Social media
Last modified: 21-08-2023You can add your social media channels so visitors can follow you. You will see this option under Settings > Social media. You can set social media at website level and sub site level. You cannot set this at campaign level.
You can add the following Social tracking channels:
They will then be added at the bottom of the page:
Depending on the template, the icons may look slightly different. Clicking them will take you to your tracking page.
Perhaps also interesting
Every iRaiser website includes the newsletter module by default. Visitors can leave an e-mail address here to appear on the newsletter subscriptions list. Visitors can subscribe at four different times: In the sign up flow (on the account step), while donating, when filling in a contact form and at the bottom of each page.
Within the iRaiser system, all opt-ins are stored to prove consent given if necessary. As no newsletters are sent from iRaiser it is your own responsibility to provide clear opt-out options in the newsletters sent by you.
Set up newsletter module (textual)
View Newsletter subscriptions
Export Newsletter subscriptions
Newsletter subscriptions among donors
Newsletter subscriptions among fundraisers
Setup newsletter module (textual)
Content ⟶ GDPR texts
Under GDPR Texts under the heading Newsletter subscriptions you will find the texts that will be displayed at the different newsletter moments. You can't change the label of the question, but you can change to consent text. And set if it need to be on or off by default.
Click on Change default value to enter your own text
Click on Save
View Newsletter subscriptions
Administration ⟶ Newsletter subscriptions
On this page you can view all Newsletter subscriptions. Use the search bar to find a specific person. The Delete button allows you to permanently remove e-mail addresses from the list. Use the headings (E-mail address, Subscription date and Language) to sort the list.
Newsletter subscriptions export
Administration ⟶ Newsletter subscriptions
The most prominent way is to export the newsletter subscriptions using the Create Excel file button on this page. The exported Excel file contains more information than initially visible in the dashboard, namely the columns:
First name
Initial prefix
Language - the set language(code) of the registrant
Site-url - the URL where the registrant was currently located
Sub site - the subscription segment, if any
Campaign - the Campaigns project, if any
Newsletter subscriptions among donors
Donations ⟶ Donations overview
Do you prefer to see specifically which donor subscribed to the newsletter while Donating? To do so download the donors' Excel file via the Create Excel file button.
Newsletter subscriptions among fundraisers
Do you rather see which fundraiser signed up for the newsletter? Then you can download the Excel file via the button Download. In this file a column with the news letter subscription has been added.
Newsletter subscriptions can also be exported via the API.
More information about the iRaiser API see this article.
Contact details
At each level (website, sub site, campaign), you can set contact details that apply to that level. You enter the name and e-mail address via Settings > Contact details:
The data appear in the following places:
Tip page
This is a regular page of ours that is completely styled and always on the url /tips. You cannot change anything on this page, its content is the same across all our platforms. If the tips are not so relevant to you, you can choose to create your own tips page.There is a block at the bottom which also contains the contact e-mail address entered under settings > contact details.
Dashboard action starter
When an action starter goes to 'My registration' he/she will see an overview of the data entered. It is possible that something went wrong here and they want something changed, for instance an extra question. The e-mail address entered under Settings > Contact details will appear at the top.
For campaigns and sub sites, if you click on the i's you can see more information about that campaign or sub sites. This also shows the contact details entered:
Email Module
We have created a wide selection of mails to make it easier for you. Once set up properly, this will save you a lot of communication time and add value to the platform.
Watch the video on managing teams here, or read more about specific sections below.
00:00 - Welcome00:26 - Email overview02:16 - Email options03:25 - Tags04:31 - Copy function04:42 - Layers05:06 - Reply address05:23 - Signature
Trigger mailsWe only work with so-called 'trigger mails'. These are emails that you can set up in advance and that are sent after a certain event.
LevelsYou can set the mails by level and this works as follows:If you set a mail at the main level (i.e. at the website level), then it is automatically taken over that way at a lower level (e.g. a project). But if you change the mail at that project, then the changed mail will only be used for that project. This way, you can easily set your mails globally and make them more specific per level if required. Mails related to the edition are not automatically taken over at a lower level.
You can see the overview of emails in the dashboard under the heading Emails. Here you will see three options: Email overview, Configure signature and Reply address.
Email overview
When you open the overview of emails, you will immediately see a distinction between different categories we use in our platform. These are:
Donors (people who make a donation on the platform)
Participants (fundraisers who do not have their own fundraising page)
Fundraisers (fundraisers who have their own fundraising page)
Team captain (fundraisers who have started their own team)
Site administrator (the administrators of the site)
Visitors (interested parties who have indicated on the site that they wish to be kept informed)
Users (these are not visible and contain the standard system emails like completed contact forms, password recovery, AVG emails etc.)
