>/donate/<ID>/thanks --> thanks page you return to after paying.
https://<headurl>/team/<team-url>donate/<ID>/share --> page where you can share that you donated.
https://<Hoofdurl>/team/<team-url>/donate/<ID>/periodic-donation --> page where you can indicate to become a structural donor (optional)e. Donating to a sub site
https://<sub site.Hoofdurl>/donate --> choose amount and enter personal details
https://<sub site.Mainurl>/donate/<ID>/thanks --> thanks page you return to after paying.
https://<sub site.Hoofdurl>/donate/<ID>/share --> page where you can share that you donated.
https://<sub site.Hoofdurl>/donate/<ID>/periodic-donation --> page where you can indicate to become a structural donor (optional) -
About us
About us is a content block where you briefly tell what you do or what you stand for. You can find this option via Content > About us.
This block consists of a logo, the name of your foundation/association/organisation and the Content. Depending on the template, this content will appear in the following places:
Homepage (except the first template)
WidgetThe text in the About us text description is plain text. That is, the formatting (enters, styling) is filtered out. Any links it contains will be converted to a real link, though.
An example of what this looks like:This screenshot was taken in the fourth template. To ensure that the logo is always visible, this template chose to always include a white frame for the logo. Otherwise, you could get the situation where the logo is all green and then disappears into the green background.
The countdown date lets you set the end or start date. You can find it in Settings > Set countdown date.
You can set a label there (e.g. Still to go, Until the start, etc.) and the moment to count down to.Then, at the level where you set it, a countdown date will appear and automatically count down. This differs from template to template. The example below is from the third template.
Setting by level
You can set it to the following levels:Website
Sub site
FundraiserWebsiteIf you set the countdown date at this level, you will see it appear on the homepage (provided the countdown date is in the future). Any fundraisers created directly under website level will automatically get the countdown date as the end date of the fundraiser.
Sub siteIf you set the countdown date at this level, you will see it appear on the sub sites homepage (provided the countdown date is in the future). Any fundraisers created directly below sub site level will automatically get the countdown date as the end date of the fundraiser.
Campaign levelAgain, if you set the countdown date here, it will only impact the campaign itself. You will then see the countdown date appear on the campaign page itself (provided the countdown date is in the future). Any fundraisers created directly under campaign level will automatically get the countdown date as the end date of the fundraiser.
Fundraiser levelDepending on whether the whole site is set to request the countdown date from fundraisers, it is requested in the submission flow. An fundraiser can change this himself later via Settings > Countdown date. Only if the level under which the fundraiser hangs already has a countdown date set, this option is not available. All fundraisers are then automatically given this countdown date.
The countdown date is something cosmetic. No fundraisers will be closed when the countdown date is over. However, the countdown date then disappears from the site. However, an e-mail may go off. In fact, you can set a number of emails related to the countdown date in the emails:
The following emails relate to the countdown date
Fundraisers:Set countdown date will soon be reached (Sent X days before countdown date )
Campaign managers:
The countdown date of an fundraiser will soon be reached (Sent X days before countdown date)
7 days before the set countdown date of the campaign is reached
Set countdown date of campaign has been reached
Set countdown date of campaign reached and target amount not achievedSub site managers
The countdown date of an fundraiser will soon be reached (Will be sent X days before countdown date)
7 days before the set sub site countdown date is reached
Set countdown date has been reachedSite administrator
The countdown date of an fundraiser will soon be reached (Will be sent X days before countdown date)
7 days before the site's set countdown date is reached
Site set countdown date has been reached -
Maximum number of actions
You can limit the number of fundraisers that can be created via Settings > Maximum fundraising pages. You can set this per level (website level, sub site level, campaign level).
If you then want to create an fundraisers and move over the button, you will see how many spots are still available.The moment there are no more spots, you cannot click the button and it will be greyed out:
Note: This setting does not go together with activities. This is because you can also set a limit on activities. In case you want to set activities and there is already a maximum number of fundraising pages set, you get the message "The limit on the maximum number of fundraising pages is cleared.". After that, you won't see the menu item max number of fundraising pages until the activities are turned off at that level. If you work with activities and you want to set a maximum number of fundraising pages across all your activities (otherwise you could set it per activity), it's best to keep track of this manually and block fundraisers triggering at some point.
