Last modified: 07-08-2024This page shows an overview of all donations (including manual and matchfunding) that fall under the level you are currently working on. You can look up specific donations here, see more information about a particular donation and move donations around. You can also make a download of all donations.
Article content:
Donations search
In the search bar (top right), you can search by a name, e-mail address or transaction id. The transaction id is the number that usually starts with T2023 and is a unique number. Through that number, you can quickly trace a donation.
You can choose to show only donations from a certain period. If you have many donations, or are only interested in recent or older donations, this may come in handy. You select a period by clicking on 'Period'.
Then select the desired period:
To make navigating the dashboard easier, we save the period selection in the browser, so the next view you view will also have this period pre-selected.
There are several columns belonging to the donations:
The columns Date, Amount, Payment status and Payment method are clickable. You can filter with these. If you click it again, it will filter in reverse.
At the 'Donation on' column, you can hover over it with the mouse. You will then see the level at which the donation was made appear.
In the column 'Amount' you will see icons when web shop items, discount codes or rewards are involved. You can recognise donations with a web shop item by the shopping cart. For donations where a discount code was used, you will see a ticket icon and for donations where a reward was chosen, you will see a gift behind the donation.
You can use the 'Download' button to create a Download of all donations under where you are at the moment. After clicking the button, an Excel file is generated and its link is sent to the e-mail address you are logged in with. If you click on the link (and are logged in) then you can open the Excel file. If you have made a selection you will only see the donations made in that period. The second tab of the Excel file shows the answers to the additional questions.
Clicking on the i's will show you all the information about the donation:
If there is a donation with a reward you will also see this. Here, you can click on the box to indicate that the reward has been processed:
Management options
If you click on the three dots you will see the options you have with a donation. These are Manage, Move, Anonymise and Delete
By managing a donation, you can change a donor's name, or change a message accompanying the donation (for example, if a donor wants to correct a spelling mistake). You can also hide or make visible the name attached to a donation.
It can happen that a donation has ended up in the wrong place, for example on a team instead of a team member. You can then move it by clicking on the three dots and move and find the place where the donation should go. If there is a registration fee attached to the donation, you cannot move it. You cannot move manual donations either. If you want to move them, you can delete them in one place and add them in another. Finally, you cannot move donations made via matchfunding. You can only do that after the matchfunding donation (which is listed as a manual donation) has been removed.
This option allows you to completely anonymise a donation. The account number information will be removed and you will see 'Anonymous Anonymous (Name Shielded)' as a donor.
You can only delete donations made with a test checkout. You can delete them via this option. Real donations are always saved.
Frequently asked questions
You may be working in Google Chrome, for example, but open the link from the e-mail in a different browser. Because you are not logged in at that time, you cannot download the file without logging in. You can either make sure links open in the same browser, or log in to the other browser or copy the link to the browser you are logged in to.
If a donation is not moveable then you won't see that option either. This is the case if a registration fee is attached to it. You can then move the entire fundraiser (including the entry fee), but not the donation itself. Manual donations do not show a move option either. You can add them in one place and remove them in another. Finally, you cannot move donations made via matchfunding. This is only possible after the matchfunding donation (shown as a manual donation) has been removed.
The legal maximum amount per donation is 10,000 euros. We have therefore set a maximum amount of 9,900 euros in our platform. The maximum donation amount per payment method may also vary.
The page after making a donation is not customizable. A donor has the option there to add a message to his/her donation. In addition, the donor can stay up to date on news items posted at the level that was donated to. If for example donated to a fundraiser, the donor receives an update when a new blog post is posted on that fundraising page (and chosen to share). Via Content > GDPR Texts you can turn on whether the slider for this is on or off by default.
Perhaps also interesting
Determine the suggested donation amounts yourself
One of the most important pages within the platform is the donation page. In the donation form, the donor can decide how much to donate, or choose one of the suggested donation amounts. By default, these amounts are set at €15, €25, €50 and €100.
Suggested donation amounts adjustable
In the Dashboard, these amounts are customisable via Settings/ Set donation amounts, allowing you to experiment with the right amounts based on average donation amounts or linked to impact.