You can unfold these categories and in them are all the mails sent to that category after a certain event.
Here is an overview of some of the emails that go to a donor:
Explanation of symbols
This collapses the entire menu with this type of mail
This toggle allows you to toggle a mail on or off
This button allows you to copy a mail. This is done by selecting the condition at the bottom of the mail and saving the mail
If you have changed the mail then you can use this to restore it to the original mails as we set it up. A kind of 'go back to factory settings' button
Here you can edit the content of the mail
Here you can see a preview of the mail and have it sent to an e-mail address as a test
In the screenshot, you can see that behind the mail "Thank you mail after new donation" the arrow is black. This means that the original mail has been modified, and you can restore it if you wish. If you reset it to the original mail and click on the pen you will see this content of the mail:
TagsWhat immediately stands out are the so-called tags. This is information framed by percentage signs and looks like this: %tagname%.
If you click on 'Add tag' you will see which tags are available for that mail and what the tag stands for. The tag will be replaced in the final mail. In the case of the sentence Dear %donor_firstname%, this will eventually become Dear Jasper in the mail,
By mail, not all tags may be available. The mail 'Thank you mail after new donation' is used after a new donation has been made. This can be a donation at website level, but also, for example, a donation on an action. Because this mail is generic and is used in both cases, you cannot choose the %action_title% tag here. You can always see which tags are available under 'add tag'.
Configure signature
Via E-mails > Configure signature, you can set a default mail signature. This will then appear instead of the %signature% tag in the e-mails you send. Here you can, for example, choose to insert an image.
Reply address
The reply address is the e-mail address from whose name and e-mail address we send the automated e-mails. However, the emails are sent from We do not have access to your email account.Example:
Suppose a donation is made on the platform, then the donor will receive thank you mail after a new donation(provided this mail is on). If you then press the sender you will see the following:
If the donor has a question about this and presses reply, it will come out to the e-mail address (the set reply address). It happens sporadically that someone copies the e-mail address manually and sends us the mail, instead of sending it to the reply address. In such a case, we will forward the mail to the reply address set on the platform.
The countdown date lets you set the end or start date. You can find it in Settings > Set countdown date.
You can set a label there (e.g. Still to go, Until the start, etc.) and the moment to count down to.
Then, at the level where you set it, a countdown date will appear and automatically count down. This differs from template to template. The example below is from the third template.
Setting by level
You can set it to the following levels:
Sub site
WebsiteIf you set the countdown date at this level, you will see it appear on the homepage (provided the countdown date is in the future). Any fundraisers created directly under website level will automatically get the countdown date as the end date of the fundraiser.
Sub siteIf you set the countdown date at this level, you will see it appear on the sub sites homepage (provided the countdown date is in the future). Any fundraisers created directly below sub site level will automatically get the countdown date as the end date of the fundraiser.
Campaign levelAgain, if you set the countdown date here, it will only impact the campaign itself. You will then see the countdown date appear on the campaign page itself (provided the countdown date is in the future). Any fundraisers created directly under campaign level will automatically get the countdown date as the end date of the fundraiser.
Fundraiser levelDepending on whether the whole site is set to request the countdown date from fundraisers, it is requested in the submission flow. An fundraiser can change this himself later via Settings > Countdown date. Only if the level under which the fundraiser hangs already has a countdown date set, this option is not available. All fundraisers are then automatically given this countdown date.
The countdown date is something cosmetic. No fundraisers will be closed when the countdown date is over. However, the countdown date then disappears from the site. However, an e-mail may go off. In fact, you can set a number of emails related to the countdown date in the emails:
The following emails relate to the countdown date
Set countdown date will soon be reached (Sent X days before countdown date )
Campaign managers:
The countdown date of an fundraiser will soon be reached (Sent X days before countdown date)
7 days before the set countdown date of the campaign is reached
Set countdown date of campaign has been reached
Set countdown date of campaign reached and target amount not achieved
Sub site managers
The countdown date of an fundraiser will soon be reached (Will be sent X days before countdown date)
7 days before the set sub site countdown date is reached
Set countdown date has been reached
Site administrator
The countdown date of an fundraiser will soon be reached (Will be sent X days before countdown date)
7 days before the site's set countdown date is reached
Site set countdown date has been reached
Social Sharing
Settings ⟶ Social sharing
An important part of the iRaiser platform is the ability to share pages via social media. This can easily be done via the share icons found in several places of the platform. These consist of:
A button to share via Facebook
A button to share via Twitter
A button to share via WhatsApp
A button to share on LinkedIn
A button to share via Emails
A widget to embed a Donations or subscribe button on an external site
A button to download a QR code that leads to Donate on that page
A button to indicate that you would like to be kept up to date with news updates around that page.