Target amount
There are several places where you can enter a target amount. You can set this specifically per level (Website, Sub site, Campaign, Fundraiser, Team). You can set these via Settings >Target amounts. We distinguish between a:
Default amountThis amount is shown by default as the target amount when creating a campaign, company, team or fundraiser. But can be changed afterwards
Minimum amountWhen creating a campaign, company, team or fundraiser, you can adjust the target amount, but it cannot be set lower than this amountYou can set this at the website level and for campaigns, companies, teams and fundraisers.
WebsiteUnder website, you can set the target amount for the entire site. This will then appear on the homepage with a retrieved percentage. You can also leave the target amount empty. Then no target amount will appear in the counter status. You will also not see a collected percentage.An example of a set target amount of €200000 on the homepage
CampaignsThis is where you set the default target amount for campaigns. This is mainly used when site users can create their own campaigns. You can then also set a minimum amount to be entered there. Alternatively, you can leave the target amount blank.
CompaniesHere you set the default target amount that companies enter when creating a company. You can leave the target amount blank, but teams must always enter a target amount themselves (it cannot be left blank)
TeamsHere you set the default target amount that Teams specify when creating a company. You can leave the target amount blank, but teams must always enter a target amount themselves (it cannot be left blank)
FundraisersHere you set the default target amount that Teams specify when creating a company. You can leave the target amount blank, but teams must always enter a target amount themselves (it cannot be left blank)
Target amounts based on number of participations
If you use editions, you can choose to let people who have participated before raise a lower target amount a second time. Depending on the number chosen, the suggested target amount may vary.Example: If you participate for the first time, the minimum target amount is €300. If you participate in this event for the second time or more, the minimum target amount is €250.
You can set this at the level where people can subscribe, under Settings > Target amounts. There you can choose a target amount, depending on the number of entries. This way, you can allow participants who have already collected a very high amount once to collect a lower minimum amount the next time. In practice, you often see that they still raise a good amount, while the threshold to participate again and ask for an amount is lower. -
Social media
You can add your social media channels so visitors can follow you. You will see this option under Settings > Social media. You can set social media at website level and sub site level. You cannot set this at campaign level.
You can add the following Social tracking channels:
FacebookLinkedInYoutubeInstagramTwitterThey will then be added at the bottom of the page:
Depending on the template, the icons may look slightly different. Clicking them will take you to your tracking page.
Close project
If you want to close a project you can do so by managing the project and going to Settings > Close Campaign. After closing the project, all underlying Campaigns and Teams are also automatically closed. It is then also no longer possible to donate to the project or an action/team under that project.
If you close a Campaign then two emails can be sent out if they are on. They are:
Emails > Email overview > Fundraisers > Campaign has been closed by project administrator *Emails > Email overview > Team captains > Campaign has been closed by project administrator *
Make sure you turn these off, or make sure the content is correct. Otherwise, a bulk email will go out to all action starters/team captains on closure.
After closing the project, the Settings > Campaign status option has been added. By default, the amount raised is shown in the general counter status. You can also choose not to show the amount in the counter status in Campaigns status. After calculating the new counter status, the collected amount of that project is subtracted. You can recognise a project whose amount is no longer included in the total counter status by the triangle in the Overview of Campaigns. -
Participants may need to be able to upload a medical certificate for a particular event to show that they can participate. Or perhaps have to specifically sign and send another document.
Upload documents
This can be conveniently done via Documents. Via Settings > Upload documents you can indicate whether documents should be uploaded after registration. You can indicate here in the Description what should be uploaded:
Mails about documents
Fundraisers are then asked to upload their documents. For new registrations, the mail to fundraisers "Request documents to upload after registering participant" is sent. By default, the two mails below are also still on:You can turn it off if necessary or adjust the number of days via the copy icon.
Upload documents
In the mails there is a link to go to 'my registration'. This requires the fundraiser to log in and click on 'My registration'.
A notification is displayed at the top that documents still need to beüpload:Below, the fundraiser can upload his documents:
The text from the Description will appear above 'Upload file'.
After uploading the file, it will look like this:
Controlling documents
If mail to site administrator 'Document(s) uploaded' is on, the site administrator will receive a message after an fundraiser has uploaded documents. In that mail is a link to go directly to the correct page.