Show text at donation amount
An explanation or encouragement can be added to each suggested donation amount. This explanation appears when the donor hovers over the amount. You can use this explanation to make the proposed donation amount concrete or as an encouragement, for example:
Donation form in registration flow (self-donation)
Not only on the donation form are donation amounts customisable. The sign-up flow also includes a donation form. Of course, these amounts are also adjustable, and it is possible to display a text with each amount.
Manual donation
Add manual donations
Donations ⟶ Manual donations
First go to the level at which you want to add a manual donation. This can in fact be done at all levels of the iRaiser website (Main level, on a Sub site, to a Campaign, a team or an Action).
Then go to the Menu item Donations and click on Manual donations.
Click on Add Manual donations.
A new window opens.
Fill in the date and time the donation was made. By default, the current date and time are entered here.
Fill in the Amount the donation amount.
Fill in a First name and Surname as well. The remaining fields are optional.
Optional: tick Anonymous if the donor's name should not be shown at the front of the website.
Click on Save
The manual donation has been added and will be counted in the donation counter(s).
Please note! It is also possible to enter a negative manual donation, for example, to reduce the total amount on the meter. Simply insert a minus-dash (-) before the amount. A negative Donations will not be displayed on the website.
In case you are working with Match funding and it is active where you add a manual donation, you have to choose whether the manual donation should also be Matchfunded or not.
Recurring donations
It is only possible to make one-off Donations in this product. However, you may have another place where you can receive periodic Donations. In that case, you can add a link (in the place where you want to add this) via Settings > Recurring donations.
You can set the following here:
The URL that people are directed to in order to structurally Donate on.
The title and content to go with it
If you want the link to be off temporarily but keep the content, you can click 'Yes, I want to ask the donor to become a structural donor'
After making a Donations, you first come to the Thank You screen, where you can leave a message with the donation. Then you come to a screen where you can share your donation with your friends. Clicking on 'Become a recurring donor' will take you to the screen where you are asked if you want to become a structural donor:
Our product iRaiser Forms does support recurring payments. Interested? Then click here for more information.
Match funding
Match funding is a tool that can be used in both crowdfunding and peer-to-peer fundraising. It allows Companies and Funds to support Fundraisers and campaigns on the iRaiser platform.
Content article
Type Match funding
Start donation
Multiply Donation
Two forms of Match funding are supported within the iRaiser framework:
1. Starter donation2. Multiply Donations
With the first variant, each new action, Campaign or Fundraiser receives an initial donation of a fixed amount from the company or fund. This could be interesting at a fundraising event (each participant is sponsored with xx euros by company X) or on a crowdfunding platform (each campaign receives an initial donation of €xx from company X).
For the second variant, each donation is doubled (or far x-fold) by the company or fund doing the match funding. In both variants, the maximum amount available for the match funding can be set.
The donation counter graphically displays the ‘match funding’contribution. Thereby, it can be referred to a page within the platform with more information. Match funding contributions are not subject to variable licence fees charged by iRaiser.
On request, we can turn on Matchfunding functionality. You can find it then in the dashboard under Menu item 'Settings -> Match funding'. You can enable this at site, Sub site or project level by going to this level, managing it and going to Settings > Match funding and clicking on 'Yes, I want to use Match funding'.Following this, you can fill in the various fields:
By organisation (mandatory field)Here you fill in the name of the organisation doing the match funding sponsoring
Colour You can choose a colour here and this colour will be reflected in the donation counter.
Donations message Fill in a message here. This will be displayed with the donation. Suppose you enter "Match funding - Sustainability Fund" here it will look like this at the front end:
More info URLTo provide more information about how your crowdfunding and Match funding works, you can create a Menu item (at site or segment level). You can put the url of this behind it. Once an url has been entered, an i will appear next to it where the user can click to read more information.
Type Match funding
1. Start donation
With this type of Match funding, the organisation donates the first part of target amount when an action is created, i.e. not when making a donation. After the action is created, a (manual) donation is made directly on this action. You set its amount under Amount. You can optionally set a Maximum amount. Once that amount is reached, no more match funding will be done.
