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The action module is essential for Come in Action and Event Fundraising. Here you will find all the functionalities that will make your event or action platform a success. Think for example of the registration flow, with its many facets such as registration fee, discount codes, webshop, activities, extra questions and more. On this page, you will find articles to help you set this up properly. Want to make it as fun and easy as possible for action starters to raise funds? Then read the articles on achievements and badges.
- AVG changes
- Actions
- Achievements
- Teams
- Application flow
- Discount codes
- Badges
- e-Ticketing
- Registration flow for companies
- Additional questions
- Sponsor page Optional
- Webshop
- Registration fee
- Documents
- Default action and team settings
- Activities
- Start action blocking
- Maximum number of actions
- Retention of participants