You can also go to the Overview of Fundraisers to see if that the fundraisers have already uploaded their documents:You have these icons:
No document(s) uploaded
No document(s) uploaded, not checked
Document(s) approved
If you then manage the fundraising page and go to 'My Registration' you can check the documents. You can choose to reject them by clicking delete, or approve them by ticking the box at the bottom:
If the documents are deleted, the notification will reappear for the fundraiser and he should upload them again.
If you create an export of all Fundraisers you will see two columns applicable to the documents. These are the columns:Number of documents
Documents approved -
Audit log
In the audit log you can find the changes that have been made. If you click on the eye behind a particular change, you will see some more information about the change. Useful to find certain changes back!
You can filter by a particular date and also search in the search window. Here you can also search by names, e-mail addresses, and by functionalities.
If you want to check a particular ip address, you can see it when you click on the eye. You can then also search on that ip address again. -
AVG changes
The following changes went live on 20 October 2022 (iRaiser Premium and iRaiser Forms) and on 18 October 2022 (Digicollect): (Update: some more changes went live on 20 June 2023. See point four of this article)
Content:iRaiser PremiumGeneral terms and conditions and privacy
Opt-ins have become soft opt-insKeep informed
To fill in your phone number
NewsletterEnter whether data may be shared
Update 20 June 2023: Adjustment in showing donor nameDigicollect
General terms and conditions and privacy
Opt-ins have become soft opt-insMobile number
NewsletterEnter whether data may be shared
iRaiser Premium (incl. iRaiser Forms):
In the Academy of 20-01-2022, the changes were discussed:iRaiser Academy 20-01-2022
0:00 Introduction 1:32 A/B testing of donation amounts12:17 A/B testing summary and questions16:01 Badges for Action Starters 20:12 Badges summary and questions26:54 New SUMO34:37 SUMO summary 37:50 Consent Registration for Telecom Act*43:50 Consent registration summary and questions
1. General terms and conditions and privacy
According to the Consumer & Market Authority, general terms and conditions are valid if the consumer knows they apply at the time he or she purchases the service from you. So you must make the general terms and conditions available and clickable in the sign-up and donation flow. - Source
When creating an action én when making a donation, Users no longer have to agree to the terms and conditions. You automatically agree to these when making the Donations or when continuing in the flow:As you now also automatically agree to the privacy statement, we have added this to the api as well. This will be automatically saved as consent for newly created Fundraisers after 20 October. For old action starters/donors, this data is not saved retroactively.
2. Opt-ins have become soft opt-ins
Normally, a consumer must give an active opt-in at the time he or she wants to receive a newsletter or to be contacted by phone. The exception to this rule is the concept of 'customer relationship'. Since 1 July 2021, the concept of 'customer relationship' has been broadened for charities. Besides a financialële transaction, a volunteer and event participant is also counted under a customer relationship. In other words, someone who takes action on your behalf may be seen as a customer relationship. For a donor, this was already the case as they completed a financialële transaction. - Source
We replaced several opt-ins with soft opt-ins for the above reason. Whereas previously you had to tick yourself that you want to be kept informed of News updates, for example, this tick is now already on by default. This also applies to the two different tick boxes aimed at telephone solicitation. Here it is good to know that you, the customer, can change these consent texts yourself in the dashboard. We have turned on the checkmark by default in these places:
To keep informed
This is what you will see after making a Donations:b. When entering your phone number in the Sign up flow or Donate
We can turn on the second tick about marketing purposes at your request.c. Newsletter (when donating)
3. Indicating whether data may be shared
Contact information was shared (at the time it was entered by the donor) with the action starter. As this is not always desirable, we chose to add an additional soft opt-in when making a donation to an action, team, company on Campaign:You, as a donor, can choose not to share details with the initiator of the action. This can be:
The action initiator
The team captain
The company manager
The project managerIf you uncheck this box (which is on by default) then that data is not shared with the action starter. Who will see it returned as Anonymous:
In the Excel file, an additional column has been added, at the very end, with 'Share contact information':
You as site administrators can still view this data.
4. Update 20 June 2023: Adjustment in show first name donor
Since 20 June 2023, a change has gone live that relates to the following scenario:
- You make a Donation and, when Donating, choose not to share your details with the initiator.