An example of this type of match funding can be seen here
2. Multiply Donations
This type of Match funding focuses on Donations, and here the organisation multiplies every donation. After a donation is made, it is multiplied immediately. At Number, you can set how often you want to double the donation. Suppose 100 euros is donatedIf you set once, the organisation will add 100 euros.If you set twice, the organisation will add 200 euros.If you set 3x, the organisation will add 300 euros.If you set 4x, the organisation will add 400 euros.
You can also set limits. A limit indicates what the maximum doubling can be. If you have set 4x as the number and a limit of 400 euros, and someone donates 200 euros then the amount the organisation contributes is 400 euros.
Also here you can set a maximum amount. If that is reached then the pot is 'used up' and no more Match funding is done.
An example of this type of match funding can be seen here
If you have this type of match funding active and you make a manual donation, you have to choose whether to matchfund the manual donation or not:
A donation made through Match funding is a manual automatic donation. It looks as follows:
Match funding is linked to the original donation. If you delete it then the matchfunding donation will also be deleted. If you move the original donation then the match funding moves with it too.
The Excel file adds a new type of Payment Method: Match funding. Here see an example of an Excel file with match funding in which the columns not used by matchfunding have been omitted for convenience.
Interested in this functionality on your platform? Then contact us.
Set donation permission for pages
When you click 'Donate', you will be given the choice of who you want to donate to. Depending on how your website is structured, you may be given the following options:
Donate to:
Sub site (one level above Campaign)
Sub site
General Donations (website level)
In some cases, it may not be desirable for people to be able to Donate directly to a Campaign or Sub site. And sometimes a general donation is also undesirable. For this reason, this option can be turned off. On Fundraisers and Teams by the way, donations can always be made.
You can also donate to a company, but this option is not in the selection screen. To do so, you have to go to the company page first and then click Donate.
Turn off donation option
To turn off the Donations option aa a project page, segment page or general Donations, first go to that level within the dashboard. General Donation hangs under website level, so there you can go directly to Settings > Donate. If you want to turn off the option to donate on a specific Campaign page or Sub site, you first have to manage that Campaign or Sub site and then go to Settings > Donate. You will then see the following:
If you uncheck the box then it is still possible to Donate on Campaign and Team pages under that Campaign/segment/general donation. However, you will then no longer be able to Donate on that page itself. So if you set this at the website level, you will no longer be able to make a general donation.
If you leave the checkmark on, it is again possible to donate on that page.
Extra description
Settings > Extra description
In the Extra description, you can enter an extra attribute. You can add this attribute at all levels. So at website- Sub site, campaign level. This can be useful to earmark money or give a label to certain Fundraisers, for example.
The donor or fundraiser does not see anything about this attribute, but it is added to the overviews you can create by clicking 'download'. For example, in an Overview of Donations or Fundraisers. You will then find it in the Excel file in the column headed 'Characteristic'.
Via the api, it also returns. The additional attribute there is called:
External reference for this site.
For more information about the api, please visit our Developer Portal
Rewards (crowdfunding)
Settings ⟶ Rewards (Crowdfunding)
Do you want to give Users extra motivation to Donate? Then maybe rewards are right for your website. With rewards, you can link a goal or consideration to a specific amount you choose.
For each reward, you can indicate whether the donor's address should be requested so that you can send the reward afterwards. You can also indicate how many of these rewards are available, and the availability is automatically updated as soon as the donor chooses this reward.
Also, you can indicate how many of these rewards are available and the availability is automatically updated as soon as the donor chooses this reward.
Add rewards
Select Yes under the heading Rewards on Donations
Enter the donation amount under Amount (tip: start with an amount higher than € 5,-)
Enter a Title in
Enter a Description
Select at Reward payout whether it is a physical reward to be sent
Indicate the availability of the reward at Number available (Optional)
Tick I want to send the reward.. at (Optional)
Label the reward as recommended with the button Mark as recommended (Optional)
Click Save or select Add another reward to make multiple rewards available
After a contributor has chosen a reward, the data (title, description, etc.) of this reward cannot be modified by the Managers. This requires contacting the iRaiser support team (chat, email or phone) to do so. This measure is in place to prevent fraud.