Article content
Customise sharing texts
Caching at Facebook and LinkedIn
Tip: Add Whatsap link to iRaiser button
Customise sharing texts
Some of the texts that appear on social media can be customised.
Click to edit the default texts at Modify default.
Please note: In the E-mail text, %url% must always be present, as this will be replaced by the link being shared.
Customise the text and click Save. The text has been modified.
The standard texts contain generic texts. We recommend adapting them to your event/action/purpose. Sharing via socials is a powerful tool to get potentialële donors to the platform, so make sure there are activating texts that link well to the site.
The widget can be recognised by this icon:
The widget allows you to embed a Donations or sign-up button on an external site. Completing the subscription or Donations will always take place on the iRaiser platform, but it is a great way to link the corporate site to the iRaiser platform.
Action and team captains can also use the widget, and thus easily share their own action on an external site.
Donation button
The donation button can be on the left or on the right. You can choose the variant via 'Customise'. You can then retrieve the html code via 'Embed'. You can insert this code in the <head> of the external website, after which the donation button will be shown.
The widget contains several elements. At the bottom, one of the icons can be clicked to switch to the amount raised, Donations and About us text. You cannot change the default of these, it is always on the Fundraisers Description first, to give some context.
You can adjust the width of the widget via 'adjust'. If it is set correctly, you can find out the code via Embed. Again, you can then add it in the <head> of the external website.
If you put this code on the external site the widget will appear:
Caching at Facebook and LinkedIn
It sometimes happens that you have replaced a photo on the site and share it via Facebook, but you still see the old photo there. Sharing via LinkedIn or Facebook always retrieves the image from the page, however, it often happens that LinkedIn/Facebook has not yet processed a new image across all their servers. As a result, you then see the old cached version still coming back (or in some cases no image). There are tools to manually update this in the case of old information.
For LinkedIn, this is the post inspector. This lets you 'scrape' the new information so it will show this when sharing. You copy the link you wanted to share on LinkedIn and it will refresh it.
For Facebook, this is the debugger. Again, you run the link to the collection box through the scraper and then pdatet the photo. If you share the site afterwards you do see the good photo.
Share via Instagram
It is not possible to share via an external site directly on Instagram. Instagram does not allow that. However, action starters, for example, could share their fundraising page on their own via Instagram. This can be done in two ways:
Share Fundraising page via Instagram story
You can add the link via a story. You do this by:
Copy the link to the Fundraising page. For example
Go to new post in Instagram and add a nice photo
Then type some text about your action, e.g. 'I'm going cycling for charity. Will you support my action?'
Then add a link and copy the link to your Fundraising page (or possibly directly to Donate to your action)
You can also share any archived story again on Instagram.
Go to the archive and click on the old story
Click Highlight to share it again and choose a good text
Add fundraising page to Instagram bio
You can add a link in your bio. You do this as follows:
Click your profile icon and then Edit profile
Click on Add links and choose Add external link
Copy the url (e.g., add a title and click done
Tip: Add Whatsap link to iRaiser button
Here is a nice practical example from one of our clients. Perhaps this would also be a nice addition for your site? Or for in one of your emails?
Our platform already includes a button for sharing a site via social media, such as Facebook and Whatsapp. However, it is always in a standard place (under the drop-down menu 'share this page').
For the zero percentforals campaign, ALS created its own share button to give it a more prominent place within the platform. They put this in a Content page (in Content > Description) as follows:
If you press the (bottom) button you will automatically share the page via Whatsapp. You can set the text you want to add to that.
Kentaa buttonThe button you see is a 'iRaiser button'. You create it in the editor as follows. You click on Insert/Edit hyperlink
There you enter text (which will appear on the button) and the URL. In addition, choose Knowledge button under type.
URLThe basic structure of the link is as follows. You need to remove <Text> and <URL> here and replace them with your own text and URL.<Text>%20https%3a%2f%2f<URL>This url can be replaced with your own text. It is separated as follows: %20 (space)%3a (:) %2f (/)
ExampleThe entire URL that is behind the button at zero-percentage-forward is the following:!%20In%20January%20don'
The first part of the link is standard code that links it to Whatsapp: second part is the text, which consists of:I%20dare%20you%20out! %20In%20January%20don't%20drink%20alcohol%20and%20support%20the%20fight%20against%20ALS%20.And the last part is the url. Which consists of the front section https:// :%20https%3a%2f%2fAnd the link
And as always, if you have any questions, please contact us!