Previously, the name on the front end was then always shown as anonymous. With the logic that it's strange not to share your details with the initiator of the action, but that they could then still see at the front end who had donated.
We noticed, however, that it raised a lot of questions and confusion among donors. Especially because they were under the impression that showing the name was only linked to the checkbox "Display my name on the website. "
We have now made that showing of name dependent only on the option "Shield my name on the website." If that tick is not turned on, you will see the donor's name on the website.
To clarify, we have now changed the text on sharing with the initiator to: "Sharing my contact information with the initiator of this action, so they may send me a thank you, for example."
We hope this makes it a lot clearer for the donor. This is a change that took effect from 20 June. Older Donations have not been made visible retroactively. In case you had an old donation where it was indicated that the data should not be shared with the initiator, the check mark at name blocking has now been switched on for each old donation. If you have a donor who wanted this to be shown, you can now change this in the system by looking up the donation and setting the checkmark to 'do not hide'.
In the academy of 6-10, the changes were discussed:Digicollect Academy 06-10-2022
02:45 - Poules 23:45 - Recent updates 30:00 - GDPR changes 35:04 - Digicollect action month
1. General terms and conditions and privacy
According to the Consumer & Market Authority, general terms and conditions are valid if the consumer knows they apply at the time he or she purchases the service from you. So you should make the general terms and conditions available and clickable in the sign-up and donation flow. - Source
When creating a collection box én when making a donation, Users no longer have to agree to the terms and conditions. You automatically agree to these when making the donation or when continuing in the flow:2. Opt-ins have become soft opt-ins outs
Normally, a consumer must give an active opt-in at the time he or she wants to receive a newsletter or to be contacted by phone. The exception to this rule is the concept of 'customer relationship'. Since 1 July 2021, the concept of 'customer relationship' has been broadened for charities. Besides a financialële transaction, a volunteer and event participant is also counted under a customer relationship. In other words, someone who takes action on your behalf may be seen as a customer relationship. For a donor, this was already the case as they completed a financialële transaction. - Source
We replaced several opt-ins with soft opt-ins for the above reason. Whereas previously you had to tick yourself that you want to be kept informed of News updates, for example, this tick is now already on by default. This also applies to the two different tick boxes aimed at telephone solicitation. Here it is good to know that you, the customer, can adjust these consent texts yourself in the dashboard.
We have turned on the tick by default in these places:
When entering the mobile number
When creating a collection box, if you enter a phone number both checkboxes for approach for tips or marketing purposes are on by default. We can enable the functionality to show the second tick for you:Newsletter
When donating, if you leave your email address then opt-in for the newsletter is also already automatically on:
3. Indicate whether data may be shared
Contact information was shared (at the time it was filled in by the donor) with the collector. As this is not always desirable, we chose to add an additional soft opt-in when making a Donations: 'My contact information may be shared with the collector.' :If you uncheck this box (which is on by default) then that data is not shared with the collector. It will see them as Anonymous in the automatic Emails:
In the Donations overview that a collector can see, the donation can also be seen as anonymous:
You as site administrators can still view this data. -
Flex Editor
The Flex editor is a product that allows you to customise many elements of your platform. Examples include changing the order, adjusting colours, choosing a different variant of an existing element, making parts of the website invisible and adding new features to pages.
To use the Flex Editor, it is added as an addendum to your licence. You can then use the editor on any site under your licence. If you would like to get started, please contact your account manager.
Operation Flex editorGeneral
Theme settings
Default buttons within components
How to customise on a live website
What pages can you customise
What options are not (yet) in the Flex
1. General
If the Flex Editor is on then you can work in it by logging into the platform. If you are logged in as a site administrator and go to the homepage, you will see a slider on the left. This opens the Flex Editor:The bar shows all the components you can customise. Depending on the site's configuration, there may be more or fewer components to customise here (such as Header, Description, etc.).
When you hover your mouse over a component, you usually have up to three options to choose from:Component titleIf you want to edit a component, simply click on the component title with your mouse. This takes you to all the options available to you for that particular component.
ArrowIf you click the arrow with your mouse and hold it down, you can change the order of the components by dragging them up over down.
Three dotsUnder the three dots you will find the option to make a component invisible. For custom components, you will also find the option to delete the component below the three dots.The changes you make will see immediate changes in the place where you are working. Only when you publish them are they saved and processed.