The main level administrator (site administrator) can enable an automatic Emails in order to be informed of the chosen (physical) rewards. This e-mail is fully customisable and can be found under: Emails > Emails to site administrator > Receive Donations linked to a physical reward
A reward that has already been sent and thus completed can be marked as such by the site administrator. By clicking on the gift icon behind the donation in question, the details screen appears, where at the bottom the reward can be ‘ticked’; off. Here the processing time appears. This time is also shown in the Excel export.
GDPR changes
The following changes went live on 20 October 2022 (iRaiser Premium and iRaiser Forms) and on 18 October 2022 (Digicollect): (Update: some more changes went live on 20 June 2023. See point four of this article)
Content:iRaiser Premium
General terms and conditions and privacy
Opt-ins have become soft opt-ins
Keep informed
To fill in your phone number
Enter whether data may be shared
Update 20 June 2023: Adjustment in showing donor name
General terms and conditions and privacy
Opt-ins have become soft opt-ins
Mobile number
Enter whether data may be shared
iRaiser Premium (incl. iRaiser Forms):
In the Academy of 20-01-2022, the changes were discussed:
iRaiser Academy 20-01-2022
0:00 Introduction 1:32 A/B testing of donation amounts12:17 A/B testing summary and questions16:01 Badges for Action Starters 20:12 Badges summary and questions26:54 New SUMO34:37 SUMO summary 37:50 Consent Registration for Telecom Act*43:50 Consent registration summary and questions
1. General terms and conditions and privacy
According to the Consumer & Market Authority, general terms and conditions are valid if the consumer knows they apply at the time he or she purchases the service from you. So you must make the general terms and conditions available and clickable in the sign-up and donation flow. - Source
When creating an action én when making a donation, Users no longer have to agree to the terms and conditions. You automatically agree to these when making the Donations or when continuing in the flow:
As you now also automatically agree to the privacy statement, we have added this to the api as well. This will be automatically saved as consent for newly created Fundraisers after 20 October. For old action starters/donors, this data is not saved retroactively.
2. Opt-ins have become soft opt-ins
Normally, a consumer must give an active opt-in at the time he or she wants to receive a newsletter or to be contacted by phone. The exception to this rule is the concept of 'customer relationship'. Since 1 July 2021, the concept of 'customer relationship' has been broadened for charities. Besides a financialële transaction, a volunteer and event participant is also counted under a customer relationship. In other words, someone who takes action on your behalf may be seen as a customer relationship. For a donor, this was already the case as they completed a financialële transaction. - Source
We replaced several opt-ins with soft opt-ins for the above reason. Whereas previously you had to tick yourself that you want to be kept informed of News updates, for example, this tick is now already on by default. This also applies to the two different tick boxes aimed at telephone solicitation. Here it is good to know that you, the customer, can change these consent texts yourself in the dashboard. We have turned on the checkmark by default in these places:
To keep informed
This is what you will see after making a Donations:
b. When entering your phone number in the Sign up flow or Donate
We can turn on the second tick about marketing purposes at your request.
c. Newsletter (when donating)
3. Indicating whether data may be shared
Contact information was shared (at the time it was entered by the donor) with the action starter. As this is not always desirable, we chose to add an additional soft opt-in when making a donation to an action, team, company on Campaign:
You, as a donor, can choose not to share details with the initiator of the action. This can be:
The action initiator
The team captain
The company manager
The project manager
If you uncheck this box (which is on by default) then that data is not shared with the action starter. Who will see it returned as Anonymous:
In the Excel file, an additional column has been added, at the very end, with 'Share contact information':
You as site administrators can still view this data.
4. Update 20 June 2023: Adjustment in show first name donor
Since 20 June 2023, a change has gone live that relates to the following scenario:
- You make a Donation and, when Donating, choose not to share your details with the initiator.