Finding it difficult to find the right component within the Flex Editor? Then you can also go to the component you want to modify on the page. When you move your mouse over the component, a frame appears around the component and a pencil. By clicking on it, you can edit the component.
2. Theme settings
We distinguish between settings that affect the whole theme and settings per component. You can think of the theme settings as global settings. This is where you set the general colours, font and colours of the buttons. To adjust the theme settings, go to the globe icon at the top right of the FlexEditor, next to the logo.Within the theme settings, you can get to work customising colours, the main Call-to-action buttons and the font on the website. Inheritance applies to all three. The changes you make at, say, website level will be reflected at segment, project etc. However, these can be adjusted per level.
There is also the option to override the theme settings Colour and Call-to-action buttons at the component level.
Theme colours
Here, you have the option of adjusting the base and contrast colour, as well as assigning colour for some specific elements, such as the page background, title, text and hyperlink.
In addition, you can add up to as many as seven additional colours that serve as theme colours for your website. The colours you add here can then also be chosen at the levels below and within components.
As a result, your house style is quickly and efficiently transferred to the platform. Without much fuss or a wrong colour code. In the event of changes within your house style, you can adjust everything in no time from one location on your platform.
Call-to-action Buttons
Here you can customise the colours and font of the donation, start action and start project buttons.
Here you change the font for the entire site, segment or project. Depending on the level at which you make the change. If you want to choose a different font, you will immediately see a preview of the font.
3. Standard buttons within componentsWhen customising components, you can have several tabs. The 'Options' tab is always present. In addition (depending on the component), you can have the tabs 'Layout' and 'Content'.
The layout option says something about the placement and presence of elements within the component. In the banner, for instance, you can choose to turn on or off the donate, start action or start project button. For the metrics (the block with the number of actions, teams, etc.) you can choose whether to show the empty numbers and for the Share buttons you can choose what position they should be in, what view it is and give them some margins and alignment. These are examples of extra options you have with the component content.
The Options tab deals with the design of the component. Here you can, for example, adjust colour, background, space between components and elements within the component. In general, you will find settings here that fall under global. These relate to the whole component. In addition, you will come across the titles 'Content' or 'Card'. These relate to smaller parts within a component. For example, within the component 'Featured projects' you will also find a dropdown called 'Card'. You will see that adjusting this will only affect the highlighted projects. In this case, these are then 'Cards
Finally, you will find dropdown menus within a component with a unique name. A great example is 'socials' within the footer component. As you notice, these are very intuitive in terms of what you can customise with them.
Here you can see the difference between Global and Card. In this example, the green part is the global (which is about the whole component). Card is about its individual components.Standard buttons and features.
There are a number of default options that appear in many places in the Flex Editor.
Here you can add a background for the (part of the) component you are currently customising. If the image has a different size than the component itself, a crop is created in the middle. You can then choose in the advanced options whether to keep this or show a different part of the image. You can also choose to repeat a piece of an image and set what to do with the size. There are thus many design options for setting the background.
With the Parallax setting, the image remains in the background when visitors scroll down. This also synchronises with multiple components that are below each other and have the same parallax:This way, you can parallax part of the page (several components at once). It gives more depth to your website and the illusion of elements moving on top of each other.
Adjusting the opacity of the image makes it more transparent and allows you to make it more subtle or appropriate. With more transparency, your background becomes more and more visible. When choosing a colour, you can also choose to make it transparent (partially or not).
Padding allows you to set the empty space around the text within a component. These values can be set separately for all four directions. So top, bottom, left and right. By clicking on the paperclip you can keep those proportions and adjust it all at once.
4. Adding components
You can add a component via the "Add component" button at the bottom. This will appear at the bottom and you can then drag it to the desired location. You can also click the plus sign in the structure itself (see screenshot). You then add the component directly in that location.You can choose from the following components:
After clicking on such a component, it is created and you can edit its content. Using the Content tab, you add additional images and text blocks (if any).
5. Inheritance
The Flex Editor also works with inheritance. Colours you set at a higher level are also applied at lower levels. And you can overwrite them on that lower level. Lower level refers to segment or project, for example.
Exceptions are the custom components you add yourself. These are not automatically inherited at a longer level. Custom components are specific to the page on which you add them.