Previously, the name on the front end was then always shown as anonymous. With the logic that it's strange not to share your details with the initiator of the action, but that they could then still see at the front end who had donated.
We noticed, however, that it raised a lot of questions and confusion among donors. Especially because they were under the impression that showing the name was only linked to the checkbox "Display my name on the website. "
We have now made that showing of name dependent only on the option "Shield my name on the website." If that tick is not turned on, you will see the donor's name on the website.
To clarify, we have now changed the text on sharing with the initiator to: "Sharing my contact information with the initiator of this action, so they may send me a thank you, for example."
We hope this makes it a lot clearer for the donor. This is a change that took effect from 20 June. Older Donations have not been made visible retroactively. In case you had an old donation where it was indicated that the data should not be shared with the initiator, the check mark at name blocking has now been switched on for each old donation. If you have a donor who wanted this to be shown, you can now change this in the system by looking up the donation and setting the checkmark to 'do not hide'.
In the academy of 6-10, the changes were discussed:
Digicollect Academy 06-10-2022
02:45 - Poules 23:45 - Recent updates 30:00 - GDPR changes 35:04 - Digicollect action month
1. General terms and conditions and privacy
According to the Consumer & Market Authority, general terms and conditions are valid if the consumer knows they apply at the time he or she purchases the service from you. So you should make the general terms and conditions available and clickable in the sign-up and donation flow. - Source
When creating a collection box én when making a donation, Users no longer have to agree to the terms and conditions. You automatically agree to these when making the donation or when continuing in the flow:
2. Opt-ins have become soft opt-ins outs
Normally, a consumer must give an active opt-in at the time he or she wants to receive a newsletter or to be contacted by phone. The exception to this rule is the concept of 'customer relationship'. Since 1 July 2021, the concept of 'customer relationship' has been broadened for charities. Besides a financialële transaction, a volunteer and event participant is also counted under a customer relationship. In other words, someone who takes action on your behalf may be seen as a customer relationship. For a donor, this was already the case as they completed a financialële transaction. - Source
We replaced several opt-ins with soft opt-ins for the above reason. Whereas previously you had to tick yourself that you want to be kept informed of News updates, for example, this tick is now already on by default. This also applies to the two different tick boxes aimed at telephone solicitation. Here it is good to know that you, the customer, can adjust these consent texts yourself in the dashboard.
We have turned on the tick by default in these places:
When entering the mobile number
When creating a collection box, if you enter a phone number both checkboxes for approach for tips or marketing purposes are on by default. We can enable the functionality to show the second tick for you:
When donating, if you leave your email address then opt-in for the newsletter is also already automatically on:
3. Indicate whether data may be shared
Contact information was shared (at the time it was filled in by the donor) with the collector. As this is not always desirable, we chose to add an additional soft opt-in when making a Donations: 'My contact information may be shared with the collector.' :
If you uncheck this box (which is on by default) then that data is not shared with the collector. It will see them as Anonymous in the automatic Emails:
In the Donations overview that a collector can see, the donation can also be seen as anonymous:
You as site administrators can still view this data.
A/B testing
An A/B test is a form of split testing in which you can test multiple variants against each other to see which variant has the best conversion rate. The aim is to use the test to measure which suggested donation amounts yield the most and therefore increase conversion.
Content article
Suggested donation amounts
Information about baseline
A/B test
Setup A/B test
Results A/B test
See here also the explanation as given at the iRaiser Academy on 20 January 2022
Suggested donation amounts
You can A/B test on the donation flow within the Kentaplatform. Via Settings > Set donation amounts you can set different suggested donation amounts. The currently set amount is your baseline. The baseline is the basis from which you measure and compare split tests.
When someone makes a donation you will see the suggested donation amounts:
This can also include text to give more interpretation of what you are doing with the amount. For example:
When adjusting donation amounts, at the bottom you have to indicate whether you want to keep the current baseline or create a new one.