6. How do you customise it on a live website?
We can initially turn on preview mode on a website that is already live. You can then click the preview button from the dashboard as a site administrator:Then you go to the frontend and see the Flex Editor. You can make and save all kinds of changes there and all changes are only visible to site administrators. The moment you are ready, we can change the template to Flexplate (our name for the Flex Editor template) and the Flex Editor changes will also be visible to visitors. That way, you can set everything up completely before you put it live.
Sometimes it happens that you want to make certain changes already, but not yet show them to visitors. You can then add components, style them to your liking, make them invisible and save them. Are you ready to show them to the world? Then set them to visible and save again.
7. Which pages can you customise?
You can make adjustments on the following pages:Homepage
Segment page
Project page
Content pageThe content pages include the menu pages, which also include contact and tips. You cannot edit the content of the tips, but a possible workaround is to not show the tips page (make it invisible) and add a custom block containing your own tips.
8. What options are not (yet) in the Flex Editor?
The following things are not yet possible:Make changes at action, team or company level. And you cannot make changes in the sign-up flow and donation flow and overview pages either.
Select styles to use
Automatically put a component live at a specific time (this is still a manual operation)
Use versioning, which allows you to easily go back to an earlier version.
Add your own components
Create separate variants for different devices
A/B testing (this does not yet work with the Flex Editor)
This may change in the future. -
Within the platform, we distinguish between four types of cookies:
NecessaryFunctional cookies help make a website more usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. Without these cookies the website cannot function properly.
PreferencesPreference cookies ensure that a website can remember information that influences the behavior and design of the website, such as your preferred language or the region where you live.
StatisticsStatistical cookies help website owners understand how visitors use their website by collecting and reporting data anonymously.
MarketingMarketing cookies are used to track visitors when they visit different websites. Their goal is to display ads that are tailored and relevant to the individual user. These advertisements thus become more valuable to publishers and third-party advertisers.
When loading the website, necessary cookies are always loaded (and this is allowed). At the same time, preferences are also loaded. These can be switched off if necessary.
Cookies related to statistics and marketing are only loaded if they are accepted. This means that Google Analytics is not yet loaded unless explicit permission is given. This change took effect from 18 January.
As of January 18, 2024 changes have been made regarding cookies. This is the current list of cookies. On your platform under the url <headurl>/cookies, you can compare the list with this list of cookies. If it is no longer correct, you can use this list (possibly supplemented by cookies loaded via pixels such as GTM). You can change the cookies on your platform via Content > Menu > Bottom of the page > Cookies > Edit.
Current list of cookies
NecessaryName cookie
External domain
1 day
Used to keep a user's sessioncookie_consent
1 year
Used to keep the cookie setting choicePreferences
Name cookie
External domain
1 year
Used to keep the language settingdashboard_locale
1 year
Used to keep the language settingStatistics
Name cookie
External domain
2 years
Used by Google Analytics for statistical information how the visitor uses the website_ga_<container-id>
2 years
Used by Google Analytics for statistical information how the visitor uses the websiteMarketing
Name cookie
External domain
6 months
Used to store preferences, such as preferred language and number of search resultsENID
13 months
Used to store preferences, such as preferred language and number of search resultsCGIC
6 months
Used to improve searchesCONSENT
2 year
Used to store cookie choicesSOCS
13 months
Used to store cookie choicesIDE
13 months
Used to show Google ads on sites outside of GooglePREF
8 months
Used to keep statistics on how the visitor uses YouTube videos on different websitesVISITOR_INFO1_LIVE
179 days
Try to estimate user bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videosYSC
Used to keep track of which videos of YouTube the user has seenSID
2 years
Contains encrypted user data, and is used in combination with other cookies to protect the user onlineHSID
2 years
Contains encrypted user data, and is used in combination with other cookies to protect the user onlineDSID
2 weeks
Used to recognize a logged in userpm_sess
30 minutes
Used to track a user sessionAEC
6 months
Used to track a user sessionplayer
1 minute
Used to keep settings of the vimeo playervuid
1 minute
Used to keep statistics on Vimeo videos__cf_bm
30 minutes
Used to read and filter requests from botsOptanonConsent
1 year
Used to keep track of the cookie setting choice