If you create a new baseline it will start measuring from that point on. You can see all its results via Settings > A/B testing. If you keep the current baseline, the adjustments are taken into account, but the baseline in terms of measurement remains intact. This is useful if, for example, you have made a typo and want to adjust it.
Information about baseline
If you go to Settings >A/B testing you will always see the huige baseline at the top:
You can see here:
Active sinceThe moment when the chosen amounts were set
Chosen amountsThe chosen donation amounts. If you move over them you will also see the description
Number of visitsThe number of visitors who came to the donation form
Number of DonationsThe number of times the donation has been completed
ConversionThe percentage of visitors who completed the donation
Average donation amount The average amount made per donation
Days activeThe number of days these donation amounts are like this
AchievementsYou can see here whether that is the baseline or a split test group
You can click on the gear icon and then view details to see more specific information about the Donations:
That's all information about the current baseline.
A/B test
Set test
You start an A/B test by clicking on "start A/B test". All currently set data will then be filled in automatically:
In the A/B test, variants can be specified for:
the amounts
the order of the amounts
the mouse-over text
You can do two types of A/B test:
Test against current baselineWhere you change only Group A or Group B, testing against the current baseline
Test two separate groupsWhere you change both Group A and B, testing two new groups against each other.
From then on, donors randomly see the suggested amounts belonging to Group A or B. Suppose you have set these amounts:
And you click save then the test starts:
From then on, visitors who go to the donation form will either see the donation amounts as set at A, or from B. You'll see these randomly. You can't change the suggested donation amounts while an A/B test is running.
Results test
You can abort a test yourself by going to the cog above the test and choosing 'Abort'. And otherwise it is automatically stopped when 100 Donations have been made to both groups. Because you can get a group randomly, it may be that, for example, 130 Donations have been made to one group and 100 to the other.
If the test is stopped then the results will appear in the history, as for example in the case of this test that was manually aborted:
Interpreting the results is also important. It may seem that one group has better results, but if there is a very high Donations in one group it distorts the picture. We recommend looking at these critically and you can choose to set one of the groups that has a better conversion rate as a new baseline via Settings > Suggested donation amounts.
Target amount
There are several places where you can enter a target amount. You can set this specifically per level (Website, Sub site, Campaign, Fundraiser, Team). You can set these via Settings >Target amounts. We distinguish between a:
Default amountThis amount is shown by default as the target amount when creating a campaign, company, team or fundraiser. But can be changed afterwards
Minimum amountWhen creating a campaign, company, team or fundraiser, you can adjust the target amount, but it cannot be set lower than this amount
You can set this at the website level and for campaigns, companies, teams and fundraisers.
WebsiteUnder website, you can set the target amount for the entire site. This will then appear on the homepage with a retrieved percentage. You can also leave the target amount empty. Then no target amount will appear in the counter status. You will also not see a collected percentage.
An example of a set target amount of €200000 on the homepage
CampaignsThis is where you set the default target amount for campaigns. This is mainly used when site users can create their own campaigns. You can then also set a minimum amount to be entered there. Alternatively, you can leave the target amount blank.
CompaniesHere you set the default target amount that companies enter when creating a company. You can leave the target amount blank, but teams must always enter a target amount themselves (it cannot be left blank)
TeamsHere you set the default target amount that Teams specify when creating a company. You can leave the target amount blank, but teams must always enter a target amount themselves (it cannot be left blank)
FundraisersHere you set the default target amount that Teams specify when creating a company. You can leave the target amount blank, but teams must always enter a target amount themselves (it cannot be left blank)
Target amounts based on number of participations
If you use editions, you can choose to let people who have participated before raise a lower target amount a second time. Depending on the number chosen, the suggested target amount may vary.Example: If you participate for the first time, the minimum target amount is €300. If you participate in this event for the second time or more, the minimum target amount is €250.
You can set this at the level where people can subscribe, under Settings > Target amounts. There you can choose a target amount, depending on the number of entries. This way, you can allow participants who have already collected a very high amount once to collect a lower minimum amount the next time. In practice, you often see that they still raise a good amount, while the threshold to participate again and ask for an amount is lower.